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Scientist: Directed energy weapons turned World Trade Center into nanoparticles on 9/11

Something nice that deserves more publicity.

Scientist: Directed energy weapons turned World Trade Center into nanoparticles on 9/11

March 23, 10:21 PMSeattle Exopolitics ExaminerAlfred Lambremont Webre

Wiki commons: Dr.Judy Wood describes 9/11 molecular dissociation of WTC

This is the second of a multi-part series on secret technologies, their application to the events of September 11, 2001, and the consequent implications for our society.

In his article “False Flag Operations, 9-11 and the Exopolitical Perspective” Dr. Michael E. Salla states, “Thefourth exopolitical factor [of false flag operations] concerns the use of weather modification technologies that former Secretary of State William Cohen confirmed as existing in 1997.” The “weather modification technologies” Dr. Salla is referring to include directed energy weapons which, by theevidence, have been used in scalar, weather warfare and seismic false flag operations such as December 26, 2004 (Boxing Day) Indonesian Tsunami, the China earthquake of May 12, 2008, the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, and the Chile earthquake of February 27, 2010.

Dr. Judy Wood, a former assistant professor at Clemson University, has developed compelling evidence that a directed energy weapon turned the physical matter of the World Trade Center towers into nanoparticles through the process of molecular dissociation. Dr. Wood demonstrates clear evidence that cannot be accounted for by the official9/11 Commission explanation or alternative theory of military planes, cruise missiles, or other projectiles hitting the World Trade Center buildings, or a controlled demolition caused solely by "advanced explosive nano-thermiticcomposite material found in the World Trade Center dust," or solely by 4th generation mini-nukes.

In a February 22, 2010 Washington Times article, Richard Gage, a San Francisco architect and founder of the nonprofit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, states, "’Government officials will be notified that 'Misprision of Treason,' U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382), is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence of treason to act,’ Mr. Gage says. ‘The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial.’”

The trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed may soon begin (subject to reported political negotiations with Republicans), as U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified before a U.S. House appropriations subcommittee on March 16, 2010 that “a decision will be made in a matter of weeks on where to try the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks,” indicating that the Obama administration has a pre-determined position on the evidence that the events of September 11, 2001 were a false flag operation.

United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al. "is the upcoming trial of five alleged Al-Qaeda members for aiding the September 11, 2001 attacks. Charges were announced by Brigadier General Thomas W. Hartmann on February 11, 2008 at a press conference at the Pentagon. The men charged are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohammed al Qahtani, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ammar al-Baluchi, and Mustafa al-Hawsawi. In an 88-page complaint, the group was charged with attacking civilians, attacking civilian objects, intentionally causing serious bodily injury, murder in violation of the law of war, destruction of property in violation of the law of war, hijacking or hazarding a vessel or aircraft, terrorism, and providing material support for terrorism. If convicted, the five will face the death penalty."

Regardless of whether U.S. President Barack H. Obama chooses to have these defendants tried in a U.S. Military Commission or in a U.S. Federal court, the evidence amassed by such researchers as Dr. Judy Wood and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth satisfies the burden of proof that the events of September 11, 2001 were, beyond a reasonable doubt, a false flag operation. Consequently, one can characterize the forthcoming trial in United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al as a political show trial, no different in effect – the wrongful execution of the defendants and the attempted hoodwinking of the U.S. and world population – from other political show trials in recent history.

This Examiner.com article in the continuing 9/11 series examines the evidence for the use of secret advanced directed energy weapons in the molecular dissociation of the World Trade Center buildings into nanoparticles on September 11, 2001. The article discusses the implications of this evidence, in light of Andrew D. Basiago’s eyewitness evidence that a secret DARPA time travel program, whose defense liaison was then Nixon Cabinet Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, was in physical possession images of the World Trade Center 9/11 events in 1971, 30 years before the actual events occurred on September 11, 2001. Mr. Rumsfeld, of course, was U.S. Secretary of Defense on 9/11.

Continues at: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-2912-Seattle-Exopolitics-Examine...

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Comment by sandy rose on March 26, 2010 at 3:50pm
wow, yeah, David Swanson, good dude, holy crap!
i've axed him before if he was a 9/11 truther, cause i had a hunch,..
yeah, man, you
seen the stuff about the yoo ess using their droney old drones to patrol
the texass border i think it was? whoa. next thing ya know they'll
be killing people at the border, cause they said they could. and how
does that yoo hoo get away with what it does?
psychopath is right. wow. holy mo.
before ya know it, Shallel, we'll be watching for those flying pigs
in case they say it's legal to target us 9/11 truthers and wipe us off
the face of the Earth. times they are a-forked up, and we are the
witnesses. oh whoa is me.....and the rest of the world.
wow. it's so like a bad dream that ya never wake up from.
may they all rot in hell forever and ever, amen.

burn one for me and i'll burn one for you, bro, i think we're gonna
need it. i kept hoping the ICC would do some freakin thing about
our despicable swine....they're still twiddling their thumbs about
what a 'crime of aggression' means.
it's a wonder any of us have any sanity left at all, in my book of horror..
Comment by sandy rose on March 25, 2010 at 11:34am
Shallel, you funny as always. and go for it on the boob bombs. i can
hardly wait! (you saw the thing about that at clg, right?) oh brother.

yeah, as far as any actual weaponry that our bad old yooo ess of aye
has, i have no doubt that they wouldn't hesitate to use any of it for any reason,
ESPECIALLY if they (laugh laugh) ever were to get busted for 9/11. like
that's gonna happen, right?

oh and thanks for the update on your happiness enhancers of choice!
i'll second the middle one, switch the first to bud ice or even icehouse.
or once in a while nethin tastes better than a 7&7.

hey, one thing that article did for me was to remind me of a show back
in the dark ages,...Time Tunnel maybe? i can't remember the characters
on the show, i get em confused with Lost in Space, but i still remember the
psychadelic swirlie shapes when they tumbled back in time! good stuff, right?
and little donny rumsmell should have tumbled and kept on tumbling.

Peter Gabriel rocks ass. wuv him.
that article you sent out was so wiggy bizzarre i might just hafta read it
again. and yes, i've seen your head. it's one of a kind, sir. carry on!
and i enjoy the crud out of your sense of humor. ya need one in this biz! :)
Comment by sandy rose on March 25, 2010 at 5:02am
yeah, i should have specified that i was referring to the article about
time travel. i mean i'm an open minded person and all but they ain't
no amount of anything that's gonna convince me of that one. those
are the folks i wondered about, what kind of drugs are they on , maybe
a little LSD or something? not you, Shallel! (by the way, Shallel,
looks like we'll need a new photo for exploding breast implants soon!)
Comment by Thoth II on March 24, 2010 at 3:55pm
"or solely by 4th generation mini-nukes"

I don't agree with Dr. Wood here. I do not think mini-nukes can be ruled out, there are some indications of it. To me, the directed energy hypothesis was not quite as strong as the nuke hypothesis because DEW are electromagnetic radiation, like microwaves. Think of your microwave oven. Ceramics or food, with water in them, absorb microwaves well and heat up the object. But put a metal spoon in there, and it will just spark. Well, the twin towers had metal cores, wouldn't DEW just spark off the metallic cores?
Comment by James H. Fetzer on March 24, 2010 at 3:20pm
I like articles like this that get the reader thinking, even when I'm not quite sure what I think about them myself!
Comment by sandy rose on March 24, 2010 at 2:57pm
oh boy. you have got to be kidding me. jeepers. they thought we were
nuts when we said 9/11 was an inside job.. then they thought we were
even crazier when we said the planes were faked. this will put us at a
whole new level of bonkers. what kind of drugs are these people on?

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