9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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Here's a question.  How can I contribute money to this forum and website?  The answer is probably right in front of me, right?

Thoth II said:

I am also disgusted with CSPAN.  They offer a weekend longs program entitled booktv, where authors of nonfiction books talk.  I notice that they always have on mainstream historians and avoid conspiracy researchers.  These mainstream historians are just spouting the party line.  


National Geographic Channel today has gone down the dark side's most cynical in your face propaganda route, airing "The liquid bomb plot"   "W Bush: the 911 interview" , and "inside Saddam's reign of terror".


National Geographic Channel was supposed to represent the earth from a natural and multicultural viewpoint, but now has been hijacked by the ugliest elements of the propaganda artists.  This is a sad, sad world to have lived through.  I remember in the 1960s picking up a copy of national geographic and getting a wonderful sensitive understanding of this world.  



I don't know about youall but I am about ready to OD on the MSM 911 and JFK lineups this weekend, it has been absolutely unrelenting from history channel to national geographic channel to military history channel, unbelievably airing a Gary Mack piece of deception (when Humes/Boswell were involved) and now coast to coast is in on the act:




I think Punnett with not give 911 truth a fair shake but Wells might relieve our suffering by interviewing Russ Baker, generally a good journalist, an honest and thorough one.  


I keep getting astounded how low, lowlife this country's propaganda machinery has become, how robotlike its people.  I would contend Joseph Goebbels and NAZI germany did not even reach these operatic heights, they only were in business 12 years, this machine has been in business since after WWII.  I guess Russ Baker will be the only relief other than this website for now.  


It is times like this that I appreciate not having a TV and never listening to the radio.


The few dozen mailing lists I subscribe to and the 300 or so people I follow on Twitter aren't brainwashed. It is easy to unsubscribe from a mailing list or block somebody on Twitter if they turn out to be deliberately ignorant (not wanting to know the truth because they derive some benefit from the lies).


If I want information, I look for the information I want. I don't just sit with my brain wide open and let anybody pour in anything they wish. 


US imperialism and the propaganda to justify it have been in business since this country started. I highly recommend S. Brian Willson's new book, Blood on the Tracks, for an overview of US imperialism past and present. Brian, if you recall, is the dude who got run over by a train and lost his legs trying to block weapons shipments to the Contras from the Concord Naval Weapons Station. He grew up like most people, brainwashed by the American Way of Life and went to Viet Nam thinking he was helping to fight the evil Communists. He learned that anyone who resists imperialism is labeled a Communist or terrorist, and that anyone who dares to even dream of a truly democratic form of government is considered a threat to imperialism, particularly if they happen to be poor. 


Knowing that this is the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 false flag operation, I decided that if I went out I would wear my big red and white "9/11 = Inside job" button and carry my copy of Dr. Judy Wood's book, Where did the Towers Go?


In today's news, which I learned from various people on Twitter, it seems that the CIA-proxies in Libya attacked a town and were repelled, so they are now calling for NATO to carpet-bomb the town. That isn't going to win them any friends. Support for Gaddafi, originally at about 90%, has been growing steadily with every day of imperialist bombing. As in Iraq, the imperialists have deliberately destroyed Libya's water, electricity, schools, hospitals, and killed as many civilians as they could. Before the US invaded, Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa, with free housing, health care, education, and a guaranteed minimum income for all. It was, like Iraq, an enemy of Al Queda, and the US, which created Al Queda in the first place, but claimed to be fighting Al Queda in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Somalia, is openly allied with Al Queda in Libya. As John Foster Dulles is reported to have said (quoted in Brian's book), "The United States doesn't have friends, it only has interests." The primary interest of the US, of course, is to seek out anything that anyone else might have, kill or enslave the rightful owners, and take whatever it can steal to fuel its military aggression so that it can take more.


Throw out the TV, Thoth. Unplug the radio. Buy a copy of Brian's book and any of the books in his bibliography that you haven't already read, and seek out mailing lists and internet friends who no longer listen to MSM lies. I guarantee it will lower your blood pressure and greatly improve your mood. 



yeah, it's truly nauseating, the carrying on of the same old impossible

lies.  don't they feel just a bit stupid still yammering on about the same

old lies while they know that millions of us know the truth?

     the hijackers said this, george wubba did that, yeah, they got their

same old lies all lined up for review.  i can't even watch the crap.

     very glad we have each other online.  helps keep me sane for sure.


      carry on, all awesome truthers, (get a real job, all eaves droppers),

at least we all know that the truth is out there larger than life.    lovies.



Thoth II said:

I don't know about youall but I am about ready to OD on the MSM 911 and JFK lineups this weekend, it has been absolutely unrelenting from history channel to national geographic channel to military history channel, unbelievably airing a Gary Mack piece of deception (when Humes/Boswell were involved) and now coast to coast is in on the act:




I think Punnett with not give 911 truth a fair shake but Wells might relieve our suffering by interviewing Russ Baker, generally a good journalist, an honest and thorough one.  


I keep getting astounded how low, lowlife this country's propaganda machinery has become, how robotlike its people.  I would contend Joseph Goebbels and NAZI germany did not even reach these operatic heights, they only were in business 12 years, this machine has been in business since after WWII.  I guess Russ Baker will be the only relief other than this website for now.  

Mark good advice.  One of these days I'll chug the TV out the window.  Unfortunately, I'm one of the TV age babies, having been weaned on I love lucy and Andy Griffith on black/white and rabbit ear TV.  I watched religiously Walter Cronkhite, John Chancellor, et al all my life and it'll be like kicking a drug addiction.  Interestingly this morning I am watching the Oliver Stone classic JFK on AMC channel, a channel devoted to classic movies.  I wonder if someone at the AMC network isn't giving a big middle finger up to the rest of the MSM?

search you tube North Tower Exploding,


    if you are not already familiar with.   i have issyoos with archies

and engies for plane related biaseees, but this is still good video

to show the uh, what they did thing.  be hard for a plane to make THAT.


I'm watching the Toronto Hearings on 9/11 streaming live online:





I did not hear the Russ Baker interview, but it doesn't surprise me.  He is a very careful researcher, and never goes out on the slightest limb, so he is maybe too careful.  I do believe he did a good book about the Bush involvement in JFK though.  


Terrible, Coast to coast has gone down the same rathole as the rest of the MSM, horrible from a show purported to be "thinking outside the box", they are not in any box except the monotonous MSM line.


John Wells is an occassional coast to coast host, and I've actually heard him say some pretty good things in the past, maybe they got to him too now.

A typical example of how the establishment controls intellectual thought in the country can be viewed at CPAN BookTV marathon coverage of the national book festival live from our nation's capitol mall.  All the authors spout the establishment views, and even one young author, Sarah Vowell gave a good account of Hawaii's history, but very standard, non-questioning of European/USA imperialism.  Peter Slen is the intrepid guide through the weekend, I've met him and like him, but he is the standard suit spouting the party line.


I have not had cable or watched TV at home for about one full year.  I certainly do not miss it at all and in many ways, my life is much better.  I remember seeing a show on Book TV by Dr. Jack Cashill who wrote "Deconstructing Obama" that was pretty good, but for the most part, as you say, BookTV is the standard suit spouting the party line.


Historians generally tow the party line.  It was all a big lie.  I have a lot of respect for Dr. Dennis Cuddy who has a Ph.D. in history but even he, who purports to explain how the plan for a "new world order" has always been the plan of the major players, the "power elite", throughout USA history never elaborates on "European / USA imperialism" as such and certainly never mentions anything remotely related to the concept of "Zionism." and the role it may play.


We used to start reading our History assignment in college dorm as a good way to fall asleep fast.

egads, does it look like the yoo ess of aye is getting ready to pull

the Iran card?   the signs seem familiar, try to get the population

enraged about some made up terror threat   (far's i'm concerned, the

only terrorists i know are in our current or former gummint administration)

seems creepily familiar....uggg.  made up terrorists, looming doom, yikes,

trying to unite the world in our quest to conquer it..............................um,

what's wrong with this picture??

       answer, unfortunately, everything.    oh, is there no escape...?
      for those of us in the yoo ess of aye, isn't it constantly nauseating, to

live in a cuntry that would kill anyone if it would suit their purposes,     to

spend billions of dollars on constant war, war, war, even as our schools

don't have enough munny to operate properly, our people get kicked out

onto the streets when they lose their jobs, which have been shipped off

to a cheaper country..... 

     power i say to the people who are getting out there on the streets bitching

about our corporate whores....    that seems to be a growing trend and i like it!


      and still the whores in this purely demented gummint cover up the truth

about 9/11, play the stupid card in every instance,.... and oh gawrsh, perish the

thought of a nuther repulsican as preddidint.   haven't we had enough horror already?


        yikes.  good thing we have each other.  sticking together is good.  love, sandy


ps i tried to copy and paste a thing about Iran from clg, but it wouldn't let me, but

it's the same old crap, different country.  red flags all the way. 






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