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Government Front Group Vows to Abolish Critical Thinking
Marxist-founded Demos is terrified that schoolchildren are questioning the establishment
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Government front group Demos, an integral part of the British establishment which was founded by Marxists, is terrified that children are using the Internet to question what they are taught in school, and has vowed to abolish any such critical thinking to reinforce the education system’s role as a tool of indoctrination.
A BBC News report reflects Demos’ panic at “conspiracy theories” (ie any critical thought that questions the official consensus) being brought into the classroom.
embedded video of BBC news story
Demos conspiracy theories - truth lies and the internet
It’s a delicious irony that we’ve highlighted many times before and it underpins the entire education system. While complaining that children are not engaging in “critical thinking,” Demos, a government front group, is abolishing any notion of critical thinking by telling students that they should only believe what the government and the mainstream media tells them is true – the same establishment that has been caught proliferating lies time and time again.
In reality, it is the very fact that students are increasingly engaging in “critical thinking,” ie questioning the official version of events, that has the likes of Demos so petrified.
Having been caught lying and covering-up all manner of scandals, from the WMD farce, to Climategate, to the death of Dr. David Kelly, the British establishment and its sycophantic media cheerleaders like the BBC are losing credibility fast, that’s why young people are turning to alternative sources of information to try and get the truth, something deemed intolerable by the system.
While young people are being intimidated out of critical thinking, they are simultaneously being bombarded with the likes of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, which was sent by the government to British schools in 2007, a documentary found by a British high court judge to contain nine significant errors while making claims in “the context of alarmism and exaggeration.”
It seems believing in “conspiracy theories” is only acceptable for the likes of Demos and the British government if those “conspiracy theories” are generated by and supportive of the state.
Indeed, a University Professor in the United Kingdom recently conducted a comparative analysis of a BBC documentary on 7/7 “conspiracy theories” and an independent documentary in which the official story behind the London bombings is questioned. The Professor concluded that the documentary produced by “conspirac... and more likely to be a truthful representation of the events of 7/7, but don’t expect the government to recommend it be included on the curriculum any time soon.
Other government front groups have also launched state-funded projects to “demolish conspiracy theories” about events like 9/11, or in other words ‘abolish’ any critical thinking about the event and reinforce official propaganda through the school curriculum.
Demos is a front for the insidious Common Purpose network, a group that Lt Cdr Brian Gerrish has exposed as playing a fundamental role in the advancement of Britain’s role in the new world order. Julia Middleton, Chief Executive of Common Purpose, sits on Demos’ ...
The group has waged war on “conspiracy theories,” particularly the suggestion that 7/7 and 9/11 involved state complicity, and has urged the government to “fight back” by infiltrating conspiracy websites to spread state propaganda. Demos has also characterized people who question the official fable of 7/7 and 9/11 as extremists and terrorist recruiters.
The strategy mirrors that advocated by White House information czar Cas..., who in a 2008 white paper similarly called for conspiracy websites to be infiltrated and undermined in order to dilute their influence. In the same report, Sunstein also called for taxing conspiracy theories (any viewpoint that differs with the official version) and outright banning free speech of which the authorities disapprove.
Demos was founded in 1993 by marxists Martin Jacques and Geoff Mulgan, and was closely affiliated with Tony Blair’s Labour government. Mulgan went on to work inside Downing Street in 1997. Current British Prime Minister David Cameron also works closely wit... and has given speeches at the group’s events.
Demos has routinely acted as a platform for elitists who wish to drastically alter society, eliminate freedoms, and sacrifice British sovereignty in pursuit of global government. On August 9, 2006, British Home Secretary Dr John Reid, another former marxist, gave a speech at a Demos conference stating that Britons “may have to modify their notion of freedom”, claiming that freedom is “misused and abused by terrorists.”
Demos is partnered with numerous other globalist organizations from government and industry, including IBM, The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and Shell International. The organization’s logo includes an all-seeing eye within its design.
Although the group poses as an independent think tank, Demos is little more than a public relations firm for the British government and security services. Its efforts to demonize conspiracy theories in order to “increase trust in the government,” as its own report states, is a transparent ploy to do the bidding of its masters, by demonizing anyone who challenges a corrupt, lying state and its nefarious activities as an extremist and a potential domestic terrorist, while infiltrating schools and acting as thought police to ring-fence what ideas children can and cannot entertain.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
Views: 119
ah ha,
the achilles heel! the young.
Maybe the youngsters will go right around the adults , use the internet any damn way they please. For example, suppose they wanted to learn about various economic systems, well they could use real thinking to find many examples of each on the internet, and after getting a sense of the complexity of each system, form their own opinions. If a kid questions 911, he could even come to this forum and learn a lot.
the link to the movie "1984" is out there. I have it someplace, but those who've not read the book or seen the remake with Richard Burton in it, might want to re-visit it.
Orwell is spinning in his grave at such high RPM's that the energy they could harness with a dynamo attacked to his coffin, would light London for decades.
as for Prison Planet, it's a shill operation. heavily Khazarian fake jewish controlled, with Alex Jones a protector of ISRAEL at all costs. I nearly vomited when they referenced my de-linkage of the AA-77 FDR on that site in January last...it was not something I was too very proud of, btw!
FM (fear monger) Planet is a more appropriate name for A.J.'s website. get people all spooled up like farts in a bottle, and then watch the frenetic hand wringing ensue. but they do on occasion put out valid stuff. no doubt this story bears a good look-see, as I think Paul Watson does well. A good friend published stuff there they immediately jerked on the first D.H.S. threat, over the H1N1 virus, and they later had to admit that the story was in fact, quite correct. The government had dug up corpses in Alaska to get the DNA out of long dead cadavers, so they could do the recombinant DNA gene splices to make the '3' in '1' FLU BUG that could never ever in the wild do that on it's own. Unfortunately the moron's didn't realize that you can't just gene splice lethality into virus strains. Mother nature does that, and disarms most human attempts to genetically engineer virii that way. In any case, taking Robert Finnegan's excellent research about the H1N1 recombinant DNA virus that was simultaneously released in several global locations to kill a lot of people two years ago, was a disservice to the truth. And Prison Planet could have saved a lot of lives had that recombinant DNA virus strain essentially NOT mutated into a less lethal variation on it's own.
I also do not trust the Alex Jones operations, however I think this issue and article are good, and Paul Joseph Watson does a good job in his articles on many subjects, this subject being not directly related to 9-11.
I know now how much false information is taught to children in USA, especially history classes, and how much garbage I was taught. Now children are active on their own on the Internet and they, more and more, are going to find what they are taught in school to be incongruent, to say the least. I am sure that this program in the UK is already being implemented here in the USA, though maybe not specifically that particular program. It is only a matter of time until it is put in writing how teachers must handle questioning from students in class based on the conflicting information they are encountering.
To me, the UK establishment recognizes the extreme breakdown in their indoctrination caused by web information. The only way they can keep up strong disinformation and indoctrination is by destroying the Internet or access to it to a large extent. ThisDemos program sounds absurd and will not work, even though there are probably plenty of ignorant parents who would want their children to just go along and get along and not make waves.
I remember when I was in college, I encountered a home-town Harvard boy who was an activist in the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) at Harvard and their many large demonstrations at that crucial time in the 60s. He asked me to paraphase, "Why do they do this?" meaning why didn't our parents tell us the truth about the reality of our government, our country and our world. I answered "because they love you and don't want you to get messed up." My answer seemed to resonate with him. But I am afraid that really is not true today. Today with the Internet, the atrocities and truth about our government and leaders and real motivations are just too too great and too well known for it to be a right and loving protective thing for parents to just let their children live in the straight jacket of establishment lies.
I think this whole matter of all the false flag events perpetrated by our governments and all the stealth assassinations of key people and all the wars that were created and manipulated on false pretenses are subjects parents need to broach honestly with their children. That seems like a very difficult proposition when you want your children to do well in school and go on to higher education and develop their talents to their fullest.
This same confronting of the real situation of our world and our governement and where we are headed is a subject that has broken up many a couple and many a family.
We are at this point in Western history experiencing a major split between "truth" and establishment propaganda. People need to confront this bifurcation intelligently and not ally themselves with groups and people who want to go along, in some twisted way, with the lies and propaganda increasingly fed us. Relationships of all kinds are breaking up now irretrievably because this is not being done.
I concur wholeheartedly. the same thing is going on here to a major extent in that as more families figure out the schools are nothing more than indoctrination camps for their kids, they're jerking them out in record numbers for home schooling, as it's rare to find both parents actually able to hold jobs now. a former friend of mine in Arizona did that with all of his kids, but then he turned into a super religious freak somewhere along the lines and began to teach dominionism to his kids, sending 'two' sons to Iraq to "kill muzzies for MOMMY" there. in any case the schooling they got before he went whacko must have been far better than any public schools, based on the test scores his kids achieved.
the powers that be (Rothschilds) are going to demand that the internet plug be pulled soon. they don't like the exposure that zionism has gotten, or their USURY empire has recieved, and it'll be interesting to see if this DHS 'silencing' of the radio and television also will extend to the WEB on the 9th. of next month, when they temporarily (hahahahahhahaha) shut these all down to prove they can do that.
as for the way this has caused major schisms in families, I've lost a lot of alleged friends over this 9/11 shit, and telling of truth. a few years ago I attended a navy reunion here with crewmen from the ship I had served on for 5 years of my life, and only a few fellow crewmen would sit with me due to their knowing of my 9/11 truth telling. I can remember the hostile looks I got sitting there in that ballroom that day on the base, where we were sharing a dinner. many of the crewmen who were there were not on board during my 5 year stint and only knew me from web information, but one even had the nerve to come up and tell me I was a 'traitor' and shouldn't have even come. that floored me. in any case, I lost several friends due to my truth telling, but that doesn't stop me from telling the story about 9/11 to others. yesterday I told two more people who listened attentively while several others nearby pretended not to listen...but were listening. getting the word out is very critical and important life priority, and waking the world up to smell the zionist agenda and murder is something I take very seriously.
Alex Jones is strictly a disinformation tool for the zionist khazars who own him, but he does have Watson there who writes good stuff and gets it published, and hence I have concluded that Watson's purpose to A.J. is to be the truth content that draws people into the site. at some point it's my hope that once authors figure out they are embedded in a disinfo shill camp, that they'll quit writing articles and publishing them there. my best analogy is that no upstanding citizen would go door to door with a known pedophile and child rapist to collect money for the March of Dimes or any kids charity, no matter how altruistic your goal is. same is true with writers who legitimize STINK TANKS with their articles they submit to be published within them. once you see that the site openly allows publication of extremely propagandistic shit, your job is to disaffiliate yourself from it if you have any ethics of any kind. so Paul Watson hopefully will move his shingle to another venue and stop writing for Prison Planet, because in a way, every article he submits to them, dilutes his truth and defames him, and ultimately, at some point, mutes his message altogether. voting with one's conscience is a very good way of not supporting zionist disinformation for Israel's rabid khazarian frauds who have looted and pillaged and USURY enslaved way too many of us for way too long, causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in their wake.
we have the moral obligation to abstain from allowing them to splash us with their lies.
Jeannon Kralj said:
I also do not trust the Alex Jones operations, however I think this issue and article are good, and Paul Joseph Watson does a good job in his articles on many subjects, this subject being not directly related to 9-11.
I know now how much false information is taught to children in USA, especially history classes, and how much garbage I was taught. Now children are active on their own on the Internet and they, more and more, are going to find what they are taught in school to be incongruent, to say the least. I am sure that this program in the UK is already being implemented here in the USA, though maybe not specifically that particular program. It is only a matter of time until it is put in writing how teachers must handle questioning from students in class based on the conflicting information they are encountering.
To me, the UK establishment recognizes the extreme breakdown in their indoctrination caused by web information. The only way they can keep up strong disinformation and indoctrination is by destroying the Internet or access to it to a large extent. ThisDemos program sounds absurd and will not work, even though there are probably plenty of ignorant parents who would want their children to just go along and get along and not make waves.
I remember when I was in college, I encountered a home-town Harvard boy who was an activist in the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) at Harvard and their many large demonstrations at that crucial time in the 60s. He asked me to paraphase, "Why do they do this?" meaning why didn't our parents tell us the truth about the reality of our government, our country and our world. I answered "because they love you and don't want you to get messed up." My answer seemed to resonate with him. But I am afraid that really is not true today. Today with the Internet, the atrocities and truth about our government and leaders and real motivations are just too too great and too well known for it to be a right and loving protective thing for parents to just let their children live in the straight jacket of establishment lies.
I think this whole matter of all the false flag events perpetrated by our governments and all the stealth assassinations of key people and all the wars that were created and manipulated on false pretenses are subjects parents need to broach honestly with their children. That seems like a very difficult proposition when you want your children to do well in school and go on to higher education and develop their talents to their fullest.
This same confronting of the real situation of our world and our governement and where we are headed is a subject that has broken up many a couple and many a family.
We are at this point in Western history experiencing a major split between "truth" and establishment propaganda. People need to confront this bifurcation intelligently and not ally themselves with groups and people who want to go along, in some twisted way, with the lies and propaganda increasingly fed us. Relationships of all kinds are breaking up now irretrievably because this is not being done.
as much as most people avoid taking advice about what to read and look at, I urge everyone to read; "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of ZION" and disseminate them to as many people that you can, so they can see this master roadmap that has been laid out for a long time by these zionist khazar non-jew body snatchers that are masquerading as jews and using their adopted religion as a murder weapon here on Earth.
the plan therein is pretty clear. I ran that plan past a former (FORMER) khazarian fraud fake jew and asked him what he thought of those things. He supported them. At the very least, I expected repudiation and denial of them, and got the opposite. That ended the friendship. I couldn't continue to offer any further support of any kind to a person who espouses the stuff in those Protocols. that is what these khazarian fake jews believe. those tenets in those writings are exactly what is going on and has been going on for a long time. the basic gist of them is to utterly subvert and destroy any inherent stability and benevolent global action for a better world by the subjugation of GOYIM (all of us who are not jews) and if any of you download those protocols and read them, how you can under any circumstances think that these guys are just affable buffoons, per Gilad Atzmon's recent writings, is beyond me. To deny the conspiracy is a form of cover for it. To dismiss the recent bloody history that has been fomented and thrust upon the world as mere 'insanity' is not truthful nor is it intellectually honest. to decry that the 98 or so world's jewish population who are 'strictly khazars' are just malfunctioning because they are all just crazy is both absurd and patently WRONG. they do this for a reason.
they do it to destroy everything. to bring everything down. to ultimately fuck everything up so badly that everyone at some stage will throw up their hands and say; "okay, I'm fine with tyranny and zionism...just FEED ME!!"
until every single one of you downloads and reads those protocols and understands them, you're doing the equivalent of being armed with solely a tiny pocket knife at a gun fight. this is not anti semitism, this is called WAKING THE FUCK UP to the plan. the plan is an evil and diabolical plan, not to be mused about or dismissed as Gilad Atzmon does in denying the conspiracy to enslave all GOYIM by these fake fraudulent, non-sephardic body snatchers.
Thoth II said:
I join the chorus against alex Jones, I believe he is like a "sermon of whatever" like my sunday morning preacher. That automatically make me suspicious, you probably know how scientific and "boring" I am (actually, I just cut to the chase and don't glorify).
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