9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Tactical Concerns: Coping with the Coming Military/Police State

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 17:16:50 -0800

Where we are losing the battle and having them pick us off, one-at-a-time can also be seen in the recent Rockefeller hit. The common citizen and the smug, Illuminatist is not up on the lethal ways of police/military/intelligence agencies and can be assassinated. 2 years of national service could strengthen the populace to have basic weapons and field maneuvering skills, so its no surprise the draft was ended in 1969 to create the current generation of pussies (sorry have to call it like I see it) who don't even have any military/police opinion to provide oversight much less fight off direct, personal attacks. What follows is a crash course on such things.

Physical Security

Ideal home location is someone living all the time in the home and surrounded by neighbors who keep an eye on each other's homes. A defacto "safe house". A video surveillance camera should be on and recording any entrance to the home by cars and people and on foot--include constant surveillance of your car so it cannot be bugged or bombed. Review the night's tapes before entering your car. Place a small piece of tape on the door bottom when you close your car doors, hood though I know this is tedious.

Get at the very least a .38 revolver and have it ready-to-fire, whenever you are in your home or car. Learn how to fire it from your purse/pants pocket at the hip as if you were accosted and in a hand-to-hand struggle. Then, learn how to fire it at extended arm's length using sight alignment/sight picture. Secret is a steady hold and squeeze trigger til gun fires unexpectedly so last thing you see is sights aligned on target. Obtain a concealed carry permit and extend the range of when you are a threat to perps beyond car/home. If ANYONE tresspasses on your property and threatens you, KILL HIM/THEM. Do not shoot to wound as this will enable him to play the victim.

Mental Security

Don't have a cell phone! Its so easy to listen in on cell phones, its become a Hollywood cliche'. America is now so covered by cell phone towers to relay transmissions there's one EVERY 6 miles.

The lady I live with has one as a necessity for driving into a violent city since she's not armed as outlined above. In other words, cell phones as an emergency "radio" not as in-depth tools for complex communications/research. Use computer internet phone service like SKYPE to talk to others.

Shred or better yet burn ALL your documents if you must dispose of them.
Do not give away your physical address and phone number to any entity as much as humanly possible.

Legal Security

Establish a friendship with a local attorney. When being persecuted by a NWO perp there are legal actions that can be done to MAKE VISIBLE his invisible harassments; its not that we expect these things to STOP HIM, but more to DENY HIM SECRECY to harass you. One technique would be to place a videocamera on a tripod, introduce yourself to the audience and state your case on camera to include evidences like broken locks, pics of the perp tresspassing etc. and POSTING ON YOUTUBE and the several clones out there. Silkwood would have been saved had such things were available back then in her time. If a perp murders you, you would become an instant martyr--being a publickly-known figure is a good life insurance policy that can act as a deterrent.


Who is Herman Rockefeller and Why Does it Matter?

Musings of a Dead Man

Formerly: http://deadmanmusings.blogspot.com

Paul A Drockton M.A.

One of a Handful in the world to score perfect scores on various, professionally administered, IQ Tests.
"Dead Man Musings"

On Friday, January 22, 2010 Herman Rockefeller mysteriously vanished and has not been seen since.

"Police say he landed in Melbourne about 9pm and was seen walking alone to the long-term car park.

At 9:32pm his car, registration UUP-682, was seen on security vision leaving the pre-paid credit card exit.

The father of two never made it home.

Police say Mr Rockefeller’s bank account has not been touched and his mobile phone remained switched off after the flight.

His Citylink account had not been activated, although the tollways were his logical route home from the airport." (source)

The fact that his bank account has not been touched would indicate that this was a professional job, not a group of amateur thugs looking for some easy money. The fact that his car did not activate the electronic tolls indicates that it did not happen on his logical route home, and the fact that his occupied car was last seen at the airport, would seem to indicate
that he was abducted at the airport itself.

The real question is, who is Herman Rockefeller? His brother Robert claims they are not related to the Rockefeller family in the US, but, based on Herman's business activities, which align quite well with the American Rockefeller business interests, this claim rings hollow. Consider the following:

1. Mr Rockefeller is a Harvard graduate and was initially identified as a former director of Carlton and United Breweries.

Now Foster's is denying any connection to the man.

2. This Rockefeller family came from Akron, Ohio, where they owned a bakery. The US Rockefellers lived in and operated from
Cleveland, Ohio (which was the headquarters for Standard Oil until the company was sold to British Petroleum), a mere 45 minutes away. Purportedly, Herman's father made a decision to move to Australia in the early 1960s and "struck it rich".

3. Even more interesting is the influence this man and his family had in New Zealand:

"Just last month one of the family's investment companies, Burnie Hospital Limited, agreed to a $52 million deal to sell the North West Regional Hospital in Burnie to the Tasmanian Government.

The Rockefeller family owned the hospital, built for $26 million in 1994, and leased it to the Tasmanian Government. Over the past 16 years, the family has reaped an estimated $90 million in lease fees on the site. The 25-year deal was worth $125 million in total - so extravagant the Tasmanian Government finally sought to buy its way out of the contract." (source)

Now that's a deal only a Rockefeller can make. Spend $26 million on a building and lease it to the government for $125 million. Yet, the denials keep coming in that there is no relationship between the two families.

Even more interesting is the unreported fact that Herman Rockefeller was a director of "Genesis Research and Development Corporation". The list of patents filed by this Biotech company definitely would meet the needs of a global conspiracy, if there was one of course (wink,wink). For example:

"Methods for producing genetically modified plants, plant materials and plant products produced thereby.

Inventors: Flinn, Barry; Cheah, Kheng Tuan.
Assignee: Genesis Research and Development Corp. Ltd.
Patent issued: ZA2001/1818 - 2001-12-24." (source)

The Rockefeller Foundation has been tampering with genetically altered food for quite a while, as evidenced by this grant offer to anyone that could assist them in genetically altering rice. Herman Rockefeller's Genesis Research has also been involved in controversial RNAi technology designed to "suppress" certain genetic traits. (source). RNAi research can be traced back to the Eugenics movement and the search for a "Master Race", both Rockefeller pet projects.

So, is this the reason for all the denials of "Rockefellerianism"? Or, is there more to it? For example, Herman Rockefeller's position with the Pratt Group:

"In his corporate career, Harvard-educated Rockefeller has had two stints with the Pratt family's Visy empire. He first worked with Pratt Group's financial services and investment division, which was closed after the sharemarket crash of 1987. In 2000, he returned for six months to help with the acquisition and integration of Visy's packaging business."

Charles Pratt was John D. Rockefeller's Treasurer and was a direct contributor to the "cause":

"Old John D. Rockefeller's treasurer at Standard Oil, Charles Pratt, bequeathed his New York mansion to the Council on Foreign
Relations as its world headquarters."

The links are there and they seem to indicate that Herman Rockefeller was another member of the Illuminati Elite. If this is the case, then may I propose a few reasons for denying his Rockefeller heritage?

1. I believe that this "disappearance" shows just how vulnerable the Western Illuminati Elite really are. For the Rockefellers to admit that someone had gotten to a member of the "family" is an admission that they are currently under siege, wondering which one of them is next.

2. This is evidenced by the suiciding of the "World Economic Forum" Security Chief (source). Are the two incidences linked? Obviously this guy's security operations had been compromised.

3. If in fact, the Eastern Illuminati in China and Russia are planning a war with the West, as I believe, is this the beginning of a "decapitation" plan of Western Illuminati leadership?

4. Or is this just "payback" for the 1,000 trillion dollar derivatives screw-job? Herman Rockefeller was involved in high finance as well as his other business interests. China and Russia were both heavily invested in derivatives and both got screwed by Western bankers.

Maybe the answer is "all of the above". We will definitely be watching for any future developments on this.

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Comment by Thoth II on February 5, 2010 at 6:06am
"Maybe the answer is "all of the above". We will definitely be watching for any future developments on this."

I don't know if all are true, but I believe there is no honor among thieves. And the illumanati to me are the financial and corporate oligarchs behind all thrones. They have been behaving like a crime syndicate and when things go badly, they'll start squabbling with each other. These oligarchs might have a grand plan of say depopulating the world so they can get better control, but all the best laid plans of mice and men don't always work, and maybe they are losing control. I would not rule out certain Curtis Lemay types grabbing onto the nuclear bombs and unleashing them on the world. We were very lucky after JFK was eliminated that there wasn't a full scale nuclear war.

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