9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

I am looking for researchers to study newly acquired 9/11 radar records.


This team will consist of Air Traffic Controllers, Radar software technicians, Pilots and others with skills necessary to understand the FAA and NTSB records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.


 PM me and tell me a bit about your interest and qualifications.

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first, you need to realize that even RADES 84 data is non-reality at this stage of the game. I found that the data is

position staggered by almost 26 seconds, and in-fact is heavily hacked shit, meaning; "not real" anymore than Santa Claus is or was ever REAL.


so having said that, go take a good look at PilotsFor911Truth and check my qualifications.  I would urge you to take virtually any and all evidence provided by ANY of the U.S. governmental agencies, that wasn't released in 2001 maybe, with a huge huge grain of salt.  It's not real.  it is mostly fabricated.


same goes for any data that the N.T.S.B. or Boeing or the F.A.A. may in the future release about the wreckage from all '4' of the planes allegedly used in these fake attacks done by drones.  Virtually ALL of that crap will be wholly fabricated at this stage of the game.


so, David, by all means sign me up, but I can tell you that at this point, virtually ALL of the data the government will be providing under any and all F.O.I.A. requests will be bullshit hacked and fabricated HORSE SHIT, interspersed with some actual truth or real data.


back when the N.T.S.B. said that the FDR found for N644AA was an L-3 model 2100, I knew right then and there it was

planted garbage, because the plane should have had a Sunstrand model 700 'tape' based unit on board her, not the SSFDR that the N.T.S.B. planted.


other inconsistencies with the FDR data for that flight have been exposed as just fakery, but nobody at this stage of the game should take ANY of the released garbage the government will be giving you as REALITY.


they have had far too many years to fabricate it, as they did with the wholly staged ATC communications for AA-11, which are utterly created in a sound studio with script readers and not pilots and ATC personnel.


NOTHING THE GOVERNMENT has or will provide now can be assumed to not have been heavily fucked with garbage.




merely examining it and finding that it's fraudulent will accomplish exactly what?  We already did this with N644AA's FDR data, to what end?  to get a Kewpie Doll?  or a Boobie Prize?


looking at these radar records at this point is just a total waste of time for the reasons stated, unless they can be verified to have been archived and untouched as of Sept. 12, 2001 in sealed vaults.


but feel free to contact me.  I'll be happy to assist.  but we'll be wasting our time, Sir.  totally.  sadly.



Thank you for your reply.


I have almost the entire FAA record.  There are many files that were produced in the hours after the events.  And, yes, there are many that were produced years later. We are scrutinizing the files in more or less chronological order.




Dear David,


most of my research over the years has been primarily focused on the Pentagon flight track and aircraft involved, though it

did spill over into UA-175 stuff and AA-11.  The only one I pretty much didn't dig into with both sets of teeth, uppers and lowers, was Flt 93, which is utterly beyond any reasonable doubt a total fraud, based solely on the Shanksville site.


In any case, if you have not seen Pandora's Black Box yet or INTERCEPTED, probably a good place to get a real good

handle on those, but there are things regarding AA-77 the average person without the technical background or the years of piloting airplanes, would totally miss.


so I am willing to help your effort but for obvious reasons am pretty skeptical about looking at new releases of data that suddenly became 'found' for the obvious reason.


I've scolded many people over over analysis of what I call; "CAT SHIT" strictly because that term is far too mild a moniker for this garbage the F.A.A. has turned loose, as well as the N.T.S.B. and U.S.A.F., via R.A.D.E.S. data.


there comes a time in all court cases where 'discovery' gets closure or else the case never ends.  Unless the data you have is verified to have come from an honest broker and has been in or under 'close control' custody wise, I'm loathe to get too very fired up about further analysis unless it's something truly earth shattering stuff.


as you can imagine, in ten years, some of us have seen the lion's share of this stuff already and pored over it with a fine toothed comb to see the issues with it all.  Hence, I'd like to help but at the point that it becomes clear that the data or the 'new' stuff is clearly fabricated garbage, I then 'STOP' then and end the analysis.  My reasons are more personal, in that in ten years the people who carried out these crimes have had plenty of time to fabricate and plant stuff that only

muddies up the picture more than it clarifies things.  I say that because the mere fact it's 'fake' in and of itself does not

truly get us closer to a full picture strictly because the disinformation game is intended, per Fetzer's excellent terminology he puts forth; "where nothing for sure is known and virtually everything is SUSPECT then.."


we're in that mode where shit slinging is in total helter skelter mode, very very new campaigns with very slickly planted bullshit have emerged solely for the purpose to not only obfuscate the KNOWN so far, but to so fully muddy up that water that in time, it lends more confusion than it clarifies things. 


In any case, I'd be happy to assist. But my caveat is that once I find that it's 'bullshit' that I am looking at, that is exactly where I stop analyzing it.  I never go into the cat's litter box and analyze the scatological crap in there for nuggets of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE and in this 9/11 game, I am very very loathe to go down that goat roping path whereupon more unjust questions are created than any clarification takes place.


as per any criminal case, once the DISCOVERY process is closed, then it's time to argue the known facts based on that and cease the admission of new evidence that is most likely both heavily tampered with and or fabricated by the F.A.A. and the other agencies.  They've had a lot of time to fuck with things, and I have very little patience looking in the cat's litter box for answers, if you get my drift.


That's why when I see new photos introduced years later, I have to disqualify them.  Too easily poisons the 'known' well with b.s. and crap that like I said, only serves to confuse and muddy up things.


but if you have good solid evidence that is stuff that somehow is pretty reputable and solid, count me in, I'd be happy to help you.  but if it's stuff already analyzed to death already, I'm not likely to touch it.


way too much time for data and evidence fabrication in a decade, and DISCOVERY is and should be now pretty much CLOSED unless the stuff is truly astonishing and verifiable in nature to be REAL data.



How much is it worth to you to finally learn the truth?


9/11 - The Great American Psy-Opera

Why did they need the war-game capability of false radar injects? (Chapter 10 - Conclusion)


How much is it worth to you to finally learn the truth?


9/11 - The Great American Psy-Opera

for two reasons:  one, they ran these exercises using real airliners a year earlier not just to prove the feasibility of doing it, bu they needed the recorded radar video to be used later for the 'live' show.   second, they had to legitimize the bullshit story that hijacked planes with live human beings on them were used, when they in fact, were not used.  the swaps were proven to taken place in 'INTERCEPTED" and the E-4B's were the command and control method used to control the drone converted Evergreen Airpark 'airliners' most likely used to do the actual attacks.


I personally already know the truth.  I've done years of analysis on the data.  Of tons of people in this movement, nobody is going to show me anything that is going to radically change the picture I ABSOLUTELY KNOW from very deep examination of the data I have seen.  I know they delayed the radar picture for NEADS by almost 26 seconds for the recorded prior exercise video to be injected into the radar pipeline, mixed with REAL targets, as well as some targets

removed to prevent possible interception.  I don't need to know too much more TRUTH, I've already got the big picture.


I can prove the radar picture was delayed.  the digital stagger in the radar sweep times in the NEADS sector proves that the data wasn't just recorded digitally once, using SPH-2 RAVIR type radar recording technology, but that it was also replayed and then that data recorded yet again.  I also know that had real interceptors been sent to those locations the radar said targets existed, that NO INTERCEPTS WOULD HAVE OCCURRED because NO AIRCRAFT WERE IN THOSE PLACES, as the entire NEADS radar picture was not REAL TIME RADAR STRICTLY!!!


I don't need to know much more truth than I know.  Like I said, I know they replayed recorded video from prior exercises ot legitimize the radar tracks for airliners that weren't even involved that day at all.  Virtually NONE of these planes they said were hijacked, were involved.  TWO never were scheduled (AA 77 and AA 11) and FLT 175 was still in the air, via it's ACARS DATA LINK long after it allegedly hit the building in NYC that day.  FLT 93 didn't crash at Shanksville, period, end of story.  For all practical purposes every single passenger plane never existed or never did what the government cannot prove happened that day.


That's what I know.  Till someone can prove that AA 77 and AA 11 and UA 175 actually were involved in the way that the hard evidence proves was not the case, I'm convinced that the bullshit the government has floated about these flights is absolute fantasy bullshit.  As for FLT 93, nobody is going to convince me it crashed in Shanksville.  Total bullshit.


so, we know all '4' of these airline flights were not involved as '2' never flew as scheduled Air Carrier flights that day, and the third on was still in the air for half an hour after it allegedly disintegrated on a building in NYC, via it's ACARS data.


that leaves FLT 93 in Shanksville.  nobody with a working brain can possibly believe a B-767 crashed there and left no bodies and no wreckage...no fuel, and then went into a mine shaft.  TOTAL UTTER BULLSHIT.


truly.  what more needs to be known?  I know what DIDN'T happen that day.  virtually none of the government story holds any water.  NONE OF IT.




We asked a 9/11 ATC worker whether or not the FAA and NORAD radar data processing and presentation systems were "compatible"...meaning could they DIRECTLY SHARE their independently PROCESSED AND DISPLAYED RADAR DATA STEAMS...They cannot. They only share the basic raw radar data that is in the radar data pipelines from the selected radar antennae sites.

Therefore, ONLY NORAD [NEADS etc.] can have such radar data and alpha-numeric data displayed on its own scopes...and the same goes for the FAA...ie: only FAA radar data-alpha-numerics which have been processed by the FAA's RDP [Radar Data Processing] can be displayed onto FAA radar scopes. MEANING...there were NO RADAR INSERTS ON FAA RADAR SCOPES. This has been an incorrect position started by Ruppert and expanded via cointelpro ever since.
The only places that the FAA has the capacity to "insert" target and alpha-numeric data is in the simulations used for training...and we do not believe that this capability is available at the various ATC facilities around the country..They are concentrated at the FAA ATC Training facilities.

Anyone willing to look at newly released FAA records is welcome to contact me via PM.  There are plenty of records to sift through.  The story being told is deliberately confusing.

1. Why exactly should I take the word of an anonymous government agent regarding the capabilities of the radar systems?


2. Why exactly do "we" not believe that this [insert] capability is available at the various ATC facilities ?




I suggest you go find an ATC who was working on 9/11 and query him/her about the capabilities.

nope, cannot concur with that.  the NEADS radar was injected not with random targets but recorded video.  recorded from prior exercises. interestingly all claims by the people that this radar data wasn't delayed by the nearly 26 seconds for the obvious reason, is an attempt to cover up the fact that the NORAD people used recorded radar for NEADS from a year prior, recorded in the NEADS radar system.


I have done extensive analysis of that data and saw the sweep time staggering that is a product of aliasing due to digital processing and it gets worse when it's recorded, played back, and recorded yet again.  all of the radar sweep intervals in the NEADS air defense sector on 9/11 took on aliasing versus analog timing, meaning not just recorded once, but recorded more than once, digitally.


to the layperson, radar antenna rotation rates are ANALOG.  when plotted on a statistical plot, they have a nice sinusoidal bell curvature.


when recorded and replayed and re-recorded, the nice bell curve becomes a nice STAIR STEP issue.  and the absolute aircraft positions from RADES 84 and NEADS are slewed in time by nearly 26 full seconds in absolute position based on target speeds and positions per their radar data blocks. 


here again, don't be telling me that this is disinformation being put out about the alteration of NEADS radar data.


I will stand by this position that had interceptors gone to those points in space, the pilots in those interceptors would have been looking at EMPTY AIRSPACE and their airborne intercept fire control systems unable to lock onto a target.


I don't trust NEWLY RELEASED FAA ANYTHING at this point.  I'll look at it, but virtually nothing they have to offer can be trusted as reality.  I no longer can believe that data is not fabricated, altered, or both at this point.


I know what I saw in RADES 84 and ATC stuff and even then there was extensive evidence of tampering, and the F.A.A. knowingly released FAKE AUDIO for AA-11 that is absolutely utter total BULLSHIT.


so, anyone who wants to look at NEW stuff the government is pushing, go right ahead, but most likely it's being injected into the discourse by the F.A.A. and U.S. government to buy legitimacy about their fantasy story that NORAD was defeated by 19 guys with box cutters that day.


if any of you wants to believe the F.A.A. is an honest broker, as the N.T.S.B. clearly is not either, be my guest.


but don't tell me that anyone who asserts the radar data was recorded is a cointelpro guy.  I'm not cointelpro, and I was working on radar video recording systems when they were in their infancy in 1974.  I know what ALIASING in radar sweep times is and how that happens.


the NEADS data was delayed by nearly 26 seconds on Sept. 11th.  for the purpose of removing some targets, and for legitimizing the fraudulent tracks of these planes that didn't fly those tracks that day like the government said they did.


it never happened before 9/11, nor afterwards.  the NEADS data was delayed before it was rejoined with the rest of the air defense sector pictures.  IT WAS COMPOSITE DATA, pre-recorded a year earlier, with REAL WORLD mixed in to prevent midair collisions from occurring.


any data the government releases today is bullshit.  strictly bullshit.


David Cole said:




We asked a 9/11 ATC worker whether or not the FAA and NORAD radar data processing and presentation systems were "compatible"...meaning could they DIRECTLY SHARE their independently PROCESSED AND DISPLAYED RADAR DATA STEAMS...They cannot. They only share the basic raw radar data that is in the radar data pipelines from the selected radar antennae sites.

Therefore, ONLY NORAD [NEADS etc.] can have such radar data and alpha-numeric data displayed on its own scopes...and the same goes for the FAA...ie: only FAA radar data-alpha-numerics which have been processed by the FAA's RDP [Radar Data Processing] can be displayed onto FAA radar scopes. MEANING...there were NO RADAR INSERTS ON FAA RADAR SCOPES. This has been an incorrect position started by Ruppert and expanded via cointelpro ever since.
The only places that the FAA has the capacity to "insert" target and alpha-numeric data is in the simulations used for training...and we do not believe that this capability is available at the various ATC facilities around the country..They are concentrated at the FAA ATC Training facilities.

Anyone willing to look at newly released FAA records is welcome to contact me via PM.  There are plenty of records to sift through.  The story being told is deliberately confusing.

you cannot trust anything the government releases at this point in time, data wise.  way too much time for data fabrication now. we know the N.T.S.B. put out fraudulent and wholly tampered with crap, and the F.A.A. has released ATC recordings for AA-11 that are completely products of recording studio dufus' reading scripts for that plane.


so now we're supposed to believe the F.A.A. is going to not provide fabricated shit via F.O.I.A. requests?   boy, that sure is a stretch.  I offered to look at the stuff but the moment I found fraud, I was going to call it that and move on.  In my opinion, way too much time has been put into debunking obviously fake bullshit they have released. in the beginning it was fun and exciting but now it's getting real old and shitty.  I for one cannot trust anything the government releases now...and to be honest, I shouldn't have trusted it before, either.  but for the sake of clarity here, anyone who makes the statement that NO RADAR INSERTS ON FAA RADAR SCOPES is at best 'misinformed' and worse, is telling a NON TRUTH ON PURPOSE.  that is bullshit.  Go watch 'INTERCEPTED' on You Tube, and see how the goddamned tanker aircraft weren't able to join up with fighters because the F.A.A. radar picture was with injected bullshit for more than a half hour after all the killing ended in NYC and Arlington.  What the fuck was that shit the guys were asking them to turn off?


anyone who tells you there was no radar inject that day is truly not telling the truth.  absolutely not.


watch INTERCEPTED on YOU TUBE now. search 'INTERCEPTED FULL FILM' it's now on there TWICE, with approximately 28 thousand viewers since it was released there.  then tell me no INJECTS happened.  that's BULLSHIT!


IPsy said:

1. Why exactly should I take the word of an anonymous government agent regarding the capabilities of the radar systems?


2. Why exactly do "we" not believe that this [insert] capability is available at the various ATC facilities ?




Dennis, please take a look at the new files.  Send me an email, so I can provide you with a list of all 14,000 files.  You can then specify certain files.  Ultimately we will need a way to transfer many large files for you to review.


I agree that newer files are potentially subject to manipulation.  This is why I am focusing on the oldest ones.  Some were saved only hours after the events.


I am not doubting that there could be recorded data used by NEADS to confuse NEADS.  What I hear from the ATC experts is that these were not shared with the civilian side to confuse the civilian side.


When I listen to the audios and read the transcripts of the ATC communications I have yet to hear or see any reference to an inject, sim or phantom confusing them.  The scope views I have seen do not show any phantoms.  The datasets used to create the scope views don't include any.  Until I see one of these sims in the FAA files I must conclude that they were not injected.


Let's try to keep the discussion separated into the proper parts. NEADS and the games is one system and ATC is another system.  Am I correct?


The RADES data that you reviewed came out in 2007, correct?  So that dataset had sufficient time for manipulation.  I am not familiar with it, so cannot comment.  It sounds like since you were exposed to manipulated data now everything is suspect.  The new ones are perhaps different records, from different sources.  They did not come from the military side.


FAA is not pushing these files.  I went after a select few of them, but after much negotiation, decided to ask for the whole lot.  There wasn't time for the agency to manipulate to suit my requirements.   The set is massive, too many things would have to be covered if one part is changed.


Now I can see them, even at an early stage, covering their asses and leaving records out entirely.  But fabrication is much more complex, requiring fixing many records not just one here and there.


Take a look.  At least see if there is something that might be new and worth review.

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