9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

911 Massive Compendium of websites & Informatio via Donald Stahl email



Blowing the Cover

The Real Story Is So Astonishing
Few People Can Believe It
Unless They Assemble the
Jig-Saw Puzzle Themselves

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9/11 Truth Organizations and
Interest Groups
Patriots Question 9/11
Responsible Criticism of the
9/11 Commission Report
Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth
Lawyers for 9/11 Truth
Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth
Religious Leaders for 9/11Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
Scientists for 9/11 Truth
Scientific Panel Investigating 9/11
Veterans for 9/11 Truth
9/11 Information Center
9/11 Forum
United Kingdom
What Do You Believe Happened on 9-11?
The Answer is B
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The 9/11 Attack:
A Collection of Short-Length
Introductory Film Clips

9/11:  A Conspiracy Theory
9/11 -- What Really Happened ??  See with Your Own Eyes
Architects & Engineers -- Solving the Mystery of World Trade Center Building 7
Former CIA Asset, Susan Lindauer on the 9/ll Attacks -- Very Important Revelations.
Nanothermite Hi Tech 9/11 World Trade Center Attack!
Evidence of Very Suspicious Activities at the World Trade Center Before 9/11
9/11 and the Bush Administration
Dick Cheney Exposed!
Bush Insider Says 9/11 Was an Inside Job
9/11 Building 7 Collapse:  U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)  Lead Engineer Denies Existence of Molten Metal

9/11 Is the Litmus Test
Building 7 -- Gone in 7:  What You Are Not Supposed to Know about 9/11 !!
9/11 Collapse of Building 7 -- Reported by BBC News Before It Happened
The Legend of 9/11 -- 10 Years On
MIT Engineer Jeff King Says WTC Demolished -- Part 1
MIT Engineer Jeff King Says WTC Demolished -- Part 2
Real Pilots Speak Out on 9/11 Attacks
9/11 Pentagon Attack:  First Incident Commander Saw No Aircraft Debris
9/11 Pentagon Attack:  First News Coverage, Aired Only Once
9/11 Pentagon Attack Discrepancies
9/11 Explosive Connections -- The Masterminds (??)
General Wesley Clark:  How Middle East Destabilization Was Planned

9/11 Pilots say, "No Way!"
9/11 World Trade Center Attack -- Mass Media Knew Everything in 1 Hour
9/11 Clues Everyone Missed
Israel's Mossad Did 911 -- Former BBC Commentator Alan Hart
Don't be Fooled !!
9/11 -- The Case of the Strange Stock Trades
9/11 Truth:  The Put Options
9/11 Insider Trading Scam's World Trade Center Demolition
9/11 Coincidences (17/19) -- Put Options
>>>  See especially content starting at 2 Min. 50 Sec. into the film.

Inside 9/11 -- Who Controlled the Planes?
Inside 9/11 -- Hijacking the Air Defense
Larry Silverstein -- No Response
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Documentary Film Collection on Questions
Concerning the 9/11 Attack

9/11 -- 1,200+ Architects & Engineers for Truth
9/11 Aaron Russo Interview Excerpt
9/11 Attack or Godsend (Part 1 of 2)
9/11 Attack or Godsend (Part 2 of 2)
9/11 and the New American Century
BBC 9/11 Conspiracy
9/11 Birth Of Treason
9/11 Blueprint for Truth
9/11 The British Broadcasting Conspiracy
9/11 Building 7 Was a Controlled Demolition
9/11 Bush, Cheney, PNAC, & The Criminal Conspiracy To Invade Iraq
Buying the War -- Bill Moyers' Journal
9/11 Commission Report -- David Ray Griffin
9/11 Confronting the Evidence
9/11 Conspiracy Fact
9/11 Conspiracy Files -- The Third Tower
9/11 Conspiracy Uncovered
9/11 Controlled Demolitions
9/11:  Core of Corruption - In the Shadows  >>>  Content of main interest begins in "Chapter 5," at 34 Min. 50 Sec. into the film.
9/11 Directed Energy Weapon
9/11 Directed Energy Weapon -- Dr. Greg Jenkins Interviews Dr. Judy Wood, Part 1
9/11 Directed Energy Weapon -- Dr. Greg Jenkins Interviews Dr. Judy Wood, Part 2

9/11 Directed Energy Weaponry:  The Key Evidence, Part 1
9/11 Directed Energy Weaponry:  The Key Evidence, Part 2
9/11:  Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go?
Dr. Judy Wood and John Lash:  The Quintessential Talk on 9/11 -- Part 1
Dr. Judy Wood and John Lash:  The Quintessential Talk on 9/11 -- Part 2
9/11 Evidence to the Contrary
9/11 Exploitation:  BreakDown
9/11:  Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out
9/11 Exposed, Researched Facts and Analysis
9/11 Eyewitness
9/11 Face the Facts
Fahrenheit 9/11
9/11 A Forensic Analysis
9/11 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold
9/11 Hidden History:  Empire Of Oil
9/11 Improbable Collapse
9/11 In Plane Sight
9/11 Intercepted, by Pilots for 9/11 Truth
9/11:  The Man Who Knew -- FBI Agent John O'Neill
9/11 Missing Links
9/11 Mysteries
9/11 Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses
9/11 National Security Alert
9/11 The NeoCon Agenda
9/11 New World Rising
9/11 No End In Sight
9/11 The Oil Factor:  Behind the War on Terror

9/11 Pentagon Attack -- Conspiracy Theory with Governor Jesse Ventura
9/11 Painful Deceptions
9/11 PNAC and the NEOCONs:  Wanted a New Pearl Harbor
9/11 Press for Truth
9/11 Ripple Effect
9/11 Taboo
9/11 Truth -- Oil, Smoke, & Mirrors
9/11 Truth and Lies
9/11 Revisited -- Were Explosives Used?
911 The Road to Tyranny
9/11 The Secret History
9/11 Secret Revealed
9/11 September Clues
9/11:  The Sober Truth
9/11 The Truth and Lies
9/11 The Truth Behind It -- War and Globalization
9/11 Truth Rising
Under Occupation:  9/11 Reality
9/11 War by Deception
9/11 What Really Happened -- William Rodriguez
9/11 What We Never Saw Before
9/11 Where Did the Towers Go -- Dr. Judy Wood
9/11 The Whole Story, with Jesse Ventura
9/11 The Whole Story, with Jesse Ventura -- Pentagon Attack
9/11 Zero -- Investigation
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9/11 Attack -- Commentaries by
Dr. Steven E. Jones

9/11 Boston Conference:  Full Presentation - Dr. Steven E. Jones
9/11 Lifting the Fog, UC Berkeley - Dr. Steven E. Jones

9/11 PNAC Event at University of Texas - Dr. Steven E. Jones
9/11 Thermite Melting World Trade Center Steel - Dr. Steven E. Jones

9/11 Vancouver Keynote Address - Dr. Steven E. Jones
9/11 Why I Doubt the Official Story - Dr. Steven E. Jones
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9/11 Attack -- Commentaries by
Dr. David Ray Griffin

9/11 and the American Empire - Dr. David Ray Griffin
9/11 Contradictions - Dr. David Ray Griffin

9/11 Let's Get Empirical - Dr. David Ray Griffin
9/11 The Myth and The Reality - Dr. David Ray Griffin

9/11 Omissions & Distortions in the Commission Report - Dr. David Ray Griffin
9/11 Should the Truth Be Revealed or Concealed? - Dr. David Ray Griffin
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The Great Conspiracy:
The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw

The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 1
The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 2

The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 3
The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 4
The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 5

The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 6
The Great Conspiracy:  The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw - Part 7
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A Selection of Yahoo! E-Mail Groups
Focusing on the 9/11 Truth Effort
Note:  Inclusion of specific Groups in this listing does not necessarily
imply endorsement of Group objectives, content, or management.

911 Posting Army
9/11 Truth Australia
911 Tragedy Exposed
911 Truth Action
911 Truth Backup
911 Truth AZ
911 Truth NC

The Call to Arms
Democrats for 9/11 Truth
Freedom to Fascism - Discuss
Get the Word Out 911
Libertarians for 911 Truth
OCCPP - Orange County Peace Project
Republicans for 9/11 Truth
PDX 911 Truth Alliance
STL911 - Saint Louis 911

San Diego 9-11 Truth
Students Worldwide for 9/11 Truth
Ten Years of September Elevens
Truth About 911
V911T - Veterans for 911 Truth
Virginia Citizens for 9/11 Truth
Virginia 9-11 Truth
We are Change - Colorado
WTC Conspiracy
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