Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
My point is posting this thread is to show how 9-11 truth is being diluted or weakened by combining 9-11 with USS Liberty events and having the owned "truth tellers" about those events all joining together online and in person at the upcoming Erasing the Liberty San Antonio event. By this joining together of
Phil Tourney, Dave Gahary, Christopher Bollyn, Richard Gage (via Skype), Mickey Paoletta, Mark Anderson, and John Stadtmiller
All of the good true issues some of these individuals stand for including Free Speech, 9-11 truth, USS Liberty truth etc. are mixed in with false anti 9-11 truth
entities and their false "truth."
I believe exposing the truth includes highlighting the methods, strategies and tricks used, used over and over again, to kill the truth.
I am very supportive of Phil Tourney and USS Liberty truth.
I am NOT supportive of
Christopher Bollyn is a well-travelled writer and an investigative journalist who has done extensive research into the events of September 11, 2001,
Sure, Bollyn puts out some quality information.
Sure, Bollyn appears to be supporting the true evil event of the USS Liberty.
(the location in San Antonio was changed but Bollyn and gang are making a big deal out of this to play the victim/martyr schtick., another old J trick. See the advertisement for this upcoming event, which is the subject of my posting today.)
August 23, 2018
But if you read any article of Bollyn's about 9-11 or listen to any audio or video with Bollyn on 9-11, he will about 99.9 percent of the time, be sure and careful to always point out and promote the Steven Jones Thermite theory, or one of its subsequent name changes for the substance. That is the give-away that Bollyn is NOT the real deal.
I am NOT supportive of Richard Gage but I refuse to not focus on the real reason I am not supportive of him. Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, a site and organization which has been a Big Lie from the beginning because it was spawed by physicist / thermite thug Steven Jones.
If you listen to this recent interview of Christopher Bollyn by Adam Green of Know More News, you need to listen with discernment and read between the lines and watch the word he never says and how he always substitutes the Z word for the J word, and watch how he plays down his substantial history with association of Jews of Israel and visiting Israel and kibutzes several times, where he got his first wife. Bollyn may be one of the more sophisticated 9-11 truth crisis actors. (I hope Adam Green is careful to see through this and listen a little better to Handsome Truth 7 youtube channel guy.)
Here is the email text I received from contact@erasingtheliberty.com
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