9/11 Scholars Forum

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9-11 Conspiracy Finally Solved,Names,Connections,Motives

Completely brilliant!  One you don't want to miss!


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Comment by jane doe on February 7, 2013 at 3:15am

http://youtu.be/2gKAsGVnqU0  is how graphics are inserted into yachting video. It doesn't matter what the video is just pay attention to how it the hardware & computers are set up to insert virtual graphics.

Comment by jane doe on February 7, 2013 at 3:12am

I haven't been to this forum in a long time. I came to copy some information re bestia neptunis that I posted here 2 years ago. This past year I learned that Sportvision debuted a new venue of Liveline on September 11, 2011. AYK, September 11, Egyptian New Year, is the day occultists choose to start new ventures. Sportvision bought PVI (the PVI L-VIS [pronounced "elvis"] in Dec. 2010. PVI computer was used by CBS to generate the plane animation for the 911 broadcast. I am posting this video so that you can see what hardware is needed to generate virtual graphics on moving items--today. 

http://youtu.be/2gKAsGVnqU0  1. Liveline - How graphics are inserted into LIVE VIDEO mirror.mp4

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