9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Rated (R)- The Duck Scandal against Hillary, did put a smile on my face, another must see video here on youtube, political activist at their best. What can you say ? Some people will not understand this video, and some will as the directive is found below.

 As stated before, sometimes you must share all so politically correct or the message is lost. Even though the docs are now in over 2386 sites, this is only a major pin prick against the system.

Hillary Clinton DNC Duck Scandal- YouTube

It was the first file found in the Wikileaks, and like I said files from 1 to 228, at 20% has been up loaded,

 Tea Party targeted by DNC

GOP Targeted by DNC

Republicans Targeted

 The files are being organized-

Over 268 other files at this moment I am having a issue with one file I wish to open, hmmm ?

[01]: File 1 Tea Party

[02]: File 1 Trump

[03]: File 1 Black Lives

[04]: File 1 Republican

[05]: File 1 Sex Scandal

[06]: File 1 Tax

[07]: File 1 DNC which is on line

[08]: File 1 Banking

[09]: File 1 TPP

Company Name

ADAE - Authority for the Assurance of Communication Security and Privacy (Greece)
ATIS Systems GmbH
Atis Uher

 See links below, Hillary Clinton's DNC911 Watergate Scandal, A very interesting find, the Democratic National Committee, plan to replace National Emergency, United States Senate and replace them with England’s New Democratic Party.

We have the docs on hard copies, and it is bigger then we thought, the files were hidden behind a pdf called DNC EPA, this shit is for real we have names email addresses, millions if not in the billions of planed spending, and who donated to Hillary's Super Pac. The file is so large it took 30 of or members all night to hard copy it for release- Wikileak dncplaybook below

As stated this is only a small sample of the information, Julian Assange is consided dead by Anonymous, murdered by Hillary Clinton’s Super Pac, and who is this super pac, England’s one and only chosen Ones,
Council on Foreign Relations.

The documents from 2015 to 2016, also show names, places and the amounts of tax dollars spent while they collected donations, funny how that worked.
The docs also show where a email was sent by the DNC, to do the same thing that was done to Donald Trump, in the 2016 Election, to turn the Republican Party Elections into a war zone like they did Donald trump is Chicago, "Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies"

Rigging the Elections - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY

Clearly stated in the following docs to attack GOP, with the Same Tactics they used against Donald Trump.

  Those to be targeted by DNC of GOP is as follows or they were in on it, but DNC did have these Republicans Listed.

  There is email addresses, phone numbers,listed as 202- money listing, donations, docs that show Obamacare was noted to fail.

Want to see more, its your choice,  i was ordered to edit out personal information.

dncplaybookofficialcopy part 2 & 3: https://toptentogonewsnetwork.wordpress.com/2016/10/25/hillary-clin...

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