9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Explaining how DEWs sponsored by the USA Govt. cause Political assassinations, like Wellstone & JFK JR.

Cut & Pasted from Dew Society PDF:


This easily explains the Wellstone & JFK Jr airplane assassinations and many, many others I may not be aware of...
Their airplane electronics were not shielded from the DEWs aimed at their planes, causing shut-down of the planes electronics, all of them, leaving pilots helpless in maintaining safe flight causing gravity-based acceleration downward to take effect. The horizontal vector velocity component of flight instantly being most dramatically reduced, and the horizontal Force Vector vanished to below horizontal flight requirements, resulting in near total uncontrollable crash .

Abbas, G.L et al. “Photonics Technology for Avionic Systems.” Seattle, WA: Boeing Defense & Space Group, 1994. In: Laser Diode Technology and Applications VI, Los Angeles, CA, 25-27 January 1994. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2148, p. 280-291. Abstract: Over the last several years, it has become widely recognized that electromagnetic
interference (EMI), electromagnetic pulse (EMP), high-intensity radio frequency (HIRF), and new threats, such as directed-energy weapons, can jeopardize the flight safety of vehicles equipped with fly-by-wire (FBW) systems, unless adequate shielding precautions are taken. This leads to weight penalties which can be avoided through implementation of fiber-optic systems.

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If you own a small airplane and you are viewed as a possible "ENEMY OF THE ZIONIST STATE", surely you better get your plane's electronics "sheilded" so you do not become a death statistic with no valid & logical reason for your plane's deadly crash.
Another solution is switch to fiber optics to control the power mechanics of your airplane......


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