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MORE ISRAELI MOSSAD CONNECTIONS TO 9/11 by Mordechai Sones Nachaliel


More Israeli Mossad Connections to 9/11
Mordechai Sones
Nachaliel, Israel
Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Having viewed Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory documentary episode dealing with the Sept. 11 attacks, I would like to call your attention to a detail that the research team may have overlooked, namely the proprietorship of Hangar 17, where the only known 9/11 evidence still in existence is locked away from public scrutiny.

When viewed from a certain angle, Hangar 17 in JFK airport has a prominent, unfaded billboard that says ” Tower Air “. Tower Airlines was an * Israeli * airline that went bankrupt in 2000 . None other than Hangar 17 housed Tower Air’s then brand-new corporate headquarters.

Why does 9/11 evidentiary material that would provide clues such as the absence or presence of Super Thermite or other explosive material in the dust from the blasts sit for “safekeeping” in the former Executive Headquarters of a ten-year-defunct Israeli front organization that contracted heavily for the U.S. Defense Department and still has an unfaded sign hanging on the building?

Mike Ruppert reported that the Israeli container and freight-shipping corporation Zim , who occupied several floors in the Twin Towers and is widely known to do extensive operational support work for the Mossad, vacated all their offices days before the attacks – and they vacated in violation of their lease.

As excellent as Jesse Ventura’s expose is, Wikipedia openly identifies Tower as an American airline, controlled, however, by Israelis - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_Air . ): “Major artifacts from the World Trade Center are housed for safekeeping in the former Tower Air Hangar 17 at John F. Kennedy International Airport.”

As a matter of fact, while posing as a dinky, small-time Israeli airline that played second-fiddle to El-Al by catering mainly to Israel-New York Orthodox Jewish air traffic (dubbed affectionately by their clientele ” ChassidicAir ” – Tower even printed and distributed booklets on the arcane Halachic aspects of how to face Jerusalem during the uninterruptible Standing Prayer on New York-bound flights should the “Fasten Seat Belts” sign start flashing during turbulence), Tower Air won several exclusive major contracts from the United States Department of Defense to transport U.S. armed forces personnel to overseas locations. Tower was the second largest troop carrier during the first Persian Gulf War, flying U.S. troops and cargo in 300 sorties.

In 1993, Tower kept busy flying U.S. military personnel and cargo to support operations in Somalia. It was the first airline to fly troops into Mogadishu and also transported refugees for the United Nations during the conflict. The pattern in my mind that caused the Tower Air sign in Conspiracy Theory to jump out at me like a red flag upon seeing it was established in the late ’80’s and early ’90’s, when, in my capacity as the Diplomatic Project Director for the Federation for American Afghan Action, I identified one of the many facets of Israeli involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair, and exposed a U.S./Israeli front organization that was operationally similar to Tower Air in many respects. It was (and is, as far as I’m aware) called the Intergraph Corporation , which served as the diversion pipeline mechanism to Iran for SuperHawk spare parts from allied military installations in Western Europe through Israel to Iran, rendering entire U.S.and NATO ground-to-air missile defense umbrellas inoperative and vulnerable. I personally saw Intergraph shipments in Ben Gurion Airport’s Mamman Hangar building while investigating the matter in collaboration with a former Westinghouse employee who was fired and subsequently victimized in a campaign to destroy his livelihood and several murder attempts, similar to the campaigns that have been and are currently being waged against me.

Eleven years ago, during Netanyahu’s first tenure as Israel’s Prime Minister, my Report on the Acquiescence of the Israeli Government in Palestinian Authority First Strike in Judea and Samaria (published as Policy Paper #107 by the Ariel Center for Policy Research) made it to the desk of the Israeli Minister of Defense (one may Google the report), whose office contacted me for an “interview”, and since then I have learned a double lesson: how brittle are the evil policies of betrayal and abandonment when smashed by the light of public exposure and indignation, and how no brutality will be considered too low to commit for a government functionary who has been faced with a choice between loyalty to a principle of human values, ethics, or morals on the one hand, and loyalty to a source of power on the other – and has chosen the latter. Every action he will subsequently make will be dedicated to suppression and cover-up of his convoluted covert agendas, even if it means condemning inconvenient innocents to suffering or death. I was targeted in a murder attempt by the Israeli government (a police car rammed me as I was waiting at a red light; no less than six ambulances were pre-positioned at the scene and evacuated bystanders who suffered minor injuries while leaving me in my totaled car at the scene); while thank God the attempt at my life was unsuccessful, I did sustain among other things spinal damage and a fractured pelvis that has rendered me crippled until this day, and for the past six years witnessed a craftily orchestrated campaign to destroy my twenty-year-marriage and once beautiful family with six children whom I am currently in the midst of battling for with Israel’s own version of Child Protective Services. And woe to the man who does not have the money to either heal or defend himself against the vengeance of the wicked ones of this world.

There are several more parallels and similarities to Hangar 17 that demonstrate just how far, and with what determined desperation the power-hungry Hollow People In Power are willing to go to topple the walls of civilization. In a global society that has become careless of justice, a materialist civilization that daily grows more and more insecure and panicky as awareness begins to seep through that they are standing over an abyss, the bourgeois barbarians and morally castrated scumbags will never acknowledge defeat or concede the only imperative that holds for them any relevance: their appetite to concentrate and maintain power. Our obligation – those of us who have fought to retain enough of our souls to sense the impending tragedy – is to continue our struggle against the extinction of the idea of mission. Our mission – recalling that simplest of truths for which the Founding Fathers battled tyranny to establish our nation, that there are things more precious than life, and more horrible than death – is to establish a formal political mechanism to achieve and express a consensus based upon that “simple truth” of life and death so that those who seek to trample that line may no longer be remotely comfortable in the ease with which they swindle us into accepting their tyrannical objectives.

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