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America Awakens to Denver False Flag Danger


America Awakens to Denver False Flag Danger

Denver, location of the nation”s state-of-emergency command apparatus, was the scene of massive terror training Friday.


By Captain Eric H. May


HOUSTON — As first reported in a Denver Postarticle earlier this month, President Barack Obama will visit the mile-high city today, a trip that has received surprisingly little media coverage since it was announced, even by the local media.

What most might consider merely poor reporting about the presidential route has the Internet alarmed, though. As I noted in my article yesterday, Jewish Jihad and World War, Denver is home to the nation”s state-of-emergency command apparatus, and was the scene of massive terror training Friday. With financial markets crumbling worldwide, Zionists reeling from the push for Palestinian statehood in the United Nations and an Israeli attack on Iran, as reported by Haaretz, under consideration, a false flag operation may well be in the works, and Obama’s placement in Denver may well be the king retreating to his castle before the battle begins.

Thursday morning the infamous BP refinery in Texas City, Texas held emergency drills nine hours before an emergency occurred, involving the BP, Marathon and Valero refineries, which lost power and began to emit ominous flashes across the nighttime sky, causing workers to fear that they were being set up for a false flag operation.

My breaking story on their peril, posted the following morning, was Texas City Terror Scare. It contained details on BP security policy and Israeli intelligence handling of the Texas City counterterror program, provided by Big Oil insiders speaking on condition of anonymity. This summer Islamic Intelligence publisher Abu Salem sofyan and I posted  United States False Flag Forecast, which specified the BP refinery in Texas City and Sears Tower (Willis Tower) in Chicago as the nation’s top two targets.

Indeed, Obama cannot be understood except in the context of the Chicago setup, for which he and henchman Rahm Emanuel were selected — just as Bush and his henchman Tom DeLay were chosen for the Texas City setup. “Good guy” Congressional representatives like Chicago’s Jan Schakowsky (D) and Texas City’s Ron Paul (R) are rewarded for turning a blind eye to the setups. Destroying an American city is the top priority of our mass-murderous government and its Israel-first controllers.

In August Abu Salem and I posted an article about the linkage between NASA activity and ecological catastrophes. Star Wars technology, according to our research, has already attacked numerous targets.  The close approach of the Elenin comet to Earth today and tomorrow already has many Americans expecting an apocalyptic event, which makes now the perfect time to manufacture one.

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