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"Dr." Nick Begich, Fake Doctorate? Weather Modification HAARP "expert"


Traitors and deceivers everywhere!


A person who has been on countless alternative media shows over the last 12 years or so is "Dr." Nick Begich.   He is considered the "patriot" expert on secret weather modification and weather warfare matters.   His father was a US Congressman and was killed in the same "plane crash" that killed Hale Boggs and others.  His brother is USAlaska senator Mark Begich who just voted FOR the NDAA ( SB1867) which includes treasonous provision to indefinitely detain American citizens without due process and without habeus corpus and also includes words to end Posse Comitatus law.







"Nick Begich is the author of the book dealing with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) entitled Angels Don’t Play This HAARP among others which include Earth Rising – The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace, Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society an Controlling the Human Mind – The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. "




"Nick Begich has appeared on Coast to Coast AM, the TruTV show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura and The Alex Jones Show, discussing HAARP and psychotronic devices, and calls himself a doctor even though his doctorate is an honorary one from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines in Sri Lanka, according to his own biography. "



"For those questioning the legitimacy of an honorary doctorate from a Sri Lankan complementary medicine school, your suspicions might be well founded.

This “school” apparently has two websites here and here which are both far from what one would expect from a school that grants doctorates and they are not even listed by the Sri Lankan University Grants Commission which is “the apex body of the University System in Sri Lanka”.

Not to mention the fact that the school is not on the official .ac.lk top level domain which is the equivalent of the .edu top level domain in the United States which is reserved for actual schools.

One website lists an address but the other lists nothing at all other than it is in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It doesn’t even have an address listed to send in the application.

The other school, oddly enough, has a car museum which they proudly advertise on their website, not quite what one would expect from an institution of higher learning.

Setting aside that oddity, the “university” claims, “It is recognized by the Sri Lankan government as being the educational arm of Medicina Alternativa and was given approval to conduct graduate and undergraduate teachings and subsequently, award degrees.”

In fact, as I have shown, this is demonstrably untrue. The same claim is made on the “Medicina Alternativa International” website."




"Their claim to be recognized by “the Higher Education official register in the Public Registry of Deeds of Kazakhstan Socialist Soviet Republic at Alma-Ata, dated September 12, 1962” very well might be true but that is not saying much at all.

Furthermore, they claim to “have been recognized by the United Nations Charter of the University of Peace by the U.N. General Assembly Resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/1980” which a moment’s search will show you is yet another lie.

While if you try to look at the text of the resolution they claim to be recognized under on the Official Document System (ODS) of the United Nations official website, via their list of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 35th session, it returns a “NO AUTHORIZATION” error message, I was able to locate a PDF copy which clearly shows that their claim is fraudulent.

Under Article 17, University programmes and degrees, we read, “Irenology, which shall comprise the study of peace, education for peace and human rights, shall be the main concern of the University. The studies carried out at the University shall focus on the topic of international peace. Completion of a programme of studies, including irenology as a compulsory subject, shall be required for obtaining any degree granted by the University.”

The “University” that Begich obtained his clearly fake doctorate from makes no mention of irenology whatsoever. Not once, anywhere on either website, at least according to search engines.

Based on all of these facts, what grounds does Begich have to constantly refer to himself as a doctor?

I pose the following questions to “Dr.” Begich:

Will you stand by your traitorous brother who has supported the total destruction of everything America is supposed to stand for?

Did you do anything to attempt to stop your brother from voting for this horrendous legislation?

Do you stand by your doctorate as legitimate and grounds to refer to yourself as a doctor at every possible opportunity?  "




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