Laurence Smith


Evanston, IL

United States

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What is the maximum indicated airspeed of a Boeing 767 below 10,000'?
250 knots - Though exceptions can be made.

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  • Shallel Octavia

    Welcome, Laurence, it is good to have someone in the field of psychotherapy here, as 9/11 was the ultimate Psychological Operation (see video below: ).

    I participated in the first re-enactment of the Tea Party (this century) in December of 2006, before it was taken over by The Ron Paul campaign, and then in ultimate irony by the very Neo-Cons that pulled off the 9/11 Event. I too am very concerned with the criminal psychopathy of both political parties. They have gone beyond all bounds, and US and International Law. Just last Tuesday the National Nuclear Security Administration tested a nuclear weapon in complete disregard of the NPT. 

    I believe the media must be held to account for their blatant propaganda. Hollywood too! Zero Dark Thirty being a prime example of pure propaganda used to prop up a failed Presidency, all based on complete lies!

    I wonder if you would agree that we are currently under full blown Fascism? 

    How do we reach more people with the Truth and give them the courage to stand against the lies and myths to which they cling out of fear? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.



  • Shallel Octavia

    These are very good points. I am an engineer, and don't know as much as I should about Criminal Prosecutions. I do think the people you mentioned are our primary perps, but even being generous enough to say that our courts are legitimate, these primaries can claim secrecy, no? 

    I think the place to start is with the media and let them squirm till they give us the poop on the primaries. The media cannot claim secrecy when the videos are already in the public domain.

    The videos of FL175 portray impossible events, therefore they have been manufactured. While we can't prove who manufactured them, I believe there is enough to prove the media was complicit and knowingly broadcast the manufactured videos.  

    The proof  is quite simple high school physics; while I'm feeling generous I could also envision somewhere in the Legal System there is a Judge that understands high school physics.

    I would like, with your permission, to start a discussion on your reply, the topic being how to achieve criminal prosecutions for these crimes. It would be easier to discuss this in a thread and hopefully some our other members can add ideas.


  • J Mclaughlin

    Good Day,

    How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( ) for the full details.Have a nice day
    Thanks God bless.