9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

The latest lunatic ravings from the Judy Wood cult in response to my 5-star review of her book on amazon.com

In reply to an earlier post on Jun 30, 2012 11:01:16 PM PDT
Ralph Winterrowd quoted Amicus Solo, "When an honest man, honestly mistaken, comes face-to-face with undeniable and irrefutable truth, he is faced with one of two choices, he must either cease being mistaken or cease being honest." - Amicus Solo

I did some fact checking myself about Dr. James Fetzer's history with Dr. Judy Wood going back as early as 2006. I have known about Dr. James Fetzer since I heard him on a radio program back in late 2005 called Coasttocoastam with George Noory where he was a guest talking about Building 7. It was this radio conversation that got me hooked into looking into the research of 9/11. Dr. James Fetzer moved into the state of Wisconsin where I live and I got to know him, in-person, on a number of occasions related to the research of 9/11. It took me a number of years to realize that I was being perception managed by Dr. James Fetzer. I had my suspicions about all the in-fighting going on within the 9/11 Truth Movement and I didn't have knowledge of some important facts as I know them today. It was over a year ago that I put all these facts together, with the help of Andrew Johnson's book, 9/11 Finding the Truth. Here are some facts/events regarding Dr. Judy Wood and Dr. James Fetzer. On two of these events I was physically present.

* Dr. Judy Wood first presented her work at an engineering conference in June 2006 (a fact that I have never heard Dr. James Fetzer discuss).
* Dr. Judy Wood was invited by Les Jamieson of 911truth.org to speak at the NYC fifth anniversary at Cooper Union (9/10/06). He introduced her saying he met Dr. Judy Wood in 2005. I (Matthew Naus) was physically present at this event. 
* Dr. Judy Wood was invited to present her work at the National Press Club, 9/6/06, (a fact that I have never heard Dr. James Fetzer discuss).
* Dr. Judy Wood was invited to speak in front of the Whitehouse on the fifth anniversary (9/11/06). I (Matthew Naus) was physically present at this event, driving from New York City during the night to be in Washington DC the next day. I read a 9/11 poem at this event. 
* Dr. Judy Wood and Dr. Morgan Reynolds had posted an article, disproving thermite and questioning the planes. For this, Dr. James Fetzer threw them out of his "Scholars" group in 2006 and tried to turn the entire Truth Movement against them.
* Dr. Judy Wood was invited to speak on WPFW and was invited to speak in Seattle, along with Dr. Morgan Reynolds, in late October 2006. It seems to me that what Dr. Judy Wood presented in Seattle uncovered the truth about what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and Dr. James Fetzer, the perception manager, got his orders.

Even though Dr. Judy Wood wasn't a member of "Scholars for 9/11 truth," Dr. James Fetzer and Dr. Steven Jones staged a fake breakup of Scholars for 9/11 Truth to distract people away from the evidence Dr. Judy Wood was presenting. This breakup also gave Dr. James Fetzer the opportunity to try, at a later time, to gain "favor" with Dr. Judy Wood since the other camp consisting of Dr. Steven Jones and his followers would not be calling on Dr. Judy Wood's empirical evidence. 

Dr. Judy Wood was finally invited to discuss her work on Dr. James Fetzer's radio show in November 2006. After that, Dr. James Fetzer began promoting Dr. Judy Wood's work as "space beams, a term that Dr. Judy Wood has never used. Dr. James Fetzer used other terms such as, lasers and masers to muddle up her work and manage the perception of others. Promoting information you know is false is called "disinformation." So, there is evidence, even in this thread, that Dr. James Fetzer is promoting disinformation about Dr. Judy Wood and her work. Dr. James Fetzer had a motive, and that motive was to try and manage Dr. Judy Wood and her research. Yes, Dr. James Fetzer put Dr. Judy Wood on his radio program a number of times and invited her to the 2007 conference in Madison, Wisconsin to give a presentation. I (Matthew Naus) was also present at this event. Dr. James Fetzer's motive to do this was to gain the "favor" of Dr. Judy Wood so he could continue to muddle up her research and manage the perception of others. This is what he is doing when he brings up the word "theory" regarding Dr. Judy Wood's research. Dr. James Fetzer lost his "favor" with Dr. Judy Wood over 4 years ago because of his dishonest attempts to use perception management with her research and muddle it up. Dr. James Fetzer now has to find other ways to use perception management, such as creating debate about whether Dr. Judy Wood's research is a theory when she clearly states this is empirical evidence she presents in her research and in her book Where Did The Towers Go? Dr. James Fetzer is a master of the craft of perception management. Not to long ago, I challenged Dr. James Fetzer's use of perception management in a Veterans Today blog. He became so surprised at my response that he had to call me personally on the phone to see if it was really me. It's as plain as day to me that Dr. James Fetzer is not honest with his actions and words with regard to the research of Dr. Judy Wood.

You just replied with a later post

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jul 1, 2012 7:45:49 AM PDT 
You edited this post
This is about the most moronic drivel I have yet to read about my relationship with Judy. I am not familiar with the phrase, "perception management", but it is a good one to use by those who wants to slant THEIR PERCEPTION of the efforts of others, where my perception of Judy's group as being "a cult" is being borne out:

* Dr. Judy Wood first presented her work at an engineering conference in June 2006 (a fact that I have never heard Dr. James Fetzer discuss).

Now that you mention it, I may have heard about it at one time. But so what? I was going to do everything I could to get her research out into the public domain by featuring her in a series of radio interviews that would eventually run to 15.

* Dr. Judy Wood was invited by Les Jamieson of 911truth.org to speak at the NYC fifth anniversary at Cooper Union (9/10/06). He introduced her saying he met Dr. Judy Wood in 2005. I (Matthew Naus) was physically present at this event. 

Judy spoke because I recommended her to Les Jamieson, who had never heard of her but accepted my recommendation. This is another of those cases where you and others have no idea of my role here. I have recommended her to others, too.

* Dr. Judy Wood was invited to present her work at the National Press Club, 9/6/06, (a fact that I have never heard Dr. James Fetzer discuss).

I was the one who was speaking and I invited her to join me to answer questions. It was after my presentation that Greg Jenkins did his "hit piecce" interview with Judy, which had me so steamed that, afterwards, he and I nearly came to blows.

* Dr. Judy Wood was invited to speak in front of the Whitehouse on the fifth anniversary (9/11/06). I (Matthew Naus) was physically present at this event, driving from New York City during the night to be in Washington DC the next day. I read a 9/11 poem at this event. 

Good for Judy and for Matt. I assume that, in this case, he has his facts right. I am all for Judy and Matt makings appearances, which, at least in the past, have had benefits by stimulating serious discussion about 9/11. Now I am not so sure.

* Dr. Judy Wood and Dr. Morgan Reynolds had posted an article, disproving thermite and questioning the planes. For this, Dr. James Fetzer threw them out of his "Scholars" group in 2006 and tried to turn the entire Truth Movement against them.

Utter rubbish. I would not talk about "no planes" and Morgan and Judy resigned. The real split in Scholars--between me and Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, and their associates--came about BECAUSE I WAS WILLING TO CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE THEORIES ABOUT THE WTC AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I HAD INTERVIEWED JUDY WOOD! I have written and published about this, but Matt has apparently never bothered to read what I have written. Check out "Founder's Corner" on 911scholars.org for history about Scholars and especially "Wikiepedia as a 9/11 disinformation op" on-line. READ IT!

* Dr. Judy Wood was invited to speak on WPFW and was invited to speak in Seattle, along with Dr. Morgan Reynolds, in late October 2006. It seems to me that what Dr. Judy Wood presented in Seattle uncovered the truth about what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and Dr. James Fetzer, the perception manager, got his orders.

This is as ridiculous as it gets. I spoke in Seattle on the 13th on my way to The Vancouver Hearings and have been told their presentations were bizarre and that Judy would not even answer questions. But others here know more about that.

Matt Naus has now shown that he has lost his marbles just as profoundly as Judy Wood and other members of her cult. Judy herself talked about "space beams" from the beginning--the first show I interviewed her on 11 November 2006. I winced when she used the phrase since I was sure it would come back to haunt her, as it did.

If there is anything I DO NOT DO, it is TRY TO MANAGE ANYONE ELSE'S POINT OF VIEW. I welcome all sides of all debates. I have done that with Scholars. I have done that with my radio programs, including "The Real Deal". I have done that in the conferences I organized in Madison and now in Vancouver. This is ridiculous.

How can I be "managing perceptions" when I featured her 15 TIMES? How can I be "managing perceptions" when I published her in THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY (2007)? How can I be "managing perceptions" when I give her an unprecedented 3 HOURS TO SPEAK DURING THE MADISON CONFERENCE? OR INVITE HER TO VANCOUVER?

And what have I received in return? A crack-pot book by Andrew Johnson based on remarks and emails he did not understand at the time? Vicious attacks from Judy including the false attribution of the views of others to me so they could be attacked on YouTube? Semi-demented ravings from the once-sane Matt Naus?

That Matt Naus does not understand the meaning of the word "theory" and that no one can explain anything scientifically without one continues to astonish me. Has he never heard of Newton's theory of universal gravitation? Einstein's theory of relativity? Darwin's theory of evolution? Theories are what science is all about.

Indeed, the idea of Matt Naus "doing some fact checking" is a joke. He doesn't even understand the meaning of "disinformation", either, which is the deliberate dissemination of information that is false and that is known to be false in order to mislead an audience. I don't do that, but Judy and her YouTube buddies obviously do.

Without a theory there are no laws and without laws there are no explanations. If Judy has no theory, then she has no laws. If Judy has no laws, then she cannot possibly explain the phenomena that she has so brilliantly presented in her book. Empirical evidence is the data that an adequate scientific theory must explain!

The idea that anyone would be GIVING ME ORDERS is completely absurd. I have always been too outspoken for my own good. I graduated magna cum laude in philosophy from Princeton when it was ranked #1 in the world in physics, math and philosophy. I earned my Ph.D. in the history and the philosophy of science.

I am a former Marine Corps officer. I have held many appointments at a wide range of institutions of higher learning, including Virginia and North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have published 29 books and hundreds of articles on many subjects including computer science, AI, cognitive science, as well as evolution and mentality.

NO ONE GIVES ME ORDERS. Matt Naus, alas, has become one more in a long list of those who have lost their way under the mystique of Judy Wood. Given all that I have done for Judy, the situation is incredibly ironic. She has her little cult and should attack her enemies, but they need to find better targets. I am not among them.

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Comment by HenryMassingale on April 30, 2024 at 6:26am

 I do not have the foggiest of this issue, is she or her family with the Biden Administration?

Comment by Thoth II on July 2, 2012 at 10:07am

because Judy is frustrated that she can not prove her DEW hypothesis (simply because Chuck IS correct and DEWs were never discussed at the demolition meeting) ; she is taking the predictable course of "banging the shoe on the table to get attention" and her cult is slinging mud.  If they could easily relate the evidence to their H , such as Chuck bravely has done in spades as recently as the Vancouver conf. and in a outstanding manner ; they would have long ago.

Comment by James H. Fetzer on July 1, 2012 at 6:29pm

It's astounding, Jeannon.  They even deny Judy and Morgan were members of Scholars.  But if they were not members of Scholars, how could they have resigned from Scholars in protest?  This is really very, very sad.

Comment by Jeannon Kralj on July 1, 2012 at 12:34pm

Some ridiculous accusations against 9-11 truth seeking individuals are of a sick nature, and some are of a sinister nature.  I opt for the former in this case.

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