9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:19:58 -0400 [12:19:58 PM CDT]
From: "Barry Chamish" Israel
To: jsausen@progressiveqcare.com
Subject: butcher


by Barry Chamish

It's soon Rabin murder commemoration week, so let us draw a picture of his murderer Shimon Peres. As the day arrives, Peres' guilt brings out his annual display of irrationally crude behavior. Like shooting fish in a barrel, I mostly used one news service to gather this year's continuing saga of nutty self-confession. It was that easy.

So why credit me as the writer who first proved that coroner Dr. Yehuda Hiss changed Rabin's autopsy to save Peres?


(IsraelNN.com) The former #2 in the National Institute for Forensic Medicine (Abu Kabir) says he can't understand why the director, found to have engaged in illegal harvesting of organs, is still the highest-paid person in the public sector. Last week, the Finance Ministry released a list of the highest-paid public sector employees, revealing that the highest-paid of all was none other than Prof. Yehuda Hiss, who essentially heads the National Institute for Forensic Medicine at Abu Kabir.

Despite the above, it was revealed last week that Hiss earns nearly 67,000 shekels ($18,150) a month, roughly nine times the national average.

Dr. Chen Kugel, who served for several years as the Deputy Director of Abu Kabir and was instrumental in exposing serious irregularities there, such as the harvesting of organs without families' permission and testimony given by doctors about autopsies at which they were not present, spoke with Shimon Cohen of Arutz-7's Hebrew news magazine.
Cohen made another suggestion: "There have been rumors for years that Hiss simply knows too much; people have been sent to jail on his say-so, and for instance he knows about the Rabin murder. Perhaps there is a fear that if he is fired, he might open his mouth and ruin some lives."
Kugel guardedly answered, "I don't know if this is correct. I wasn't present at the Rabin autopsy, so I don't know about this. But if it is true, then the situation must stop now; why let it continue?"

The Shamgar Commission determined that Rabin was shot twice in the back. Central to my thesis is my contention that Rabin was shot a third time, from the front. And central to my claim that Shimon Peres organized the murder was his knowledge of that third shot. In my lectures, I show Peres on film stating that, "Three bullets pierced Rabin's body and the songsheet." The songsheet was in his front jacket pocket, thus Peres admits that Rabin was shot from the front, an act Amir could not have committed.

The problem is, Peres became prime minister and accepted the Shamgar Commission's finding that Rabin was shot twice in the back...WHEN HE KNEW THE TRUTH. And that makes Peres, head of the coverup.

I also note that 90 minutes after Rabin was declared dead, Peres conducted a cabinet meeting during which he appointed Rabin's personal bodyguard, Yoram Rubin, his own personal bodyguard. Now if there was one person in the world Peres should not have appointed to guard him, it was Rubin, based on his wonderful protection of Rabin that evening.
But since Rubin was the actual shooter of Rabin, Peres chose to reward him.

At that same cabinet meeting, Peres described how Rabin was murdered. Do not forget that Peres saw Rabin's body barely two hours before. Now remember the photos from the meeting and recall where Peres is pointing to. That, he explained to the world, was where the fatal bullet penetrated Rabin's body...FROM THE FRONT.

Rubin's boss was then-Shabak head Carmi Gillon. To protect his bungled murder conspiracy, Peres sent his partners abroad til the heat died down. Gillon was named the Danish Ambassador, before returning to Israel as head of the Peres Peace Center. Rubin was sent to head the security unit at the Washington Embassy before returning as Ariel Sharon's personal bodyguard. On December 18, '05, Sharon had tea with Peres in a private Knesset meeting. Within half an hour Rubin escorted him to Hadassah Hospital with a stroke. The hit squad was still at work eliminating Israeli prime ministers.

Not that prime ministers are the only victims of Peres. If we could only ask Mota Gur, Eliahu Ben Elissar, Raful Eitan, Judge Azar, Wayne Owens and Rehavam Zeevi:

Ben-Ari: President Shamed the Memory of Ze'evi

(IsraelNN.com) Member of Knesset Michael Ben-Ari (National Union)
attacked on Sunday afternoon, words delivered by President Shimon
Peres earlier in the day at a memorial for slain Tourism Minister
Rechav'am Ze'evi, who was also known as Ghandi. Dr. Ben-Ari said, "The
President shamed the memory of Gandhi when he turned him into a member
of 'Peace Now' and claimed that Gandhi supported a Palestinian state
in his youth."

Ben-Ari continued, "Peres's obsession brought about the Oslo disaster
and its murderous results, and he is doing everything, including
twisting history around, to continue making his false claims."

Leave it to Peres to change the MO of his victim Zeevi. Permit me the liberty of reminding you why Zeevi died:

Arafat played his cards a bit too confidently about the murder of the Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi, who was knocked off five days after he gave Prime Minster Sharon an ultimatum: fire Peres or I leave and take two parties with me. The French-controlled PFLP (Front For The Liberation Of Palestine) were called into action and Zeevi was eliminated six hours before he quit the government, taking nine dissenting Knesset members with him. Needless to say, the leaders of the two dissenting parties, Benny Elon and Yves Lieberman got the message and returned to the government.

Just before Christmas, Arafat went on Israeli Television and said the Palestinians were not behind the Zeevi murder, the Israelis were. It did not take long before Israeli shells landed near his office, followed by tanks to make sure he was trapped there. Even Arafat's cynical plea to visit Bethlehem for Christmas didn't move Sharon to lift the barriers. And the show goes on; while Sharon demands that Arafat hand over Zeevi's murderers, he claims his people weren't behind the murder. Arafat misjudged the wrath that follows such a huge betrayal of Peres.

Three days before he died, Rehavam Zeevi attacked Shimon Peres viciously in the government's cabinet meeting. He told PM Sharon that if Peres wasn't sacked, he would resign from the government and take seven Knesset members from Moledet and Yisrael Beiteinu with him. Sharon refused to fire Peres, so Zeevi wrote his last essay, for the Arutz Sheva website. It read in part:

"But what is understood in Washington is apparently not understood
here. Prime Minister Sharon, who himself fought for many years against
Arab terrorism, is not strong or consistent enough in this fight during his
tenure as Prime Minister. In order to keep Shimon Peres in the national
unity government, he gives in to Peres' dictates and allows him to continue
talking with the top brass of the evil Palestinian Authority, which is a
terrorist headquarters in every sense.

Peres conducts diplomatic negotiations, while the Palestinians continue to
shoot at our communities and on Jews - and he is doing all this just in
order to revive the Oslo process, which brought catastrophe upon us and
could, in the end, lead to the collapse of the State of the Jews.
Peres is doing this possibly because he believes in it - or possibly
because he wants to save his place and reputation in history."

Zeevi went on the warpath against Peres, not a wise strategy. Others have tried and others have died.

It was just seven years ago that 250 of us protested Peres' tax-paid 80th birthday party bash. We made it a flop. This year the murderer holds another wingding and not a soul is there to protest it. But look who his guests are. Look who is protecting the killer! All but the last are or were members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). Google them if you don't believe it. Here are the folks offering the Butcher protection from prosecution for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin and more:

> http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/133934#replies
> (IsraelNN.com) More than 1,500 guests from around the world will take their places in this week’s second annual Facing Tomorrow global conference in Jerusalem, initiated last year by President Shimon Peres and co-sponsored by Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It will be held from Oct.20-22 in Binyanei HaUmah Convention Center.
> Among the guests who will be taking part are:
> Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales
> Garry Knell, President and CEO of Children's Television Workshop (the non-profit organization behind Sesame Street)
> US Investment Strategist for Goldman Sachs Abby Joseph Cohen
> Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer
> Former US Administration officials Stuart Eizenstat and Elliott Abrams
> Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies Edward Luttwak
> Executive Chairman of the Rothschild Group Baron David de Rothschild

And who has fallen for the Butcher's charms? None other than the current prime minister, who does not want to join Rabin and Sharon on the Peres hit parade.

Peres assures West that Netanyahu is no longer right-wing.

Israeli president says Netanyahu has really come around to left-wing
way of thinking since taking office.
a href="http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=19831">http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=19831 >


I just completed a 3 lecture tour in Southern Florida, Sumass and Omak, Washington. As expected, the Jews of Florida provided the weakest reception, while organizers Bill, Cappie, Greg and Nancy made Washington highly successful. I sold all my books but it cost me over $1000 to purchase them from lulu.com. So, I'll send you any book for $20. plus postage.
Read on and write me.

Meanwhile, I've put this off for ages but will offer a DVD not yet made. I have the videotapes of The Secrets Of Rabin, a film that should have been made a decade ago but was shut down.
Within are over 20 hours of some secret, some public, some amateur, some professional, all powerful testimonies of how Yitzhak Rabin was murdered.

For me to edit, convert to DVD, create English and Hebrew discs, will take me weeks and will be costly. Tell me what you would be willing to pay for this disc, and I'll decide to go ahead or not based on what you decide. It's up to you.

In Hebrew:


Hebrew listeners, tell your friends, and add:


THE conPROMISED LAND for $20, plus postage instead of the lulu.com price of $34 + postage. Order away:

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080 USA

Paypal: chamishba@gmail.com

Compare the price:

THE conPROMISED LAND can be ordered direct from the publisher http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback_book/the_conpromised_land/639...

One of the members of this list is sending me endless copies of a very valuable book, The Vatican's Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
It tells the horrifying story of the worst religious holocaust of the 20th century led by Pope Pius 12. 237 pages, filled with rare photos. And...It's yours for free. The only cost will be postage, envelopes, gas to the post office, say $6 in the States. Overseas the postage will be higher but the book itself is free.

Send me your mailing address and I'll get it to you.

PS I'll add my two Vatican DVDs, one recorded in Jerusalem, the other in Atlanta if you ask, a bit more money BUT without profit.

And, if you want the unread world's news sent to you by my modestly priced special newslist, write me at chamish@netvision.net.il

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