9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

I am unable find any proof for video fakery on 9/11. I used to think it was plausible when considering there were different trajectories of the plane, nose out, etc.. but after reconsidering the so called evidence I find there is none.

Flight Path Trajectories Resloved:

Nose out is just debris:

There is no moving bridge:

Parallax 4 You:

Although very little, there is a measurement of deceleration:

We can see an engine being ejected from WTC 2 found on the corner of Church and Murray.

Are all the people that saw a plane lying? Are all the pictures fake? Would it be possible to control all the people with a video camera recording the towers that day?

There are many people who witnessed, photographed and recorded on video something hitting the tower that day. It is obsured to say they are all lying!!!



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It's too simplistic to think that they make a mess of everything they do. We know that the opposite is mostly true.Ask Daniel Elsberg. They WANT us to believe that they are too incompetent to do stuff like this.Its an escape route for them.

Missing planes on the videos is too much to believe surely ? They would never never have used this no-planes scenario unless they were 110% certain it would work flawlessly.

They brought out a movie soon after 9/11 'Why the Towers Fell' I think it was. Freeze it rthe second you get an image. Then click it through frame-by-frame till the plane magically appears from behind the building.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6402347900887643799 Nova 4/30/2002

Do you think that the directors missed that somehow- or did they put it out deliberately without comment almost like a mistake ? Do you believe it was a mistake ?

My main point - a theory really- is that they were providing the evidence to indicate to us that there were no-planes. I want to find out why.
Check the blogs. I have posted studies from Pilots, where even NIST confirms that the plane was traveling at 5450 mph, which is an impossible speed. Your remarks about deceleration are off the mark. The plane's velocity should have gone to zero. We are not talking about a subtle phenomenon. The engine part at Church and Murray not only appears to have been planted--FOX News even has footage of FBI agents off-loading something heavy at that intersection before it was discovered--but it is sitting on a sidewalk, which appears to be undamaged, and under a construction scaffolding with an awning. You have been taken in by not actually studying the witness reports or the videos. I featured Scott Forbes on "The Real Deal" recently, and he reported that he was astonished when the building "swallowed the plane", when what took place should have looked a lot like a car hitting a large tree at high speed or an empty beer can colliding with a brick wall. See if you can track down Stefan Grossman's study of impact physics. One of his studies may be found at this location: http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/10-16-03/discussion.cgi.45.html . Some of the other points you make--about parallax and nose out--might be right but do not affect the basic arguments: the impossible speed, the impossible entry, and that the plane passes through its own length into the building in the same number of frames that it passes through its own length in air, which implies that a 500,000-ton building provided no more resistance than air! We cannot possibly be viewing a real plane, where some form of fakery has to be involved, which I think was a hologram. And I am joined in that view by John Lear, Stefan Grossman, and Stephen Brown, whom I recently interviewed, who had just completed a course of holography at Cambridge. Your intuitions, Jeff, are not good enough. There was video fakery.

The definitive case for no planes and video fakery are in chapters 6 and 7.


How much is it worth to you to finally learn the truth?


9/11 - The Great American Psy-Opera

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