9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

9/11 Meltdown (Strange Occurances) All accounted for, again, by highly and specifically reactive nano Thermate Particles within the expanding & heated dust clouds, when these events occurred: 911


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Comment by Chuck Boldwyn on March 28, 2011 at 3:56pm

Does Dr. Judy Wood know about all of this Chemistry?

Should she rethink her position on the Hutchison Effect?

Why is her hypothesis soooo complicated and so non-specific about what DEW(s) were used, how they were used, from what probable location, how they can account for the floor by floor symmetrical straight down into its own footprint pulverizations. I am expected to accept tooooo many as of yet unexplained loopholes in this not easily believable Theory.

I need much unexplained details before I can accept her diagnosis of her own evidence. Too many gaps in her hypothesis. We need an insider WhistleBlower to come forward to help her Theory out of the deep trouble it is in, to date. Let's have the missing details.

How much energy was required to produce all of these "Field Effects"?

I and other scientists need this information for comparisons sake, to see if we are in the same ballpark, and if not, then way and how can the differences be worked out.

I have not given up on Judy, I just do not have enough detailed scientific information to accept her "most unique" hypothesis...


Chuck Boldwyn

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