

Glendale, CA

United States

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  • Clare Kuehn

    Hi, Dean. I could be better, but that's usual. How are you? Thanks for adding me as a friend. :) What's new?
  • sandy rose

    hi Mr. Dean!

         glad i checked in with your page just now, i look forward to

    checking out your interview with Killtown!   musta missed it before!

         every time i look thru our members i can't help wondering what

    you are up to now!!!@    i feel rather fortunate that you have stuck

    with us and contributed greatly with your publications about 9/11.

    whatchu been up to lately?  

         haven't heard from you in a while.

          i still am impressed with your ability to absorb what you learned

    about planes and passengers, etc.  and to have open enough mind

    to 'go there', no matter how freakin weird it all sounds. 

          i miss hearing from you here and there, hope you and yours are

    well, and look forward to hearing from you again sometime in future!!


          with your ability to publish stuff, i often wonder what you are

    up to at any given moment!    don't be a stranger!          sandy



  • sandy rose

    thanks for replying, Dean.  i see you have some other things

    on your page that i want to check out.   and i plan to listen to

    the rest of your Killtown interview soon.  neato.   keep on!