9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Just David
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  • Ukiah, CA
  • United States
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  • sandy rose

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At 4:38pm on August 20, 2021, J Mclaughlin said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( josephmclaughlin500@gmail.com ) for the full details.Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.

At 12:47pm on October 4, 2011, sandy rose said…

no sweat, you're in the clear.  i like your realness.  i go for

a few days sometimes with no time on the computer myself,

you don't need to feel obligated.  contribute when you feel so

inclined.   but feel free to pipe up with questions/comments, etc.

      i would like this group to lose a bunch of folks who hide behind stuff

and never visit the group or contribute.  people who actually want

to be here, and check in, and contribute when they have stuff...

they're hopefully not going anywhere.  you cool.  



At 6:52am on September 27, 2011, sandy rose said…

hi again, Just,

    yeah, welcome aboard.  and ya don't hafta be silent here,

as we need more ongoing conversations.. and we all started

somewhere on the 9/11 thing, and as indicated by my presence

here, ha ha, ya don't hafta be a scientist or scholar, regular

people with the 9/11 truth interest are good to have here.  we

also have our brainiacs and video experts, of course!


      the most fascinating part of 9/11 to me is the planes issue,

which in the long run helped me end up with the good folks here.

by all means check out the planes/not planes issues here.

     Dean Hartwell is a member here and has written good stuff

about planes and passengers, etc.  our fearless leader Jim Fetzer

has done much great work.   also maybe check out Morgan

Reynolds' website nomoregames.net.  and the Web Fairy site,

the 9/11 section.   that might be plane overload if you're new to

all that, but those are the ones i like to point to.


      hope you have good experience here, we need more talk,

not less, so feel free to join in even if you're still getting to know

the info.



At 7:52am on September 24, 2011, sandy rose said…

hi Just, how's it going, and just in the mood to welcome new

people to the group.  good to see some new blood here.

and real faces!  wow!   (yull notice a lot of them are not so much..)

welcome to the group!


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