9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

James H. Fetzer
  • Male
  • Oregon, WI
  • United States

James H. Fetzer's Friends

  • Tim Nolan
  • Pasquale DiFabrizio
  • jane doe
  • Bill Giltner
  • laurence de mello
  • Jeannon Kralj
  • Dean
  • Peg Carter
  • Curtis Sherwood
  • sandy rose
  • James F Holwell
  • Mark E. Smith
  • sparkoflife

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James H. Fetzer posted a status
"CORRECTION: The "BBC" was NOT the British Broadcasting Company but Buccaneer Broadcasting Center of Pirate Radio, Key West. It was in code."
Mar 25, 2023
James H. Fetzer posted a status
"Dead Kids Talking on the BBC: "Emilie Parker" & "Vicki Soto" their role at Sandy Hook & Uvalde https://www.bitchute.com/video/GdgsaVS7e4mM/"
Mar 25, 2023
James H. Fetzer commented on Chuck Boldwyn's video

George Floyd alleged to be not dead as Crisis Actor

"Nothing about George Floyd would surprise me. My take is that the entire event was a staged performance, where they used a Sigma 7 African-American windpipe training dummy on the ground. It had no hair and hands in front of its chest, even though GF…"
Mar 22, 2023
James H. Fetzer posted a status
"10th Annual 9/11 Debate: Michael Shermer, Ph.D., vs. Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. https://vimeo.com/809107875"
Mar 21, 2023
Chuck Boldwyn left a comment for James H. Fetzer
"jim, check out my new posts, esp on George Floyd."
Aug 14, 2020



The purpose of this forum is to expose falsehoods and reveal truths about the events of 9/11.
As I see it, the primary areas of research intended to be the focus of this forum include these:

(A) General Overview and the Nature of Conspiracy Theories;

Recommended reading:

"Thinking about 'Conspiracy Theories': 9/11 and JFK"
by James H. Fetzer;

"Was America Attacked by Muslim's on 9/11?
by David Ray Griffin; and,

"There is No Evidence Muslims Hijacked Planes on 9/11"
by Elias Davidsson

(B) What Happen to the WTC and especially the Twin Towers?

Recommended reading:

Visit the drjudywood.com web site and study her photographs;

"The 9/11 WTC Twin Towers Could Not Possibly Have Collapsed"
by Charles Boldwynn;

"WTC Molten Metal: Fact or Fiction?"
by C.B. Brooklyn

(B1) Was video fakery used to deceive the American public?

Recommended Reading:

Visit the killtown and Ace Baker web sites and study the videos;

"Mounting Evidence of Video Fakery on 9/11"
by James H. Fetzer (and follow its links)

"New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11"
by James H. Fetzer (and follow its links)

(B2) Were Planes Even Used on 9/11?

Recommended Reading:

"Some Holes in the Plane Stories"
by Morgan Reynolds and Rick Rajter

"On Simulators, Video Fakery, and Planes/No Planes"
by James H. Fetzer

"Fetzer-Barrett-Legge Exchange"
by Jame H. Fetzer, Kevin Barrett, and Frank Legge

(C) What Happened at the Pentagon?

Recommended Reading:

"Norman Mineta and Richard Clarke Contradict the 9/11 Commission"
by Adam Lietke

"The Latest on the Pentagon"
by James Hanson

"What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon"
by James H. Fetzer

(D) Who Was Responsible for 9/11?

Recommended Reading:

"Was America Attacked by Muslim's on 9/11?
by David Ray Griffin; and,

"Could US Leaders Have Authorized 9/11 without Knowing the Details?"
by Elias Davidsson

"9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda"
by James H. Fetzer

(E) Misinformation and Disinformation

Recommended Reading:

"Thinking about 'Conspiracy Theories': 9/11 and JFK"
by James H. Fetzer

"9/11 Conspiracy Theories"
by the Anti-Defamation League

"The Manipulation of the 9/11 Community"
by James H. Fetzer

There will be more, especially about (D) and (E). But these are some of the basics. that
every member of this forum should be familiar with. There is a lot of my stuff, not because
it is mine but because it deals with the complex and controversial aspects of 9/11, which
are the only ones worth discussion and debate. I do not think I am right about all of this,
by the way. I can learn from you by showing me where I'm wrong.

A word of appreciate to Michael Morrissey, who introduced us to ning.com. This is not
an anti-Morrissey forum but a 9/11 Truth forum. Michael's excess of zeal in anti-anti-
Semitism and unwillingness to study mathematical treatments of these issues created
an obstacle to the pursuit of 9/11 research. He was, in my view, committing several
elementary fallacies, including the ad hominem and the genetic fallacies.

Having spent 35 year teaching logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning, I did my
best to oppose them, but Michael is a man of strong opinions and would not budge. I
therefore founded this forum as an alternative, where members are welcome to belong
to both. I should note that, in my view, the charge of anti-Semitism has become a club
to abuse those seeking the truth. We must undeerstand how it works.

As a fallible human being, I have no doubt that I will commit my own mistakes managing
and moderating this forum. I therefore encourage any of you who have comments,
suggestions, or criticism to contact me, either via the forum's own mechanisms for
communication or by sending me an email directly to my email address, which is jfetzer@d.umn.edu. I believe the 911aletheia.ning.com forum has already shown
what we can do!

Tags: conspiracies, disinformation, fakery, misinformation, pentagon, planes, planes/no, simulations, video, wtc

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Michael Rivero blows his cover as a 9/11 gatekeeper

Thursday, September 21, 2017…


Posted on September 23, 2017 at 9:12am

Gary Null 9/11 Special (http://thegarynullshow.podbean.com/)

Gary Null speaks with some of the smartest minds in the world on what really happened on 9/11 

15th Anniversary special series on the events of September 11th 2001


Danny Sheehan, PhD, one of the America’s most important and…


Posted on September 13, 2016 at 2:09pm

The Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference II (10 September 2016)

The Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference II (10 September 2016)
Part 1: How it was done


Part 2: Who was responsible…

Posted on September 13, 2016 at 11:08am

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At 4:05am on August 14, 2020, Chuck Boldwyn said…

jim, check out my new posts, esp on George Floyd.

At 6:40am on August 22, 2012, sandy rose said…

hi Jim,

      was wondering if you have sent notices to all group members here

to say that Shallel has taken over as group membership administrator.

if so, maybe i missed the memo.

      since you publicly named me to that position months ago, and since

i am no longer involved in that, i would like folks to know that i have not been

involved in all the recent group changes and that Shallel has taken that over.

that is, if they don't know that already.  

                                                 thanks.     sandy

At 6:10am on November 12, 2010, Roger Helbig said…
Moret does not do "studies" she makes stuff up - Moret has a BS in Geology and did some grad work in Geology in early 1980s. She has never done any scientific research since then. She is is very prolific on the internet and she likes to travel on other people's money. She does not like me because I have a bad habit of telling people who she really is. I have sent you a detailed discussion of HAARP (for the rest of you, go see www.haarp.alaska.edu and learn about this international research tool.) and about man made earthquakes. The largest of these was 4.3, 100 times smaller in magnitude than the 7.0 Haiti quake.
At 5:24pm on October 16, 2009, Brian Good said…
An interesting aspect of the ScrewLooseChange forum is that people can post under any name they want--including the exact same name used by others. Spamming the threads with disinfo posts made under other people's names is considered very clever there.
At 4:42pm on October 16, 2009, Brian Good said…
How droll! Kevin thinks everybody who resents him playing "Kooky Truther" in the media is me. Willie Rodriguez thought everybody who was wise to his transparent lies was me.

I've noticed that Kevin's afraid to write on his own blogs, and that No Lies Radio no longer promotes his shows on the local googlegroup or at OpEd news. Poor Kevin, who claimed he was the only real man at 911blogger, whimpering about comments.

If Kevin needs to write therapeutic fiction about me, can't he at least make it interesting? Pathetic!
At 3:22pm on July 6, 2009, Whathappened Tothewtc said…
do i have to identify myself or not
i could say "i'm judy wood" and that would be a good enough reason?
ok then i'm judy wood
At 9:13pm on June 16, 2009, Libor Gutenberg said…
hi jim, group,
thx for the invite, been off longtime, consider(ed) mdm a real die-hard and one we need imho, wondering what happened, if anyone knows how to avoid the stumbling stone (for "manufacturing dissent") it's him...
At 3:37pm on June 16, 2009, James H. Fetzer said…
Sandy, I don't know what came over him. I do know that it's very damaging. This forum will have one rule: mutual respect! Each of us should do our
best to support our positions with logic and evidence. I have preserved a
few of my final exchanges with Michael on the 911aletheia form, which I
am going to post here for everyone to reflect upon them. Many thanks!
At 2:08pm on June 16, 2009, Curtis Sherwood said…
Not "wrong", Jim. Not wrong. I sugest you go to the "manage" panel and enable "forum" and "groups". So far, all you guys have are comments on one anothers pages. I have a network of my own set up on ning to enable me to see things as you can see them, as admin....I am NOT a ning expert of any sort. Just a seasoned blogger who knows a lil bit about webpage design and ....well, I know how to do it wrong or how to do it right the first time. Practice makes perfect. If you would like to add any rules or set up taboos as Michael has done, I suggest you do so now and not later, or day by day. Set your ground rules on day one. Too late. Day two is good too. So is day three but do not expand from there. All that will do is it will scare us all off, one by one.
At 1:54pm on June 16, 2009, James H. Fetzer said…
No problemo. I am a human being who makes his share of mistakes. But
since I have only just created this forum, how am I running it wrong already?
You have certainly sparked my curiosity. How about a few hints? Thanks.

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