9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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Hi everyone.  A friend from Stumble Upon told me about this forum.  "Birddrop" had good things to say about the 9/11 Scholars Forum.  So, I decided to join.  I came from another forum, where I ended up not seeing eye to eye with its administrator, some of it having to do with the forum topics and some of it was more personal. 


I'm glad to be here.  I've been researching September 11, since early 2002.  So I hope to find more here from other serious researchers and I hope I have somethings to offer. 


Thanks I didn't see an introduction or new members area, so I thought I'd just put this here. Hope its okay.

My most recent presentation on JFK, "The Assassination

of JFK--and why it matters today" can be found on my blog

at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2009/12/httpdotsub.html

Thoth II said:



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


Welcome Gina, glad to have you aboard.  If you dig around in some of the past post over the last couple of years you will find some really interesting discussions regarding 9-11.


Also visit Dr. Fetzer blog, JamesFetzer.blogspot.com

and the audio archives his radio show at radiofetzer.blogspot.com that is originally aired on RevereRadio.net.


Also the 9-11 scholars orginal website

Gina Judd said:

Hi everyone.  A friend from Stumble Upon told me about this forum.  "Birddrop" had good things to say about the 9/11 Scholars Forum.  So, I decided to join.  I came from another forum, where I ended up not seeing eye to eye with its administrator, some of it having to do with the forum topics and some of it was more personal. 


I'm glad to be here.  I've been researching September 11, since early 2002.  So I hope to find more here from other serious researchers and I hope I have somethings to offer. 


Thanks I didn't see an introduction or new members area, so I thought I'd just put this here. Hope its okay.

Some recent articles about JFK and RFK may be found here:


"Framing the Patsy: The Case of Lee Harvey Oswald" (with Jim Marrs)

"JFK and RFK: In the Shadow of Dallas and LA"


"RFK: Outing the CIA at the Ambassador"


"US Government Official:  JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication" (with Doug Horne)


"Who's telling the truth:  Clint Hill or the Zapruder Film?"
James H. Fetzer said:

My most recent presentation on JFK, "The Assassination

of JFK--and why it matters today" can be found on my blog

at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2009/12/httpdotsub.html

Thoth II said:



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


Not sure where to put this information.  One day while doing a google search for FEMA actors, I found a bunch of documents that were really interesting which ended up leading me to this guy's website that has a wealth of very interesting information on FEMA exercises.  You will definitely find something here that you did not know before. If you visit be sure to click on all the images, they are instructions from FEMA and other government agencies, as well as training materials. Also you will want to see the pictures he's comparing.  While you're reading this, keep in mind that FEMA was doing a terrorist exercise in NY on September 11th. 
Please check this out:



Also check out his you tube channel where he exposes more fake news exercises:


New Campaign Asks U.S. and Israeli Air, Missile, and Drone Crews to Refuse to Attack Iran



November 2011 -- Add Your Name!

  We are at an historic moment when decisions are being made in the United States and Israel on whether and when to attack Iran.

   These will be decisions by politicians and individual commanders and air, missile and drone crewmembers charged with the responsibility of raining down munitions in a strike that will likely kill hundreds if not thousands of Iranian people and potentially spread deadly nuclear contamination to millions in Iran and surrounding nations.  

   Beyond this, an attack on Iran will almost certainly bring retaliation that will result in even more human casualties and will disrupt global oil shipments, with severe human consequences around the world.

   An attack against Iran by the United States and Israel will violate morality, international and domestic law and the interests of humanity.  Additionally, both Iran and the United States are parties to the Kellogg-Briand Pact which forbids the use of war.

   There are those of us signing this appeal who have been members of the United States and other armed forces and understand very well the difficulty of refusing to follow an order to attack.  At the same time, each of us as the responsibility to preserve human life and nature in the face of inhuman and illegal orders, a responsibility defined by the Nuremberg Conventions.

   We urge all of you who may be called upon to attack Iran from the air, and indeed all military personnel who may be engaged in any kind of attack on Iran, to refuse to do so.

Sign Your Name Here.

Kathleen Barry, Professor Emerita, author, Unmaking War, Remaking Men
Judith Bellow, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of Code Pink
Elaine Brower, World Can't Wait Steering Committee, military mother
Matthis Chiroux, Iraq war resister, former Army sergeant
Mike Ferner, Acting Director, Veterans for Peace, Navy Corpsman '69-'73
Jim Haber, Coordinator, Nevada Desert Experience, National Committee of the War Resisters League
George Haeseler, Broome County (NY) Veterans for Peace
Jane Hirschmann, Organizer of the US Boat to Gaza and the Freedom Waves to Gaza
Leili Kashani, Advocacy Program Manager, Center for Constitutional Rights
Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace
Nada Khader, Executive Director of Westchester Peoples Action Coalition
Dennis Loo, Author, Globalization and the Demolition of Society, World Can't Wait
Liam Madden, Iraq veteran, former Marine sergeant
Ray McGovern, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Nick Mottern, Director of ConsumersForPeace.org
Michael Steven Smith, Esq
David Swanson, Author of When the World Outlawed War; War Is A Lie; and Daybreak
Debra Sweet, Director of World Can't Wait
Ann Wright, retired US Army Reserve Colonel and former US diplomat who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war

This will be a very disturbing two years up to the 50 years after JFK.  I've heard Stephen King talking with Chris Matthews last night about his novel 11-22-63, another novel predicated on the lie.  Chris Matthews stated Lee Oswald killed Kennedy without even the slighest hesitation.  This is going to be a very painful process to hear the MSM over the next two years building up and promoting this lie.  This is just terrible how they are already getting well known authors on board .


And Chris Matthews, you say you see the JFK eternal flame burning each night as you drive home across the Potomac bridge.  Don't you owe him better than this pablum you're spewing out to the public.  You MSM people have totally lost yourselfs.

Thoth II said:



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


got this from Kevin Barrett recently, 
PS If you're within striking distance of Madison, don't miss Jim Fetzer's JFK talk on November 22nd! 

got this from brother David Swanson!   and war is a %#$&^@# crime,


Tell Congress to Read the 99%'s Deficit Proposal

Please SIGN THE PETITION in support of the "99%'s Deficit Proposal" and plan direct actions to tell the Super Committee that the 99% have better solutions to our nation's crises. You can plan your own action at your Congressmember's office or join us in Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC for marches to Capitol Hill. Check the calendar on occupywashingtondc.org for announcements.

After asking the Congressional Super Committee to consider taxing the rich or cutting the military (and being arrested for that offense), the Occupy movement held our own 99% Super Committee Hearing on November 9, 2011, with top experts, producing solutions based on evidence and popular demand.

The resulting report, "The 99%'s Deficit Proposal: How to Create Jobs, Reduce the Wealth ... has been provided to the 12 members of the Congressional Super Committee. An aide to a co-chair of the committee called it "the first actual proposal" they'd received and promised to read it.  Keith Olbermann has asked why we can talk about real solutions while the Congressional committee can't.

While Democratic and Republican members of that committee propose deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without serious taxation of the wealthy or corporations, and without serious reduction in military spending, the 99% Proposal would protect essential social programs, raise taxes on the rich, and invest immediately in creating jobs.

Please SIGN THE PETITION in support of the "99%'s Deficit Proposal.".

This is a comprehensive and evidence-base d report that:

  • Raises $600 billion in annual revenues thereby achieving the deficit reduction goals in two years; shrinks the wealth divide by taxing wealth more and labor less; restores a progressive tax system; taxes speculation by investors; and taxes wealth held overseas.
  • Cuts hundreds of billions in annual spending through reducing the bloated military budget and ending the wars, stopping corporate welfare and negotiating better pharmaceutical drug prices.
  • Creates millions of jobs by solving the housing crisis; creates public sector jobs for much-needed work on infrastructure, transit, education and other areas; creates health care jobs as part of improving Medicare and expanding it to cover everyone in the United States; invests in the more efficient civilian economy rather than the expensive mil itary economy; and stimulates the economy by erasing student loan debt.
  • Saves and strengthens the safety net by restoring the amount of income covered by Social Security to 90% of all income as was always intended; ends poverty retirement by expanding Social Security; reduces spending on health care by expanding Medicare to cover everyone in the United States.
  • Presents steps to creating a democratized economy, the already developing new economy that will replace the failed finance, corporate capitalism.

Please SIGN THE PETITION in support of the "99%'s Deficit Proposal."


Upcoming Events

Until We Win OccupyWashingtonDC.org and OccupyTogether.org

Nov. 21, 2011, Honoring Whistleblowers at American University

Nov. 21, 2011, Occupy City Council in Charlottesville

Nov. 23, 2011, New Yorkers arrive, walking, in Washington, D.C., and the Super Committee meets its deadline but not our demands

Nov. 23, 2011, 6:30-8:00 p.m. David Swanson at Busboys and Poets, 14th & V Streets, Washington, D.C.

Dec. 6, 2011, 4 p.m. Christmas in Freedom Plaza

Dec. 27, 2011 - Jan 3, 2012, Occupy Iowa Caucuses

Jan. 7, 2012, 5:00-7:00 p.m. ET David Swanson chat at FireDogLake book salon.

Jan. 11, 2012, Washington, D.C., Witness Against Torture

Jan. 20, 2012, Occupy the Courts

Jan. 23, 2012, Day of Rest and Reflection

March 23-25, 2012, Stamford, Ct., United National Antiwar Coalition Conference

March 30, 2012 National Occupation of Washington DC (NOW DC)  and on FaceBook

April 3, 2012, David Swanson at McNally Jackson Books in New York, NY.

May 15 - 22, 2012, Chicago, Challenge the NATO War Makers

July 14, 2012, David Swanson at Peacestock 2012 in Wisconsin.


even i can't believe this ABWHORABLE, DESPICABLE, DISGUSTING

behavior by this foul pig.  omg and then some.  disgraceful and hideous!


GRAPHIC: Roots Action logo header

Tell DOJ to Prosecute Pepper Spraying

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Dear Sandy,

University of California Davis police broke the law when they pepper sprayed nonviolent students.

Tell the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute those responsible.

This kind of act amounts to torture.

Aimee, David, Sarah
and the RootsAction team

P.S. Our small staff is supported by contributions from people like you; your donations are greatly appreciated.


U.C. Davis Students Create Silent Walk of Shame for Chancellor

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and wow, watching this video is even way more powerful than just

watching the pig with the pepper spray on the noooze.  i couldn't help

but join in with the SHAME ON YOU!   SHAME ON YOU!   SHAME

ON YOU!   (i could go on, but you get the idea).  unfreakinbelievable!


and i hafta say i felt a little tingle of pleasure at seeing the fear in

the eyes of those cops.  and some with their weapons drawn???

omg, what in the hell were they thinking?   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

 and i'm right proud of the way the crowd handled

themselves afterwards.  i'm not sure i woulda been so polite. 


     oh, and geepers, whaddya wanna bet that the EPIC FAILURE

that was the super assinine cummittee makes for some new fuel

for the fire of the occupy masses.  all of these swine need to be thrown

out on their asses and fed to the birds.  (sorry, birds.)



darn, there's a video with this, i liked it, but doesn't look like it's

gonna send along with this.  anyway, go Gordon.   (i see this has

been out since sept. 7.  i hadn't seen it yet, so just sharing.)

thanks to Thomas P. for sharing.


oh and pee ess, if they try that hard to tune in to what we're doing,

then dang it, we must be onto sum'm, eh?    (no doubt.)




'US infiltrates 9/11 Truth Movement'
Wed Sep 7, 2011 11:29PM GMT
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The US government has spent millions of dollars to infiltrate the 9/11 Truth Movement so that it fails to ask any of the important questions, a senior editor has told Press TV's US Desk.

“In answering the questions ten years later about 9/11, if you turn to the American peace movement, I don't think you are going to find the real questions,” said Gordon Duff, senior editor at Veterans Today, on Tuesday.

Duff further added that the truth will remain hidden as the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches, due to “controlled news and because of the millions of dollars spent infiltrating the peace movement and the 9/11 Truth Movement.”

“The lies are being repeated more and more. More wild, more outlandish, more false, and every effort is being made to deceive the American people on a scale, never before seen,” Duff said.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is a collective name given to a number of organizations and individuals who reject the US government account of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Many of them believe that the attacks were either partly or fully an inside job.

The movement has listed 40 reasons to doubt the official story of the 9/11 attacks.


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