9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths



I was going to see if Dr. Fetzer was going to be a speaker at this event that I just heard about today, but after seeing the speaker line-up, it is plain to see Dr. Fetzer won't be invited to these "hearings" and I would hate to see him do so under any circumstances.

International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001

Posted on February 20, 2011 by torontohearings

Sponsored by The International Center for 9/11 Studies

September 11, 2011 will be the 10th anniversary of the events in New York and Washington that have played a dramatic role in modern history. These events have provided a pretext for a War on Terror that has replaced the Cold War as a global conflict framework within which military invasions and occupations have taken place, as well as violations of international law and human rights and a widespread assault on the civil rights crucial to democracies. Global military spending, which began a rapid downswing after the end of the Cold War, has, with the help of the official account of the 9/11 attacks, risen to Cold War levels and continues to rise. The focus on military solutions to complex human problems has sidetracked humanity at the very moment when international cooperation is most required to address climate change, energy scarcity and other genuine challenges that humanity faces.

In the meantime, skepticism about the official reports on the 9/11 attacks (by the 9/11 Commission, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other government or government-appointed agencies) has risen to high levels in many countries. This skepticism, contrary to what is regularly asserted in mainstream media, has a factual basis and is not merely the result of delusional or conspiratorial thinking.

The International Center for 9/11 Studies has decided to sponsor four days of Citizen Hearings in the city of Toronto, Canada on the 10th anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001.

These Hearings will not be a mock trial or symbolic tribunal. They will involve the serious, careful and informed consideration of the best evidence that has been discovered in the ten years since the 9/11 events occurred.

Objectives of the Hearings:

(1) To present evidence that the U.S. government’s official investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, as pursued by various government and government-appointed agencies, is seriously flawed and has failed to describe and account for the 9/11 events.

(2) To single out the most weighty evidence of the inadequacy of the U.S. government’s investigation; to organize and classify that evidence; to preserve that evidence; to make that evidence widely known to the public and to governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations.

(3) To submit a record and a summary of the Hearings, together with signed Statutory Declarations by witnesses, to relevant governments, groups and international agencies with the request that a full and impartial investigation be launched into the events of September 11, 2001, which have been used to initiate military invasions and to restrict the rights of citizens.

(4) To engage the attention of the public and media through witness testimony as well as through public talks and media events during the four day event.

Location of the Hearings

The Hearings are international, and the location outside the U.S. is intended to give that message. At the same time, there are good reasons to choose a location reasonably close to the attacks of September 11, 2001 so that people directly associated with the events, such as victims’ families, can travel to the Hearings.  Toronto is a 9-hour drive from New York City.  Toronto’s Ryerson University has been chosen as the site of the actual hearings.


The key participants in the Hearings will be moderators, witnesses, and a citizens’ panel. Moderators will guide the witnesses and panel through the presentation and discussion of evidence. Witnesses (chiefly expert witnesses, but possibly eyewitnesses as well) will speak of their research findings or experiences and, where appropriate, will formally submit evidence to the panel. A four-member international panel of highly credible citizens will listen to the witnesses, examine their evidence, raise questions and engage in discussion, and submit a report after the conclusion of the Hearings.

Each day of the Hearings will have one or more themes. For example, day 3 of the Hearings (Sept 10, 2011) will focus on the destruction of the World Trade Center. The following individuals have agreed to participate as expert witnesses on this day: Niels Harrit, David Chandler, Richard Gage, Steven Jones and Jon Cole.

The Hearings will be moderated by Richard LeeMichael Keefer and Matthew Witt and the final report will be edited by James Gourley. Themes on days 1, 2, and 4 will include: al-Qaeda, air defense failures, insider trading, anomalies of Flights 77 and 93, the nature of false flag terrorism, and psychological resistance to accounts that challenge the official one. Peter Dale Scott, David Ray Griffin, Laurie Manwell, Graeme MacQueen, Lance DeHaven-Smith, and Kevin Ryan are confirmed witnesses, and there is a list of other witnesses who will soon be asked to participate. There will also be addresses, during the day and in the evenings, by eyewitnesses and by members of 9/11 victims families.

Who is the Sponsor?

The lead sponsor of these Hearings is the International Center for 9/11 Studies. Established by U.S. attorney James Gourley, the Center is currently known best for its success in gaining the release of approximately four terabytes of video evidence held (and kept from the public) by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Organizing and Planning Structure

There will be a Steering Committee, an Advisory Committee and several Working Groups. The Steering Committee currently consists of Kevin Ryan, Laurie Manwell, Graeme MacQueen and Adnan Zuberi. The Advisory Committee will be an international group consisting of about a dozen experts, 9/11 family members, and people of influence.  Approximately half of those advisors have been identified and the remainder invited in the coming months. Working Groups will deal with video-conferencing and recording, publicity, media relations, fundraising, and so on.

The Evidence

Evidence presented at the Hearings will be chosen according to the following criteria: high degree of certainty; importance; and consensus. High degree of certainty means that the Hearings will concentrate not on speculation but on facts that can firmly be established. Importance means that the Hearings will concentrate on elements of the governmental explanation that are crucial to that explanation. Consensus means that evidence chosen will be that which is least controversial within the movement of dissent that is critical of the official explanation

Call for Support

The Toronto Hearings Steering Committee would like to make an appeal to all citizens around the world who are sincerely committed to discovering the truth about the attacks of September 11.  Let’s make 2011 the year of evidence-based research.  If you cannot spare the time to do your own research, or do not have the skills, please consider supporting a Toronto Hearings participant by contributing an amount toward paying for that participant’s travel and accommodation.

For more information, use the Contact page.

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They all really need to see the independent researchand evidence I have come up with over the past 3 years. Lot of stuff that no one has explained to any of them...

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