Jeannon Kralj

Austin, TX

United States

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  • Morgan Reynolds

    Hello Archie!

  • sandy rose

    hi Jeannon,

         just wanted to touch base and say that i miss hearing from

    you.   i just don't have the time to get on this thing too often in

    the growing season, so i'm not up to date on what you been up

    to or not, but i haven't seen any word from you lately when i've

    checked and just wanted to say that your input has been much

    appreciated, and who cares if folks don't always agree, or bitch

    each other out now and then, for we are up against a pile of shit.

         i like you and want to continue to hear from you and hope

    that you are not done saying your say here.    lovies.   sandy



  • sandy rose

    hi Jeannon!   thanks so much for commenting back!   i so

    do appreciate it and i always love hearing about peoples'

    gardening ventures.  more on that in a mo.


          i will have to agree with what you said about Morgie, and

    i call him that affectionately for years.   i have a gripe in that

    direction or two myself.    i proud of you for spelling that out here,

    it should be done, and a couple of us were thinking along some

    of those same lines.

          i tried not to be too offended when he ignored my welcome

    and comment when he became the newest NEWBIE on this group.


          i didn't appreciate the rudeness either, especially the comment

    about 'scholars? what scholars".   i did respond about that at the time.


          this group is quite unique, in a buncha ways.   and we have some

    very fine i would even catagorize as remarkable, amazing, talented,

    courageous, etc etc folks on this group.  not everyone is a skoller.

    and the array of types of folks all brought together by the horror that

    was 9/11 is a wonder.   and of course we will never in a million years

    all agree on ANYTHING.  most of  those of us left have risen above that roadblock

    and tend to value others'  opinions, no matter how they differ from our own.


          your remark about Morgie and having respected him long, i agreed

    with that also, and after the rudeness i mentioned to a friend, on this group,

    that maybe he wasn't really the guy i always thought he was.


            i still think he has contributed great stuff to 9/11 truth, and still

    think of him as basically one of us.  but i do agreee with you on that.


           yeah, ahhh, gardening.  best therapy i know.  yeah, we have

    some pretty sucky growing conditions here too, in Stow, Ohio,

    we have about 3 acres of swampy grass, as in when we get too

    much rain it's a mooshy swamp, therefore really bad to garden in.

    the photo of me is up on our deck, which naturally proves to be

    the better option.  and this year we probly make a kiddie pool

    into a little raised garden to try a sunnier spot, but then we hafta

    protect it from the many critters that abound out here in sorta boonies.


          we don't plant til late May cause of late frosts here, duh, tomorrow

    we're sposeda get 1-2 inches of slushy snow!  so i have seedlings under

    light gettin ready and it's fun getting cleaned up and ready and watching

    the perrenials growing.   great therapy.  and it can't hurt to grow some

    of our own food, what with the outrageous food prices.


           thank you so much Jeannon, you and i good, right?  in spite

    of whatever differences.  good luck with that Texas rock!   maybe

    some raised part shaded beds would help you out, too.  plants is fun.


                                   so glad to have you here, dig hearing from you,

    and you should by all means say what you gotta say.  we all should.

    plus i really like there being some chicks on this group. 


                                      happy Earthness and lovies.   Peace and out.

    ps how is them doggies comin along?