9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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yes, I think on his show they just kick up the dust without any critical analysis so the public could believe anything is possible.  As a society, people have to do much, much better than this.  


What I find so very ironic, don't you, is that in this time of high technology and inventions, people seem to be getting dumber, not smarter.  I mean, with all the tools available at their fingertips, they should be growing in critical thinking , memory, and intelligence at an exponential rate.


A small anecdote from my life, I started with slide rule to do calcs in the 60s and 70s, and now students have all the tech.  But can they outcalculate me?  I doubt it.



"with all the tools available at their fingertips, they should be growing in critical thinking , memory, and intelligence at an exponential rate."


All these wonderful tools are a two-edged sword.  Just because something is at our fingertips does not mean we do not have to use our critical thinking to choose to use them or not use them. 


Generally, man, especially Western man, has been deliberately dumbed down.  We have been spoon fed and our education has been purposely devoid of training in logic and critical thinking skills.  We have become passive imbibers of whatever is thrown at us.  And I personally believe that faith in God and the hereafter must rule over our reason and intelligence.


Calculate that, Thoth.

I'm finding technology useful. At this moment I'm watching a huge pro-Gaddafi demonstration in Libya live online in another window ( http://onlystream.net/FMS/webroot/ljbc.htm ), following people Tweeting live from the US Boat to Gaza which left the docks in Athens but is being ordered to return to port by the Greek Coast Guard, following people Tweeting live from protests in Egypt, plus people Tweeting live from Gaza and Bahrain.


I don't have a TV and don't listen to the radio. They're never up to date and newspapers are even worse. Oh, and I've almost finished reading Judy Wood's book and have several interviews with Dr. Wood queued up to watch or listen to later. And a few people on Twitter have been discussing Wood's book with me. 


The people I follow on Twitter are brilliant. All of them. I use Google Translate for pages in Arabic. Many people in Egypt use http://www.universalsubtitles.org/en/ to add English subtitles to their videos. I'm following more than 300 people and I'm not sure how many countries but in addition to those I've mentioned there are some in Japan, Germany, Spain and of course many activists in the US, UK,  Canada and Australia. 


The downside is that I have to spend at least five to ten minutes a day blocking people on Twitter who have nothing to say or are just trolls, but it is worth it. 



although I don't believe in God, I'm a material Darwinist, I DO very strongly believe people should move away from their focus and greed of material things and take a much slower , longer term, philosophical view of life.  I was sitting in a waiting room 2 hours this week and had to suffer the MSM news, over and over repeating the same awful stuff.  I was thinking either people turn this off or turn to something slower.  My attitudes are scientific, but I was exposed growing up in the midwest to Souix and other types of "Indians" and I loved their adage:  "we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children".  That summarizes my own philosophy of life.  

hi, group.  so what should/could/would we do this coming horrid 10th

anniversary of 9/11?   hnmmmmm........what can we do, ...let us be

creative here, people, to show the bastards that we still seek justice

and openness about the horrid, awful, unspeakably foul things our

so-called gummint did on 9/11, '01.    and make note to the world

that the truth about 9/11 is only a cluck or two away.  heh heh.  criminals.


       i for one am not content going by this one in silence.  since we

are spread about the kingdom, not to mention the WORLD, we should

do something that spreads rapidly via our best friend innernut, seems

like the most logical way to spread stuff......................tho i keep being

real fond of the idear of putting up big signs/banners about the cuntry

saying HONK IF YOU KNOW        9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB........

        another thing to keep in mind is that those of us who are still in

this most horrid bidness need our healthy means of output and expression,

and therefore we must create them for ourselves.

       we shouldn't have to go insane just because our gummint is fulla criminals.


       anyone who has any decade 9/11 ideas, even if just to relieve tension

and come together as one whole, feel free to make suggestions.  and i don't

care if they're 'appropriate' or not cause 9/11 sure as hell was not appropriate.


       we as truthers need to muster up enough guff to make a decade statement.

many of us are creative and talented by nature, whatcha got, people?




I think a new separate thread needs to be started with a title something like

Tenth Anniversary 9-11 - Your thoughts, your ideas please


Maybe posters can just write a short essay from the heart about 9-11 and about this anniversay.


Maybe people who live in NYC can share what will be happening there.


I think this forum would be a good place to expose the "Toronto Hearings" for being anything but a 9-11 truth and justice seeking event.


Overall, we each just need to stand up for 9-11 truth in our personal lives and our contacts on the Internet.  When I visit and read a site or blog often and I see that the blogger regards 9-11 truth seeking as being in the realm of "conspiracy theory", I immediately post a strong comment and unsubscribe from that site or never visit it again.


Maybe we can put a sign in our yard as I do every year "9-11 = Inside Job" or something like that on the actual day.


I would like to reunite and do another street demonstration with the group of about 12 people that I demonstrated at the state capitol with about 9-11 every Saturday for one full year, but have lost contact with them.  Will have to search around some of the social networking sites for them.


Maybe if we get a collection of little essays we could "Tweet" them or share them some way.  I am not at all savvy regarding that but it would be a way to have our voices heard on the web.


Those are my suggestions so far.

sandy rose said:

hi, group.  so what should/could/would we do this coming horrid 10th

anniversary of 9/11?   hnmmmmm........what can we do, ...let us be

creative here, people, to show the bastards that we still seek justice

and openness about the horrid, awful, unspeakably foul things our

so-called gummint did on 9/11, '01.    and make note to the world

that the truth about 9/11 is only a cluck or two away.  heh heh.  criminals.


       i for one am not content going by this one in silence.  since we

are spread about the kingdom, not to mention the WORLD, we should

do something that spreads rapidly via our best friend innernut, seems

like the most logical way to spread stuff......................tho i keep being

real fond of the idear of putting up big signs/banners about the cuntry

saying HONK IF YOU KNOW        9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB........

        another thing to keep in mind is that those of us who are still in

this most horrid bidness need our healthy means of output and expression,

and therefore we must create them for ourselves.

       we shouldn't have to go insane just because our gummint is fulla criminals.


       anyone who has any decade 9/11 ideas, even if just to relieve tension

and come together as one whole, feel free to make suggestions.  and i don't

care if they're 'appropriate' or not cause 9/11 sure as hell was not appropriate.


       we as truthers need to muster up enough guff to make a decade statement.

many of us are creative and talented by nature, whatcha got, people?




OK I just posted a new separate thread.


Please everyone, participate and share.

wholly crap, that IS but a MIGHTY slap in the face.  surprise, surprise.

(refering to Shallel's article about survivors un being allowed on 9/11 nyc.  how very rude.)

and yeah, truthers will probably be un-allowed, scoffed, ridiculed and

arrested if possible.  jeeze.

      it's fabulous that we still have many great and wonderful folks on our

'side', but more actions would certainly be a plus.  we have enough folks

to 'pull' (aka 'silverstein') at least a something.  no, of course it won't change

the course of our braindead blood-thirsty gummint in their quest to silence

us and ridicule, while they continue to cover up the truth, thus making them-

selves also criminal.    but that shouldn't stop us from having our say.....again.

     hey, i know!   we could collect some signatures and send a letter to

the eye see see, along with some 9/11 truth info maybe.  at least they

respond, even if it takes a year to do so.  they don't seem interested in

interfering with our warpigs, but i wouldn't mind going that route.  it might

be more of a 'for the record' rather than expect them to do anything about

it, but i'm in favor of going over the heads of the criminally insane fools.

i might write them (again)  just for my own outlet, but sure wouldn't mind

others chiming in.


      seems like a waste of time to address the cover upping cawngriss,

they don't seem to be worth a crap where truth is involved.


      maybe it would even be useful if we like post our heartfelt feelings

about 9/11 to each other..   i think we need an outlet.  i mean i KNOW

i do, but i think we all do.  especially this time around.


      thanks Shallel, as always good to hear from you, friendie.   carry on.

now off to see what Jeannon has in mind.   thanks, in advance.


Shallel Octavia said:

TY Sandy and Jeannon. I think a separate discussion should be started, this is coming at us fast!

I know folks in NY are going to have it rough this year, I feel there will be a concerted attempt to bar Truth-tellers and activists from the Memorial Site. They have already banned survivors of 9/11 from the site: 



I feel the focus should be the peril of ignoring facts, and the responsibility of Citizenry to hold their leaders accountable.

Those who benefit from going along with the lies are going to be culpable! Those who are ignorantly blundering along will be in danger from their ignorance, and those who take advantage will continue to escalate False Flag Terror. 3000 dead will not be enough for these ruthless greedy bastards! 



9/11 was committed and covered up by the Military-Government-Media Complex.

Next time it will be much worse for you! WAKE UP NOW!


(Is that too long for a sign?)


Just brainstorming, 

Blessings, Shallel

very good!   i see we're on the same page.  i like it!   thanks, Jeannon!!@

to sit in silence and endure decade 9/11 would be totally gross.  Dean,

thanks in advance for your input, very glad to have you in our court.  you

not only see the light but have the ability to publish it, and no, have yet

to read your latest, tho i fully dug your planes and passengers work.

can you remind us all of your latest book that's probly available at amazonius?

i admire very much the bravery of those who go up against the big ick.

and look, with a couple of exceptions (hi,Gerard!) we're all still alive, too!
i don't think there could be any more important work than this.  thanks, all.


and ps, Jim, haven't chatted in a while, thanks a ton for all you do.  no doubt!

oh, by the way, our local paper the Akron Beacon Journal, in ohio, keeps running

a piece asking people to tell how 9/11 affected them.   humph.  loaded one, eh?


      in case anyone here might like to put in some cents.  cause Paula didn't

add any rules to the thing, or seem to care if people were local only, so the

Beak is probly online, anyone interested please give em some what for.  i did.

and mentioned some of our published awesome folks...Fetzer, Reynolds,

Grable, Holmgren, Hartwell.   i sure don't expect mine to get published, she's

doing a big sept 11 spread in the Beak,  but still appreciated the opportunity,

since we mostly get ignored, ridiculed, stifled, and you know, the regular bs.




Jeannon Kralj said:

I think a new separate thread needs to be started with a title something like

Tenth Anniversary 9-11 - Your thoughts, your ideas please


Maybe posters can just write a short essay from the heart about 9-11 and about this anniversay.


Maybe people who live in NYC can share what will be happening there.


I think this forum would be a good place to expose the "Toronto Hearings" for being anything but a 9-11 truth and justice seeking event.


Overall, we each just need to stand up for 9-11 truth in our personal lives and our contacts on the Internet.  When I visit and read a site or blog often and I see that the blogger regards 9-11 truth seeking as being in the realm of "conspiracy theory", I immediately post a strong comment and unsubscribe from that site or never visit it again.


Maybe we can put a sign in our yard as I do every year "9-11 = Inside Job" or something like that on the actual day.


I would like to reunite and do another street demonstration with the group of about 12 people that I demonstrated at the state capitol with about 9-11 every Saturday for one full year, but have lost contact with them.  Will have to search around some of the social networking sites for them.


Maybe if we get a collection of little essays we could "Tweet" them or share them some way.  I am not at all savvy regarding that but it would be a way to have our voices heard on the web.


Those are my suggestions so far.

sandy rose said:

hi, group.  so what should/could/would we do this coming horrid 10th

anniversary of 9/11?   hnmmmmm........what can we do, ...let us be

creative here, people, to show the bastards that we still seek justice

and openness about the horrid, awful, unspeakably foul things our

so-called gummint did on 9/11, '01.    and make note to the world

that the truth about 9/11 is only a cluck or two away.  heh heh.  criminals.


       i for one am not content going by this one in silence.  since we

are spread about the kingdom, not to mention the WORLD, we should

do something that spreads rapidly via our best friend innernut, seems

like the most logical way to spread stuff......................tho i keep being

real fond of the idear of putting up big signs/banners about the cuntry

saying HONK IF YOU KNOW        9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB........

        another thing to keep in mind is that those of us who are still in

this most horrid bidness need our healthy means of output and expression,

and therefore we must create them for ourselves.

       we shouldn't have to go insane just because our gummint is fulla criminals.


       anyone who has any decade 9/11 ideas, even if just to relieve tension

and come together as one whole, feel free to make suggestions.  and i don't

care if they're 'appropriate' or not cause 9/11 sure as hell was not appropriate.


       we as truthers need to muster up enough guff to make a decade statement.

many of us are creative and talented by nature, whatcha got, people?




ok, just went to the akron beak to see how readily available the article

i mentioned was,... here, i found someone online who posted it,



The front page of The Akron Beacon Journal recently contained a request to readers from staff writer Paula Schleis. She wrote:

 The question is easy enough to state: How did your life change after Sept. 11, 2001?  The answer? Not so simple.”

“It has been 10 years since nearly 3,000 people died in attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C., and that barren field in Shanksville, Pa. Those mind-numbing moments have altered so much of what we know, what we do, what we feel. Take a moment to consider how you’ve been affected, then share it with us for a special section to run on the 10th anniversary. Are there changes in your personal habits? In your beliefs? In your attitude about anything, from traveling to politics?  How do you feel about your country? About other countries? About mankind and your hopes for peace? Did the economic mess that followed cost you a job? Inspire you to start a business? Make you more charitable or teach you to watch your checkbook more closely?  Has any new technology born of that tragedy made your life richer? Poorer? What have you lost? What have you gained?”


it also says, "on sept 11, we will share the most moving testimonies

in a special printed section and in video accounts online."   (hhmmm)

(sandy said hmmm when she pictured the "video accounts online".....!!@)


so grab a pen or a keyboard, write down your thoughts and send them

to staff writer Paula Schleis, etc.  





and the person who asked the very loaded questions, who i

suspect MAY even have a truther streak in her, can be reached at


pschleis@thebeaconjournal.com    .         please do.


oh yeah, i know, they probly will throw out anything that doesn't

conform to the great lies, but it's still a groovy outlet and stuff. 





no surprise here.  Bush is another of those cretons of history now joined by Obama.  But the truth be told, they are nothing but cowardly puppets, the real evil oligarchs are hidden behind the curtain.  

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