9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Virtual Academic Freedom Conference (Saturday, 27 August 2016) Jim Fetzer and Stephen Francis are very pleased to announce: ACADEMIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE II: Are there Limits to Inquiry?  Should facu…

Virtual Academic Freedom Conference (Saturday, 27 August 2016)

Jim Fetzer and Stephen Francis are very pleased to announce:

ACADEMIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE II: Are there Limits to Inquiry? 
Should faculty be restrained from or even punished for investigating 
complex and controversial events of enormous political significance?
Each speaker should have 45-50 minutes to present, leaving 10-15 
more for Q&A after each session, with general discussion at the end.
          ACADEMIC FREEDOM II: Are there limits to inquiry?
9:00 AM-10:AM/CT: Stephen Francis proposed the first Academic 
Freedom Conference on 26 April 2014, held on the campus of the 
University of Illinois-UC, where he earned a degree in sociology.  He 
promotes the exercise of critical thinking and unconventional thought.
                                 WHY DOES IT MATTER?
10:00 AM-11:00 AM/CT: Francis A. Boyle, Ph.D., noted Professor of 
International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, earned his 
A.B. in Political Science from Chicago, J.D. from Harvard Law School 
and his A.M. and Ph.D. in political Science from Harvard University. 
Noon-1:00 PM/CT: Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D., an historian of science and
the leading expert on the 7/7 London bombings, had his appointment 
at University College London terminated for undertaking scientific
research on World  War II that undermines widely-accepted accounts.
                           WITHIN THE ACADEMY
1:00-2:00 PM/CT: Leuren Moret earned her B.S. in geology at 
U.C. Davis and an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies from Berkeley. 
She completed all but her dissertation for a PhD in geosciences 
at Davis. She has conducted scientific research in 42 countries.
2:00-3:00 PM/CT: Darrell Hamamoto, Ph.D., Professor of Asian 

American Studies at the University of California, David, has published

extensively on the representation of Asian Americans in films and on

TV, especially in relation to political issues and freedom of expression.

3:00-4:00 PM/CT: Kevin McDonald, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
at Cal State-Long Beach (retired), has 8 books on evolutionary theory 
and has focused on group selection and the significance of different 
strategies of adaptation and on social and personality development.
                                     SOME SPECIAL CASES
5:00-6:00 PM/CT:  Sterling Harwood, J.D., Ph.D., professor of 
philosophy and attorney-at-law, has published on the moon landing 
hoax, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, including exposing the 
role of Snopes.com in misleading the public regarding those events.
6:00-7:00 PM/CT: Preston James, Ph.D., a social psychologist 
from a Big Ten University, will address the importance of academic
research in an era dominated by propaganda from the mass media,
where academicians are failing to expose state-sponsored terrorism.
7:00-8:00 PM/CT: Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., a philosopher of science, has 
edited a series of books that investigate the moon landing hoax, the 
atrocities of 9/11, the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone, the FEMA drill at 
Sandy Hook, the fakery in Boston, and other major state deceptions. 
8:00- . . . . : General Discussion including questions from the audience

Those who would like to view the conference LIVE, should send
an email to info@academicfreedomconference.org indicating 

desire to join. If you have questions, call Stephen Francis at 

Views: 150


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