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An Open Letter to 'PatriotsQuestion911.com' by Eric Larsen

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:38:01 -0500
To: Alan Miller
From: Eric Larsen
Subject: [b]AN OPEN LETTER TO "PATRIOTS QUESTION 9/11.com"[/b]
Cc: Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. James Fetzer, Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan

I composed this letter almost a year ago but held off sending it in the hopes that, by waiting, I could send it on the occasion of the publication of Dr. Wood's book, Where Did the Towers Go? ([url]http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/[/url]) That occasion has now arrived at last. Dr. Wood's book has been published and is now available to readers the world around, making this the real moment of truth. The question now, for every person in any way associated with the 9/11 movement, is whether that person is in fact interested in exposing the truth or, on the other hand, in continuing to cover it up. The publication of Dr. Wood's book is a momentous event, an event of incalculable importance to the entire world. It is time, now, for me to send you this letter.
                                                Eric Larsen
                                                February 17, 2011


March 1, 2010


Dear Alan Miller,

I've noticed that Dr. Judy Wood isn't any longer listed or cited on "Patriots Question 9/11." Why is this?  I know that earlier she was on the list of professors as well as the list of engineers. What happened?

In my own view, Dr. Wood's being omitted is like dropping Shakespeare from an anthology of Elizabethan literature. Alone among the most highly visible of 9/11 analysts, Dr. Wood is the one truth-seeker who sticks precisely and only with one thing, and that one thing is the truth about what physically happened on 9/11 insofar as it can be known through the scientific study of all-not some, but all-of the available empirical, observable evidence that pertains solely to the "what" of what happened on that day. Dr. Wood purposely stays clear of any forays into politics, innuendo, guesswork, or supposition. She will have nothing whatsoever to do with the question of "who 'did' it." That question, in her view, is meaningless until the scientifically true "what" of what happened is known. This "what" is what she sets out-successfully-to show. That is, she does not say that "9/11 was an inside job" because that fact has not been scientifically established. Her focus is solely on the empirical, measurable, and observable study of evidence of any relevant kind-from analysis, measurement, and study of the "remains" of the WTC buildings through analysis of the seismic record of that day's events, study of anomalies in the earth's magnetic field at the times of the destructions, and even study of the field effects of the massive hurricane off the east coast of the U.S. on that day (and especially of that storm's field effects in relation to the enormous high pressure cell that was simultaneously approaching NYC from the west).

Dr. Wood's study, research, and analysis reveal, among many other things, that the WTC buildings did not collapse, explode, or implode, but that they DISAPPEARED into dust. Multitudes of evidence prove her case, but that hasn't kept 9/11 pseudo-truth seekers from ridiculing her by smear, innuendo, name-calling, neglect, and disinformation in whatever ways they are able. With courage, strength, and a scientifically-based factuality, Dr. Wood has experienced more malicious contumely, more smears and fraudulent attacks than any other single member of the scientific, political, philosophical, or historical 9/11 truth-seeking community. Yet Dr. Wood has continued to stand up for the truth. Those who "choose" not to accept the evidence-based conclusions of Dr. Wood's studies, or who, perhaps, are either afraid OR "afraid" to accept them, take the fool's option of ridiculing them, or, equally often, of most, most blatantly ignoring both those results AND Dr. Wood's efforts in determining them. The 9/11 truth community greeted Dr. Wood's Request for Corrections (RFC) to NIST (March 16, 2007) with scorn, despite her being the first person to confront NIST formally about their fraudulent report of the demise of the WTC towers. It was as if the fraud of the NIST report, a report whose integrity was absolutely essential if the official story were to be undergirded, was of no real interest to the wider 9/11 community.

Dr. Wood's federal qui tam case, filed 4/25/2007 against the contractors of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for science fraud also received virtually no notice or indication of interest other than ridicule from the 9/11 truth community. Again, it was as if the federal case being brought by Dr. Wood against the NIST contractors for science fraud (in its Congressionally-mandated task that it determine how and why the WTC buildings were destroyed)-as if this entire and absolutely central question was of no real interest to the wider 9/11 truth community. That case, further, was itself improperly dismissed as those hearing it treated the case-incorrectly-as if it paralleled the views of the general 9/11 truth movement. Those determining whether the case would be allowed to go forward incorrectly assumed, for example, that Dr. Wood (a) blamed the US military (which she does not); (b) they incorrectly assumed that Dr. Wood held the view that there was "substantial evidence that all three buildings collapsed from explosive devices" and that this view was "at the heart of the Wood. . . litigation." (entirely incorrect); and (c) they incorrectly assumed that Dr. Wood claimed "that the towers were struck by high powered energy beams [from space]" (things that are not in any way her position). All of these issues were addressed, although to no avail, in the Motion for Reconsideration: [url]http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/NIST/Wood_motion_reconsider.shtml[/url]

And now the case-due who knows how much to the ridicule and lack of support from the truth community-has been denied a Writ of a Certiorari by the United States Supreme Court, meaning that the Court will not hear it or allow the factual evidence to be presented in a courtroom, and therefore that the case is dead. How can it be that this is not seen by the 9/11 truth community as an exceedingly enormous defeat? Yet virtually no mention whatsoever of the Supreme Court's rejection of the case has been forthcoming. It causes me to question the entire purpose of the "9/11 truth movement" (as well as the purpose of your Patriots Question 9/11 website). Anyone who read the document submitted to the United States Supreme Court (available on Dr. Wood's website) should be appalled by what has taken place. The Court of Appeals essentially stated in a footnote of its written decision that it knew that the law applied to Dr. Wood's case, but that the court was ignoring the law in order to dismiss her case.

In fact, the evidence of science fraud submitted by Dr. Wood is irrefutable. NIST itself admitted to Dr. Wood that its report was a fraud. And not one of the contractors hired by NIST denied her allegations. Then the Court of Appeals ignored the law in order to dismiss the case. What could conceivably explain the lack of interest or response by the 9/11 community? This travesty of justice, the unfounded and prejudicial derailing of Dr. Wood's case, should be of significant concern to the entire constitutional republic. If laws are ignored for ease of dismissing cases, then we are no longer living in a constitutional republic. We are living no longer in a republic of laws, but in a state where factions of any kind can usurp power through ignoring or pre-empting laws, however ancient they may be, or however firmly embedded in the nation's founding documents.

Dr. Wood filed her federal qui tam case in April 2007. Since that time the "9/11 truth movement" has grown, with your own Patriots Question 9/11 website now reporting "1,060+ Engineers and Architects." Especially in light of the collection of so many engineers and architects, I find it troubling that, to this day, Dr. Wood is the only engineer, architect, or person of any profession to have filed a federal qui tam case challenging the science fraud in NIST's report of what destroyed the WTC towers. Those who truly wanted "a new and independent investigation" into what caused the destruction of the WTC should have enthusiastically supported what she did. Such as federal case as she attempted to bring WOULD ITSELF HAVE RESULTED IN a new investigation. There it was, a genuine opportunity for achieving what so many people have been claiming all along to want above all. But now the opportunity has been destroyed by the essentially unaccountable court system as well as the lack of interest in accountability by the so called "truth movement." All those who scorned Dr. Wood's work and failed so notably to support her qui tam case may have done so at the expense of this nation.

Wood sacrificed her career when she spoke out about 9/11. But instead of praising her heroism, many in the "official-truth movement" have accused her of being an agent or "COINTELPRO" or disinformation agent. Such accusations can easily be dispelled by noting that it is a crime to defraud the government and it is treason if done so by a government agent (see the Smith-Mundt Act). A government agent submitting disinformation to another government agency would amount to the government attacking itself in a psychological operation. Perhaps this explains why no one has submitted "thermite evidence" to NIST. Perhaps this explains why no one has submitted "thermite evidence" in a federal qui tam case.

Along these same lines, it is powerfully notable that only after the Supreme Court denied the case in which Dr. Wood included as evidence the aerial photographs of the towers being destroyed on 9/11 were these photographs "newly released" with the claim that they had never before been seen. In truth, not only were they a part both of Dr. Wood's RFC and her qui tam case, and not only had they already been posted on her web site for FOUR YEARS, but when she prepared the legal documents in early 2007, she gave the images to Jim Fetzer to be used for a photo section in his book-only to have him give credit for them not to Dr. Wood herself but to someone else. An even worse example of the distortion the "truth movement" is capable of, Dr. Fetzer, with the "new" release of the aerial images, treated them publically as images being seen by him for the first time.

I have never met Dr. Wood, but I have been aware of her work and have corresponded with her for many years. For the past six of those years, she has been working on a book, due out this year, that will present her work and its results in totality. I know the book very well, since-in consideration of my qualifications as essayist, writer, novelist and author, retired professor of writing, publisher, editor, and 9/11 truth-seeker myself-I have edited it in its entirety two times, once chapter by chapter and then again when the book was pulled together into its entirety. In my own view, Dr. Wood's book will prove, in a great number of ways, to be very possibly the most important book yet to have been published in the 21st century.

So strongly do I feel about the extraordinary importance of Dr. Wood's research, and about its incalculable superiority to the research-and the "conclusions"-of any and all others in the 9/11 truth movement, that if she isn't reinstated on the "Patriots for 9/11 Truth" site in acknowledgment of what she has done for this country, I will ask you-and in fact ask you here and now, should Dr. Wood not be reinstated-also to remove me, my picture, my biography, and my 9/11-related comments from the site entirely. Those who do not support Dr. Wood's work are not patriots. It may be concluded that those who do not support Dr. Wood's work have an unpatriotic agenda that I do not want to be associated with.

My best to you, and my gratitude for your attention,
                                                Eric Larsen

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Replies to This Discussion


Respect! Agree 100% with your excellent letter and wish I had written it myself. I've followed your plight through Andrew Johnson's website and have seen how you have been demonised for expressing your thoroughly researched viewpoint on many forums. I am in complete agreement that Dr. Wood's work provides the best analysis of what actually happened.

PS I notice that George Galloway's name is still on Patriot's website. Interesting when you consider how he seems to have changed his tune... have a look at http://kennysideshow.blogspot.com/2010/11/george-galloway-911-truth...

Neil Austin


Thanks very much for your supportive words Neil :) Interesting point about George Galloway... hmmm.



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