9/11 Scholars Forum

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BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes

Senior Mideast Correspondent goes public on 9/11

BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes

Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart says on air that
Israeli Mossad did 9/11 and much more in his revealing interview with
Kevin Barrett which can be heard here. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!


Alan Hart says, "It probably started out as an all-Muslim operations, but
it was quickly penetrated by Mossad agents." He elaborates on Israel's
history of "false flag" operations, where the neo-cons and the Mossad
decided to take it over and make it work for them. The Twin Towers
were brought down by a controlled demolition, citing a very prominent
engineering and demolition company as supporting that. I also talks
about the five "dancing Israelis", who were arrested and turned out to
be Mossad agents. At a minimum, they knew the attack was taking
place. He thinks they may have been controlling the planes using
their cell phones. Quite a lot of top pilots have said it would have
been a very difficult task to hit the buildings and, Kevin added, the
767 alleged to have hit the South Tower was flying at an impossible
speed. He explains that, in his view, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard
Pearle were the driving force behind 9/11 along with Dick Cheney.
He observes that Israel wanted to take apart Iraq so it could not
pose a counter-balance to the exercise of Israeli domination of
the Middle East, where it would need another "false flag" attack
attributed to Iran to draw in the US. Hart is very concerned about
the missing nuclear missile that was taken from a base in North
Dakota. He attributes the theft of as many as six missiles that
were supposed to be sent to Israel to the machinations of Cheney,
where what he has to say quite consistent, by and large, with my
London symposium. "Debunking the 'War on Terror'", which can be
found at "No Lies Radio" here, http://noliesradio.org/archives/21621

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