9/11 Scholars Forum

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John McCarthy comments on the Pentagon and Shanksville .

Some astute comments on the Pentagon and Shanksville from John McCarthy, whom I have featured as my guest on "The Real Deal" several times. He is very knowledgeable about politics and covert ops.

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:20:13 -0700
Subject: Inquiries On The Government's "Conspiracy Theories" Of The Events Of 911
From: vpocvs@gmail.com
The governments conspiracy theory on what happened on 911 has not stood the test of time. We both know that the shortest distance between two
points is a straight line. Nothing I have heard in the past fifty years
is gonna change that theory. HOWEVER, we also know that if a witness
being questioned in a court of law is caught in a lie, the judge will
instruct the jury to disregard everything else this witness has
testified to. With that in mind and that we are all in the court of
public opinion I have but a few points on 911 which should reopen the
whole 9 yards.

Professor Sabrosky glosses over the event at the Pentagon and the hole in the ground in Pennsylvania. I have big problems with just these
two observations by the good professor, ten year US Marine veteran and
War College teacher of the Nations Finest. US Marines with ten years
experience do not have any illusions about what damage is inflicted from
crashes of jet aircraft.

a. A 757 aircraft cannot fit into the hole made in the Pentagon.

b. The hole in the Pentagon was at such an elevation off of the ground
that the titanium steel engines would have made furrows in the lawn and
holes in the building because the wheels were not extended, otherwise
they would have made dents in the Pentagon lawn. The absence of these
facts are notoriously absent from any observation of the governments

c. An aluminum aircraft, such as a 757, could not have penetrated three wings of the steel reinforced concrete building, the outer wing
having recently been reinforced, in the most heavily defended building
in the world. (A 'shape charge' constructed of conventional demolitions
could be responsible for the damage to the three wings which suffered a
near complete circular hole in each Pentagon wing, but not from an
aluminum aircraft. Plastic Explosives, C4, burn at a rate of 25,000 feet
per second)

d. The titanium steel wheel assemblies associated with a 757 were not recovered from the wreckage in the Pentagon.

e. The wings of a 757 (containing the titanium steel wheel assemblies) would have created visible damage AND a larger fire than witnessed
because jet fuel is stored in the wings.

f. Titanium steel begins to melt at 3200 degrees Fahrenheit. Jet fuel burns at 1100 degrees Fahrenheit.

h. The nose wheel, also constructed of titanium steel, was not recovered from the Pentagon damage.

i. The "hole in the ground" in Shanksville, PA., did not contain one piece of wreckage notably found in any aircraft crash. No titanium
steel, no luggage, no electronics, no wires, no bodies, no aluminum.

j. The crash of the Continental flight in Buffalo, NY two years ago proves that after 12 hours of fire the two titanium wheel assemblies and
the titanium steel engines survived.

These and other "holes" in the governments 'conspiracy theory' of the events of 911 demand a review
of the 911 Commission and the addition of the facts of the collapse of
Building 7 which was totally ignored by the Commission which stands on
the same level and stench as the Warren Commission Report.

When the above discrepancies are adequately addressed as to the reasons why they were ignored nearly ten years ago, then and only then
will the answer as to who is responsible for the mass murders of
911 be focused on the perpetrators who currently walk among us.

John McCarthy

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