Nukes, I guess, were tailored in advance to neatly fit some of the WTC data, David-Copperfield style. Nuclear explosions had with no detectable heat and therefore left millions of sheets of unburned paper, no blinding light visible, incredibly powerful kinetic energy/blast waves which thoughtfully stopped precisely at the boundaries of the WTC after turning steel and concrete to micron-sized powder, leaving no evidence but dust, leaving enough steel at ground level to convince the gullible that nothing unusual happened, etc. No known/conventional-wisdom nuclear bombs operate this way, but that doesn't discourage nuke champions any more than evidence stops welding material worshipers from hugging thermite/thermate. As far as I can tell, there is no evidence of nuclear fission/fusion heat, blinding light, knock-down nuclear blast waves or any other signature effect of nuclear explosions. Maybe a little of the "mushroom cloud" look but not even that was a ringer.
thanks for response, but I really think you are straw manning the argument here to make it seem less believable. They knew the amount of concrete, fracture energy, number of nukes, energy per nuke, etc., and they could have fine tuned it quite well. It is all engineering here, not science.
Super, let's have it out. This will be a heck of debate on real deal feb. 6. By the way, people who know the history of science relish this, this is how science always progresses, from wave vs. particle theory of light, to Einstein vs. Bohr, and on and on it goes.
I think Morgan has been using straw men and hyperbole, not science, and the point by point should eventually show this up.
Morgan Reynolds
Nukes, I guess, were tailored in advance to neatly fit some of the WTC data, David-Copperfield style. Nuclear explosions had with no detectable heat and therefore left millions of sheets of unburned paper, no blinding light visible, incredibly powerful kinetic energy/blast waves which thoughtfully stopped precisely at the boundaries of the WTC after turning steel and concrete to micron-sized powder, leaving no evidence but dust, leaving enough steel at ground level to convince the gullible that nothing unusual happened, etc. No known/conventional-wisdom nuclear bombs operate this way, but that doesn't discourage nuke champions any more than evidence stops welding material worshipers from hugging thermite/thermate. As far as I can tell, there is no evidence of nuclear fission/fusion heat, blinding light, knock-down nuclear blast waves or any other signature effect of nuclear explosions. Maybe a little of the "mushroom cloud" look but not even that was a ringer.
As e.l.o. sang,
"Ho, ho, ho
It's magic you know
Never believe, it's not so
It's magic, you know
Never believe, it's not so
Copied from
Jan 16, 2012
Thoth II
thanks for response, but I really think you are straw manning the argument here to make it seem less believable. They knew the amount of concrete, fracture energy, number of nukes, energy per nuke, etc., and they could have fine tuned it quite well. It is all engineering here, not science.
Jan 17, 2012
Thoth II
Super, let's have it out. This will be a heck of debate on real deal feb. 6. By the way, people who know the history of science relish this, this is how science always progresses, from wave vs. particle theory of light, to Einstein vs. Bohr, and on and on it goes.
I think Morgan has been using straw men and hyperbole, not science, and the point by point should eventually show this up.
Jan 19, 2012