Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Ultimately, one must solve 9/11 in order to form a conclusion about who the dis-informers must be. For starters though, I think it is safe to say that anyone who was allowed to speak on a live network TV show, like for example "Hannity and Colmes" MUST be a trusted asset.
Views: 691
oh yeah, Hannity and Colmes surely is a trusted asset alright. Just like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are.
virtually all of the alleged 'left' wing turds are co-opted 'controlled opposition' sleazeballs. this includes many alleged, and I do mean, ALLEGED left (left of what, left of one's right testicle or ovary?) people like Randi Rhodes and Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow. Most of the 'left' won't talk about the fact that Israel did 9/11. They won't. You won't catch Amy Goodman or Thom Hartmann talking about that. You won't see it in a lot of the alleged 'left' of center blogs, either.
truth is, there are very few venues out there who'll really tell the truth. Their money comes from extremely powerful zionists who absolutely won't tolerate tying ISRAELI'S to the CRIME OF SEPT 11th. 2001.
but I think you're making the point that because InsHannity has Alan Colme's opposite him, that this legitimizes the propaganda there?
most people don't have the ability to see thru the propaganda put out there by the zio-machine that is aimed at the morons who think the mere fact you have a name like 'Progressive Radio' in your title somewhere, that there is anything very progressive there to begin with. Progressively SHITTY is maybe what that's all about, making people think that the so called 'left' is still alive and breathing. Unfortunately it's not.
That's why you won't see any truth on 'Democracy NOW' regarding Israeli involvement in 9/11, nor will you hear Thom Hartmann ever go there. Or for that matter, too very many people in the blogosphere who are allegedly 'left' but unfortunately closet zionists who protect Israel at all costs.
the term 'controlled opposition' can be virtually applied to anything that comes out of the radio or the television set, and now, in a lot of blog sites. Cass Sunstein's boys have been very busy beavers, and so have their MOSSAD handlers.
interestingly, if a person mentions ISRAEL in a negative way in many web based e-mail programs, the site will prevent you from sending the information or the attachment it found the reference about Israel within.
at some point, you can rest assured that virtually ALL OF THE MEDIA is a form of PsyOp or COIN OP as I call them.
counter-intelligence operations now are on full blast trying to reinforce the LIE that 19 arab hijackers DID attack the U.S., but that incompetence was the reason they succeeded. Unfortunately, it took extreme lockdown of NORAD that day to allow the murders to happen in the first place, and it took total collusion by the F.B.I. and the rest of the dept of JUST US to completely destroy evidence and cover up the fact that ISRAEL DID IT.
yes, they had NORAD help. yes Dick Cheney was the primary reason NORAD stood down.
how much more does one need to know, to know for absolute certainty that CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is virtually any and all media in this country trying to portray itself as being remotely LEFT of the extreme RIGHT WING fascist bastards who did this to this nation.
the term 'controlled opposition' should instead be changed to SLICK PROPAGANDIZING, it's much more accurate and to the point. gets rid of the uncertainty about the motive. We all know what the motive is and always has been, do we not?
hi Dennis,
i appreciate your comments and enthusiasm, and agree that the israeli
gummint consists of a bunch of heartless assholes, as does 'ours', of course,
but i would never
agree that our 'own' (yeeeew ess) gummint was not involved. whomever
israelites (as we heard about at the dinner table as youngsters) WERE
involved in 9/11, i appreciate that they were forkin hoars, too, but i will
never ever give in to any thing that lets our own (u.s.) PIGS off the hook.
to me there is no way that our swine could not have been involved, and
parTICularly our gdmf meeja hoes, please see video fakery, so even tho
yeah, some of this warmongering crap comes from the israelites, our
assholes in previous, and this (cover upping) gummint can in my noggin
never be put aside as an extra frilliness. 'our' whores were in it up to their
fat, ugly, pus-filled heads. i have no doubt of that and never will,
we're both pretty much in agreement with regard to how we see these monsters. most of the indoctrination about ISRAEL has been force fed to us in schools, who never will discuss the U.S.S. Liberty, or the Lavon Affair, or the other incidents where Israel participated in killing both their own and American citizens, to create more death and dying. I just read an article about Benjamin Disraeli the other day, and how his influence in Britain played a pivotal role in the British Monarchy acceding to the Rothschilds and the STEALING OF PALESTINE for them. On any given day, if you were to ask the average person in this country who Rothschilds (BAUER) are, and what they are up to, or for that matter, ask them what the Balfour Agreement waa, 9 out of 10 couldn't tell you the answer to those questions. Around here, church marquee after church marquee has benevolent LOVE ISRAEL messages about ZION on them, and hence I have to now conclude that with very few exceptions, most of what is considered to be CHRISTIANITY is hijacked by dominionists who truly can't wait to sacrifice Israel's to get to the Armageddon thing they so desperately crave and need. Truly, you have to be some kind of warped asshole to want to blow the whole goddamned thing up, don't you? That's what these guys want. They are so deluded and demented that they think they are going to get some form of prize from Jeezzzusss for starting a worldwide conflagration replete with a thermonuclear exchange or some kind amongst the superpowers. That is pretty fucked up thinking, if you can even apply the word 'think' to that. It's just insane.
what I was getting at is that thru my entire life the topic of Israel and middle east peace was always dealt with in a fashion that essentially just demonized Palestinians as if THEY were the interlopers and thieves, and disparaged and vilified as they have been, nary a day went by when some talking head was on some propaganda fest on the TV, trying to get you to believe it was those filthy Palestinians who caused all this.
American khazarian fake jews who don't even go to synagogue, most of them, are the assholes in charge of the MSM here and most of what comes out of ZIONWOOD there in California. In the population here, they make up merely about 2 percent or so of us, yet they have a total control on all of the banking and information. They have bought the Congress and Senate via their bribes, and the few of these assholes they can't control with bribery, they control thru coercion and blackmail. They are deeply embedded in the nation's intelligence gathering community, and virtually have infiltrated the Pentagon to the highest levels there. Most American's don't know these are facts that MUST BE DEALT WITH.
thru history, these fraudulent fake khazar jews who infest this country and have MOSSAD operations on our soil called the C.I.A., F.B.I., ADL and SPLC, and B'nai Brith, get away with incredibly murder here because the very second you begin to denounce their criminality, you get branded as ANTI SEMITIC and then prosecuted by this scumball government for hate crimes that they have now legislated into existence thru ramrodded bullshit that our corrupt scum politico's who took the A.I.P.A.C. money and other bribes, pushed thru into LAW.
the root cause of the evil here is these khazars. these fake jews. the roughly two percent who control EVERYTHING here. yes, our own scumballs in government need to be accountable for the HIGH TREASON they serially commit virtually every day they illegally occupy the offices they hold, but the root cause has to be addressed. ISRAELI INFLUENCE, ROTHSCHILDS INFLUENCE, FAKE KHAZAR FRAUD JEWS INFLUENCE must be ended here.
these things are concealed by MSM and the government so successfully that American's don't even know what a KHAZAR is.
most have not read a book called; "The Thirteenth Tribe" either. Nor do too very many of these same American's know what "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are either.
but until each and every one of you out there read these, and understand them, and know who and what the ENEMY to this nation truly is and always has been, doing this hand wringing over 9/11 mass murders is a very lame and moot point here in this forum.
these critters from ISRAEL are the quintessential ENEMY OF THIS STATE and the people herein.
this nation cannot and will not be free till the ROTHSCHILDS/BAUER khazarian fake jewish influence is expunged from this place by any and all means.
It is too late to do that at any ballot box. In fact, it must be done by bodily removing them from the halls of Congress and the Senate, but more importantly, by disbanding the C.I.A. and F.B.I. and the ADL and SPLC and every other one of their MOSSAD tentacles that are wrapped around every part of our life here.
American's must wake up and throw these assholes out and unplug their control mechanisms in our government.
it cannot be done by voting. that is not going to fix this. it must be done by PHYSICAL REMOVAL OF THEM!
I am not trying to defame Jim Fetzer here, Shallel. Actually, I owe him a debt of gratitude that I can't ever repay him for setting me straight on something I had a misconception about. It has been Jim Fetzer's exceptional and excellent work to get the information out about the fakery, that drew me to joining the group. But I have done considerably more research than most of you folks have for many many years. I've done extensive radar analysis, communications analysis, and examined data that none of you has seen because when it gets posted in blogs or in forums, it get deleted or attacked.
Jim Fetzer runs a fine blog. And you, Shallel, are one of the best assets anyone could hope for. but truly, I'm going to be honest with you and tell you that; "yes, some of us know almost all of it now" and we didn't get to this station by reading blog posts or watching You Tube videos. Some of us have done unbelievably extensive examination of the data that has been put out there.
but you make good points. my point is that most of the people in this blog have not seen the stuff some of us are intimately familiar with. I don't know a lot about the WTC stuff. That is my admitted weakness, Jim Fetzer and yourself and probably virtually all of the other members here probably empirically know more about the WTC issues than I do.
but I do know the Pentagon thing, and I do know that by virtue of the ACARS stuff, UA-175 was not involved in striking that tower that day. I also know that due to my analysis of the AA 11 audio, those recordings are fake. I de-linked the AA-77 fraudulent FDR crap from the aircraft a long long long time ago. Just because Rob Balsamo finally published it this year, that was done a long time ago. the two missing data fields in the file preamble, notwithstanding the other fakery and obvious stuff only a pilot and FDR person would see, excludes AA-77 from the picture.
so that leaves us with UA-93, that the government now says went into a mine shaft in Pennsylvania.
how much more we find out here, Shallel, is just dribs and drabs. I joined the forum because Jim Fetzer opened a hole and asked me to join it. I might not agree with everyone but I am not beating any of you with dead fish over the head either. I virtually enjoy every second I spend in here, not just to write but to read and see.
we now have to maybe enhance the experience of those of us who truly don't know everything. I don't know EVERYTHING but I do know enough to know what happened and what did not. Am I still wanting to know more about the WTC stuff?
absolutely I am. Am I denigrating Jim Fetzer or anyone else? absolutely not. To be honest, between you and me and the lamp post, if NOT for Jim Fetzer, the discourse about what happened on Sept. 11th., would have been stagnant and dead a long long time ago. Do I think VT is a disinfo site? Perhaps. By Jim's affiliation with it do I think he is a disinfo shill of any kind? Not in a zillion years would I say that. I have a core beleif that goes to this; "when someone is getting unjustifiably beaten up or discredited by shills like FETZER is, he must be over the real target with his stuff.." That in and of itself doesn't make the case he is infallible. He's not. But he is intellectually HONEST. I cannot say that for some of the other guys like Mike Rivero who I truly think is doing more good than harm with his blog, but is a vehement nasty denier of truth about the Pentagon and is a LIHOP boy fully.
but I'll state for the record here and now that anyone that says Mr. Fetzer is a disinformation shill or COIN OP guy, I have to laugh them out of the room. They know not what they are talking about.
but truly, some of us have seen stuff thru examination, and who have decades of experience, and being far from an elitist snob as an accomplished pilot and seasoned systems engineer with significant aviation background and avionics expertise, I do have to say that THIS does in fact trump supposition and conjecture.
but you make a good point here in that stopping the discourse is wrong. my intent was not that. my intent is to say that per my statements I made at PilotsFor911Truth some time ago, regarding the analysis of 'turds' the other side floated, that it just gets ridiculous to really put tons of effort into analyzing that crap and then debunking it, when clearly it's a fraud.
I am going to make a statement here I hope you all will take to heart. I don't know everything. I truly do not. I do know much much much more than a great deal of the forum people here, strictly because I immersed myself in this shit for a decade and didn't do it just in the blogs. I've put in years of work on this stuff.
I admit I am painfully lightweight in the WTC arena. I learned so much from Jim Fetzer and others in here, and from podcasts listening to his guests on RadioFetzer in that area, that it pretty much filled in the lion's share of the blank spots
I had for WTC issues.
my intent is to honestly and truthfully answer questions anyone has of me in here. In some cases my first attempt to explain stuff might seem 'too technical' maybe but if I gather in here that nobody is getting it, I'll do what I did at tactical briefs I gave to naval aviators in lectures years ago where i could make eye contact and see facial expressions, which are good tools for any teacher. I'll back up and try a second time to explain what didn't come out too clear for you all.
but I do know a lot about AA-77's issues, and I can tell you that UA-175 did not hit any building that day, and that AA-11 is totally a fraud from the word GO for sure, it never happened.
and lastly, UA-93 didn't crash in Shanksville and disappear into an abandoned mine shaft. All that is left for me to figure out is exactly which explosives or methods were used in their entirety to take down the towers, as the drone aircraft that I think that struck them, didn't do that. And I have not counted out DEW weapons use on the '3' buildings in NYC that day yet.
thank you for your thoughtful and cogent reply. Don't count me out yet. I just don't think we're doing a good job of communicating without eye contact, which is impossible here. in a meeting room or convention or a REAL trial, unlike the fraud in Toronto, I would hope to meet a good many of you and discuss this further.
Jim won't likely ever invite me for a 'round two' on RadioFetzer because he wrongly thinks me to have beaten him up, but nobody who knows me would agree. I have told many many people that this forum and RadioFetzer and occasionally, the stuff in VT, is worth reading, especially if his name is on it. As for the other people there at VT, I'm not so sure of them.
I like Gordon Duff, but I don't trust his blog anymore. So it's off limits for me.
D. Cimino
Shallel Octavia said:
I think it is safe to say that those who join forums run and financed by those they are calling dis-informers are assets as well. Of course they could also be a.) trying to expose the assets b.) bat shit crazy.
I am enjoying your work, it has been very professional! I was looking forward to some great discussions with you when I found out you would be joining. However, if the purpose one of your first posts is to defame the person who runs the forum, I may not get this chance. Also, science stops when you think you know all the answers.
If all the work is done and proven maybe I can just go home to my native planet now.
you aren't going anywhere yet. I just got into a tiff with David Cole for asserting that radar injection was not possible on 9/11, so I spent a good deal of time in there. in any case, the MSM and all of the other so called news outlets are heavily CIA controlled. Rupert Murdoch is a zionist with vested interest in destroying this country for his anti goyim nightmare of his. speaking of Zell the Cow as I call him, he is a mossad asset as are virtually all of the high ranking dual passport boys who are throwbacks from all the other criminal mis-administrations before this puppet's came to power. it should be illegal for any dual passport holder to hold ANY office here, even as dog catcher, but they get away with it because the entire system here is owned and operated by Israel. Zell the Cow and Murdoch and Dan Pipes, Elliot Abrams, Lewis Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zackheim, and all of the rest of these slime from Israel need to be indicted, tried for TREASON, and then summarily have their penalties carried out on a gallows at Ft. Leavenworth someday for the harm they've done to this nation. but that's asking too much. as for the courts, we know that Luis O'Compost is a Rothschilds boy over there at the I.C.C., they control it all. nothing is outside the slimy reach of Israeli zionist tentacles here, Shallel... but you knew that. anyway, thanks for the post! always a pleasure to read Jeannon and yourself and Rose and everyone who replies to me. I do have issues with people selling F.A.A. bullshit, the newer, improved 10 years out formula as reality however. especially people who tell me b.s. that no radar injection happened that day. they need to watch 'INTERCEPTED' and then tell me that crap. when tankers can't find the fighters due to all the crap and confusion by the injected exercise video that was there that day, anyone who says it didn't happen is highly suspect of being a shill for the government. I know better than to believe that no injects took place. the whole goddamned radar picture was INJECTS that day, mixed with real world stuff, albeit delayed a bit to prevent the midairs that'd ensued had they used injected video without real world mixed in. thats' why they needed that nearly 26 seconds to do that, that equates to '2' sweeps of the long range, 12 second scan, FPS-117 height finding 3-D air search radars to ensure they got out all of the targets they didn't want seen by anyone for any possible interceptions. Way too much evidence supports radar injection took place and continued for a half hour after it all ended that day, for the sole reason to make interception impossible, had someone actually gotten to go anywhere near the involved DRONE aircraft that were used. they weren't where the government said they were at, in other words. had the two sets of interceptors launched that day not been intentionally radar vectored far from the killing, they would have seen the data the controllers would have used to get them close to their targets, was, in fact, not reality. those same two groups of interceptors had considerable trouble getting vectored to their tankers that day for refueling, due to the injected radar crap. in a real world, the exercise video would have been switched off immediately upon the first sign something of real world was going on. proof of the Cheney mandated STAND DOWN order to keep that shit going to prevent interception from taking place. anyway, I've said enough. sorry to rant.
Shallel Octavia said:
I was not referring to you, Dennis. I have enjoyed your posts and indeed agree that "yes, some of us know almost all of it now"; at least we know what couldn't happen, namely anything in the official myth written by Philip Zelikow!
You are certainly not a lightweight in this field of study! Your analysis and cogent writing is greatly appreciated here, but you must admit that science stops when we stop questioning.
I was referring to Psy's obvious reference to Jim being on Hannity and Colmes, and not the validity of FOX having had [in the past] media mouthpieces supposedly representing two fictitious polarities of the political spectrum. I have no use for any of the complicit mass media, and Ace's work makes the point that we must focus on them first and foremost.
I my opinion the case against the media outlets has been very well proven by "Psy-Opera" and Ace's other fine work, but can he prove this in a court? Is there a court in the world that is not corrupted by the same Mil-Ind-Intelligence Complex?
I don't think I can go home yet.
Your understanding of the the prerecorded data inserts are excellent. I find "Intercepted" very good work,
The rest P4T is almost catching up to you I think. Cole has done excellent work on WTC 7, and I am glad he is at least investigating planes now. I have encouraged him to look at the violation of Newton's 2nd that is portrayed in the videos of 175: there can be no force without deceleration!
I did some of the certification testing on the RLG's the Air Farce bought from Litton and Texas Instruments back in the latter part of the 1980's. I also helped design portions of the pulse modulator for Kavouras' (now RADTEC) 250 kw precision, coherent C-band doppler radar, known as the Triton HP. one is in Beijing and one is in the Netherlands. Kavouras sold off the radar group a long time ago. as for the 26 seconds delay, my best guess is that they had to have at least '2' of the longest scanning radar's sweep times to ensure certain radar targets never were seen, by inhibiting their track altogether. we know some plane's in NEADS were not tracked on radar at all, when they certainly were high enough and not of stealth technology at all or with sophisticated radar deception capability to keep them off all radar screens all of the time. the only way this could occur was by track removal, using sample and hold of digitized radar data. In such a case, you'd definitely want at least '2' sweep periods of the longest scan period surveillance radars to ensure you truly got their tracks out of the system. its' very easy to track inhibit sample and hold radar data once you capture it. in any case, this perhaps explains the nearly 26 second delay. one sweep interval would not be enough insurance, you'd want two to make darned sure the data you were rejoining with the pipeline was clear of those you wanted not to be seen on any NEADS radar scope. Data linking the video up to the E-4B's, it would take no more than perhaps '2' guys on consoles up there, doing all of this work..perhaps without the rest of the crew knowing they were participating in TREASON that day. My guess is the crews were unaware of what their real mission truly was. But today, not any longer.
Shallel Octavia said:
Agreed! My dad worked on radars back then, and the Laser Gyro. You may find this interesting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5xmo7iJ7KA&feature=youtu.be - New radar technology developed at MIT
I am an EE as well, it seems you are way ahead of my understanding of these systems, but what you say about the aliasing artifacts from digitizing makes sense. I am not understanding the need for the 26 second delay or how you found that.
We should take this over to Cole's discussion since this not the of topic of Psy's discussion. I think he had done some analysis of the sway of the tower, which could also be caused by an explosion.
Did I see that on your blog Ace?
Blessings, Shallel
I wondered how long it would take Ace to come out swinging against me! Anyone who takes a look at my appearances on "Hannity & Colmes" should not have a hard time seeing through this bizarre attitude coming from this guy, whom I allowed to join the forum because I STILL THINK he has something to contribute. I expect his "Psy-Opera" will take a few more whacks at me. My best guess has always been that he wanted to come here to attack me. Whack away!
James Fetzer on "Hannity & Colmes"
"Hannity & Colmes" get their ass kicked by James Fetzer
"O'Reilly vs. Fetzer"
And there are a vast number of other presentations of mine in cyber space, such as "Are wars in Iraq and Afghanistan justified by 9/11?", http://noliesradio.org/archives/21621/ from London on 14 July 2010 and "9/11: False Flag Terror and the Rise of the Global Police State", www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEzoBKAkzmU from Portland on 9 September 2011. I am doing quite a few on PressTV nowadays, he ought to consider them, too. Just search "PressTV, James Fetzer".
I'm not here to bash you Jim, I'm here to promote Psy-Opera. Quote from Chapter 9:
"No one has been more supportive of my work than Jim Fetzer".
Ultimately, it is the concept of "truth" which takes the biggest bashing, from everyone. People actually don't value truth nearly as much as they value comfort. I'm sorry Jim, but it's too late to include any of your requests in the film. I waited many years for you to take a stand, and you just wouldn't. That's OK, I took a stand, and that seems to have upset a lot of people.
Regarding "Ace", that character was killed off. The only way to bring Ace back would be to make the back story a dream sequence, or something.
Doesn't matter what really happened, only matters what you believe.
-Ace Baker (from "The Psychological Operation")
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