Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
We appear to have 4 public voices who support the notion that nuclear energy was utilized to destroy the Twin Towers. Two of these are unwilling to disclose their true identities including the Anonymous Physicist and the Finish Military Expert. The other two are William Tahil and to a lesser extent William Deagle, M.D.
An on-line copy of William Tahil's book can be read HERE... He alleges that nuclear reactors were placed in the subterreanean levels of the Twin Towers and they experienced core meltdown thus creating a "China Syndrome." This of course would explain the months long presence of molten steel. Tahil argues the existence of "two massive, deep underground nuclear fission reactors that were sent critical, and exploded akin to a nuclear fission bomb." He is the only one of the 4 who takes the position that actual nuclear reactors existed beneath the Twin Towers. He and the Anonymous Physicist believe that Ground Zero became a literal "China Syndrome."
The Anonymous Physicist as can be seen by reading the separate post I provided argued in September 2008 that "numerous mini- or micro-nukes were employed in the towers, and in all the other WTC buildings." He "highlighted that great redundancy was employed, and that numerous nukes either were sabotaged, fizzled on their own, or were impacted (without being triggered themselves), by other exploding nukes."
Thus, the Anonymous Physicist is saying that "many nukes did not go off as planned, and their unused fissile material later gave rise to the China Syndrome." He referred in his piece to another in which he discussed "the early attempted nuking of WTC7, which failed," and it represents "good evidence of fizzled, or sabotaged nukes. Thus there were many nukes available, whose fissile material was not employed in the destruction, and which gave rise to the China Syndrome." He says that Tritium is a marker for a fusion type nuclear bomb and may have been a "red-herring" since the China Syndrome would need to be the result of a fission type nuclear bomb being used not a fussion type reaction. Obviously some combination of both could also have been utilized to account for the Tritium or perhaps the Tritium was a red herring. In any case the Anonymous Physicst claimed that "a breeder reactor could even have produced the fissile material for the coming nuclear bomb destruction of the WTC. Or there could have been both many micro-nukes used, and a fission reactor was also exploded with a micro-nuke at the end."
The Anonymous Physicist totally rejects Dr. Judy Wood's explanation of how the Twin Towers were destroyed by the way. He believes the anomlies listed by Dr. Wood are all explainable on the basis of multiple mini-nukes and an EMP having been utilized. He alleges that the DEW hypothesis is a "limited hangout." How he knows this is not clear.
The Finish Military Expert "believes a single nuclear bomb was used on each tower, via a focused, nuclear shape charge in the basement" respectively. He alleges that "a single, fission-free, 4th generation thermonuclear device destroyed each tower. This is based on the govt’s Tritium finding." See my separate post for details. In this scenario it is difficult to account for a China Syndrome being present at Ground Zero which the Finish Military Expert does not espouse.
With respect to the 4th individual I quote the Anonymous Physicist: "One of the nuclear 9/11 proponents, William Deagle, M.D., further lends support to my redundant nuclear bomb hypothesis with his direct knowledge of a Fort Collins U.S. Army Forensics Team mem... This man told Deagle (his physician) directly, that he and the team brought out two unexploded micro-nuclear bombs, and one unexploded C4 pineapple bomb, from the 10-story Murrah building, after its destruction. This Army man said that the nukes were emplaced by ATF and FBI personnel. He further stated that his Army team was under armed supervision by Wackenhut guards, who tested that they did not remove any radioactive evidence. We can see from this, that great redundancy (extra nuclear bomb emplacement) was employed at OKC. Remember that Murrah was only 10 stories tall, and nowhere near as wide as the towers or WTC7. Consider the total volume of the WTC towers, the 47 story WTC7, and all the other buildings, and you can see how dozens of redundant nukes may have been employed in the nuclear destruction of the entire WTC. If the matter is linear, given the relative volumes, we might even conclude that 50-100 micro-nukes were emplaced, and they gave rise to the China Syndrome, in my hypothesis."
So far, after reading Tahil's book on-line, Dr. Judy Wood's book, the multiple articles of the Finnish Military Expert and the Anonymous Physicist, it appears to me that the nuclear explosion hypothesis in which at least some fission type reaction occured best explains all of the evidence. The problem is that in the case of Dr. Wood, Morgan Reynolds and others, there is still disagreement over basic evidentiary facts including whether there was molten steel present at Ground Zero, whether extremely hot temperatures were present >4000 degrees Fahrenheit and whether large chunks of solid steel were present in each Tower's footprint and strewn about over the WTC grounds among other contested matters.
I have written a short summary review of Dr. Wood's book that I may post here as well in which some of these still contested issues are discussed further.
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