9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Note the last line in particular!



A lingering technical question about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks still haunts some, and it has political implications: How did 200,000 tons of steel disintegrate and drop in 11 seconds? A thousand architects and engineers want to know, and are calling on Congress to order a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center.

"In order to bring down this kind of mass in such a short period of time, the material must have been artificially, exploded outwards," says Richard Gage, a San Francisco architect and founder of the nonprofit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Mr. Gage, who is a member of the American Institute of Architects, managed to persuade more than 1,000 of his peers to sign a new petition requesting a formal inquiry.

"The official Federal Emergency Management [Agency] and National Institute of Standards and Technology reports provide insufficient, contradictory and fraudulent accounts of the circumstances of the towers' destruction. We are therefore calling for a grand jury investigation of NIST officials," Mr. Gage adds.

The technical issues surrounding the collapse of the towers has prompted years of debate, rebuttal and ridicule.

He is particularly disturbed by Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, which was not hit by an aircraft, yet came down in "pure free-fall acceleration." He also says that more than 100 first-responders reported explosions and flashes as the towers were falling and cited evidence of "multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally 600 ft. at 60 mph" and the "mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking."

There is also evidence of "advanced explosive nano-thermitic composite material found in the World Trade Center dust," Mr. Gage says. The group's petition at www. ae911truth.org is already on its way to members of Congress.

"Government officials will be notified that 'Misprision of Treason,' U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382), is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence of treason to act," Mr. Gage says. "The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial."

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Comment by sandy rose on February 28, 2010 at 8:15am
this is great. i hope it made/makes its way to ALLLLLL members of congriss.
and i LIKE to think of them getting 'news' like this after all the hints we been
giving em all along. and swell people like Matt have already sent them info
years ago, boy, i bet they're squirming now. we might have to be prepared
for a major upheaving, if anything actually happens. hard to imagine that it
will, they'll probably just ignore a&e just like they've done us all along.
i have long thought that the 9/11 criminals have a plan of retaliation in
case they are brought down, and that that is what keeps the congrisskritters'
mouths so shut. royal heck could break loose if the truth squeezes all the
way out.....but alas, that would involve taking over the nooze media and
putting in truthy stuff rather than lies and cover ups.

i don't see talk yet about the earthquake in Chile on 9/11 groups....but
i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one thinking more horrid thoughts about haarp.
and what if it's true, that they can do it and they are doing it, who on earth is
involved in that, i mean how far up (down) the chain does it go, how many people
know about the actual doing of it. can people recognize the difference, can
ya PROVE the difference, between a real earthquake and a u.s. weapon of
mass destruction.? i've heard about the lights/colors in the sky before a haarp-
quake, i hope people amongst us get good at figuring out which is which,
because imagine what they could get away with if not stopped. i wouldn't
put it past em to wreak all sorts of havoc that way and any other way they
can think of, if the big truth really gets all the way out, i.e. is on the evening
nooze for even the blockheads to get it.
we've wanted alll along for these thugs to be busted and locked up/other
for what they have done, but it's hard to imagine that happening and we might
wanna be prepared for much worse. all heck could 'break loose', they could
have any number of button pushers installed around the world.

eeeeew, i have the nooze on now and they just said bush is gonna write
a book! wow, what nerve. not the smartest egg in the basket, no telling
what he might let slip. he'll probably admit to all sorts of crimes.

well, i know some in the truth community are worried about talking about
things like haarp and don't want to jump on every thing that happens as
possible criminal acts, but i for one think it's better to talk about it than not,
and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one thinking about that now.
Comment by Thoth II on February 25, 2010 at 7:57am
"Government officials will be notified that 'Misprision of Treason,' U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382), is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence of treason to act," Mr. Gage says. "The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial."

good that might put some heat on people with first hand knowledge. Too bad the bad guys in JFK didn't get hauled on the carpet for treason by some honest investigators back then.

"He is particularly disturbed by Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, which was not hit by an aircraft, yet came down in "pure free-fall acceleration."

I don't think the govt. even attempted to answer this one, because since Sept. 11 it is unexplainable in their terms. For example, I truly was a little skeptical when I saw the plane hitting the south tower first time and I kept looking at it during the day, because something didn't look correct, it looked like I realize in retrospect, a computer graphic. But that was not all, by that afternoon, I think Peter Jennings noticed building 7 falling like a controlled demolition. I ended that day already suspicious, that building 7 thing was the topper for me.

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