Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
What momentum is. A simple problem involving momentum.
If the Truck was anchored into the ground the collision would lead to much damage of the car and the rear of the truck as their masses are not many, many times different, as was the case with the Twin Towers and the Jetliner.
Tower weight = 500,000,000 Kg
Tower velocity = 0 m/s
Jet weight = 130,000 Kg
Jet velocity = 223 m/s = 500mph
Tower is 500,000,000/130,000 = 3,846 times as heavy as Jet.
The 6 floors the Jet hit is 209 times a heavy as the Jet if using equal weight distribution as does the NIST & physics advocates.
Consider that the Tower is not on wheels, so it will be an in-elastic collision with the Jet suffering instant massive damage/annialation, outside of the Tower, exploding outside of the Tower, if indeed an explosion takes place. If not an explosion, the plane will crumple and fall to the ground with some damage to the Tower.
That is what I would estimate should have happened on 911.
Possibly the Jet would imbed itself within the wall of the Tower, but not be able to penetrate the wall...which is backed by 6 acres of about 8 inches thick concrete flooring, much more weight and material that the Jet that crashed into the concrete wall in the following video:
The 6 floor of concrete is:
(6 x 8 inches) = 48 inches = 4 feet of height of concrete that is 208 feet thick from its total area and volume of the 6 floor of concrete. Think about it and the rediculous of this Jet crushing of Tower impossibility...
The Jet does not just have to get throuth the steel wall, it must also get through the, at least, 6 floors of concrete and through the steel column of the core, pushing through a weight that is at least 209 times a heavy as the Jet, or about 4,000 times its weight is the entire Tower is considered.
You eyes and brain can be fooled by faked video since you have been trained to accept video as reality, which in this case the 911 crash video have to be digitally modified, had to be, must have been...
Sandy Rose said: well, mehmet, i don't know science and physics and junk like that, but my thing is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the slo mo frames of so called plane 'hitting tower' to know that it is total and complete BULLSHIT.
Yes, you are not scientist; you are obliged to follow others. God gave me the possibility to think and be scientist, so I do not follow others, I do my own opinion on the events. The conclusion is simple:
- NPT is a false theory.
- 9/11 was made by 200 members of "Israeli Spy (criminal) Ring" by the help and protection of the Bush Administration.
- Too many disinfo sites presents themself as truthers, but actually they are propagting disinfo to make the strikes impossible to understand.
- Many people are following them without understandingthe events; many others are considering 9/11 truthers are paranoids crazy people.
well, mehmet, i don't know science and physics and junk like that,
but my thing is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the slo
mo frames of so called plane 'hitting tower' to know that it is total
and complete BULLSHIT. for the moment, you are really annoying,
i hate to be rude,.. wait, no i don't, if the shoe fits, but why are you
bothering to try to sway some of the only people on Earth who actually know
the truth about the stupid assy plane hoax? why do you try so hard
to convince people that already know the truth? and that is why i
suspect you. and your name and country imply that you are foreign,
yet i kinda doubt that and think you pretend a lot. who are u rilly?
did you look at the slo mo pics yet, or are you just too skeered?
i don't like the way you talk to folks on this group. your mind is so
tied to the offishal story that you just can't see the truth even if it's
right in front of your gosh darn face. get off your high horse, your
time is wasted here, because here lie the people who know the truth.
if you don't like what 'we' know here, then why not skidaddle and go
peddle your offishal story bullshit elsewhere? it ain't gonna take here.
even i know that you don't know what the fuck yer talking about.
like i said, it doesn't take a rocket scientist. plane hoax bunch of bullshit.
The plane is not moving 6 flors, not also whole weight of the tower. It just moves some exterior columns, their weight could be compared to 2000kg! Too much smaller than the weight of the plane.
Your calculations are false. The possible force during the impact is limited to the force that the plane's parts could bore. That force is limited and it's small. That's why the plane is broken is small parts, including in your video of the militrary jet hitting the concrete block.
NPT is false; if you still continue in your theory of NPT, you become more and more disinfo. More quickly you stop your NPT theory, more you become credible. For the moment, now, you are not credible at all.
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