Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
I read this post by "Poor Richard" on another site and thought it was interesting.
I was particularly interested in the paragraph in bold. Does anyone know of any support for the statement "Pentagon knows Israel did 911"?
I do believe a World War III is definitely wanted and being manipulated.
I do believe that a one world debt slavery system for all is the goal.
This is the first I have ever heard of millions starving in America's Great Depression. It seems logical that some people would have starved but it seems odd that I never heard a thing about this and never thought to ask about it myself.
Not trying to be controversial and don't want to discuss anyone's DNA or skin color.
The American Jewish leadership not only allowed Israel to attack their host nation on 911 but also acted to cover it up. That is treason. And the Jewish leadership has allowed the Jews of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve to steal every dollar, pound and euro not nailed to a wall.
The other day I calculated the US Misery Index to be 36% by adding the unemployment rate of 23% to the inflation rate of 13%. These are real figures from Shadow Stats and not bogus government numbers. The US M2 Money Supply is increasing at an annualized rate of 29% so I expect a greater than 30% inflation rate really soon. When monetary illusion ends, prices increase faster than the money supply. Why? When people see prices running up that quickly, they do not wait for payday to buy food for the next week. They use their savings and their credit cards to buy anything they might need over the next 3 months provided it will not spoil. This phenomenon is called “the increased Velocity of Money” the day this happens is the day hyperinflation begins. I expect the dollar, the pound and the euro to be devalued sometime between now and a couple weeks after the 2012 US elections. When that devaluation happens, prices in dollars will double overnight. That US Misery Index will reach 60% even without a currency collapse; with one the Misery Index will go over 100%.
…this current depression should not be called the Second Great Depression but rather the Greatest Starvation. The Russian demographer Borisov said at least 3 million Americans died from starvation during the Great Depression of 1929 to 1939. My lowest estimate is that 9 million Americans will die from starvation and 3 to 5 million will commit suicide rather than starve to death. This is our future if we do not change the regime and seize the tens of trillions of dollars stolen from us.
If there were such a force of assimilated Jews challenging their self appointed leaders, it would have already successfully acted to indict the criminals on Wall Street and to seize their assets.
…Americans own more than 300 million guns and more than 10 billion bullets.
The Pentagon knows Israel did 911. And they are learning that the bankers want America to lose WW III so those of us who survive the coming wars and mass starvation can be reduced to permanent debt slavery.
…Jewish leadership has deliberately created this worldwide catastrophe…
I believe we have a few months left to avert complete disaster and the end of life as we knew it.
Views: 180
The Pentagon knows Israel did 911. And they are learning that the bankers want America to lose WW III so those of us who survive the coming wars and mass starvation can be reduced to permanent debt slavery.
…Jewish leadership has deliberately created this worldwide catastrophe…
I believe we have a few months left to avert complete disaster and the end of life as we knew it."
this is no longer the stuff of crackpots. I'm afraid there is a lot of truth to it. That is the ultimate plan. In the meantime, since Reagen, the big corporations and big pharma are ruling the day-to-day roost of people, making them robots in all ways. They decide everything from what clothes people wear to which chemicals to put in their bodies. After the downfall, the corporations will just move elsewhere.
These small, small minorities of banksters, oligarchs, zionists, and corporate CEOs are hogging it all up and driving the entire population into the ground. This is the worst part of human history. This was done many times before, but then the resources were scarce and people fought over them. Today there are resources aplenty to go around so there is no excuse for it.
"I'm afraid there is a lot of truth to it."
I too am afraid there is a lot of truth to it.
I just wonder if there are any factions within the Pentagon and military that see what we see and if there is any hope of some kind of rising up of some decent people in government.
I do not see any hope if we continue on our present money system. It was designed from the beginning to make us all permanent debt slaves. The main tool of control of humanity and the world will be the economic / money tool. More and more they are forcing us to a cashless economy and a one world currency and totally controlling who can buy and sell anything.
As for the resources, I think they are plentiful too, but I see as a big part of the deceptive games on us as making us believe that resources are extremely limited, or actually doing things to limit and diminish the resources, and some entity must take control of resources to make sure they are "equitably distributed." In fact, it is beginning to look like the controllers are psychopaths who intend to destroy and contaminate our water, food, air and land, so that it is good to no one.
Jeannon: Here are three Alan Sabrosky videos on the subject. The first one hasn't been posted yet, so I'll go ahead and
post it to videos. The other two are already posted on page 3 of the videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVKGRB3cygg&feature=player_embed...! .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Ffz0koJbI&feature=player_embedded .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GemBPvSsbG4&feature=player_embedded
sure the Pentagon knew Israel did it. the Pentagon was consentual with it, it wasn't like the MOSSAD acted in a wholly rogue fashion and didn't have total PENTAGON go ahead to conduct the operation. It just required a great deal of secrecy in that very few could know the plot on the inside of the various branches of the military, but the PENTAGON, as well as the DEPT OF JUST US (FBI) is wholly a MOSSAD organization, as is the SPLC and the ADL. Virtually all of the U.S. federal apparatus is hijacked in it's entirety by these guys in the MOSSAD. when you use the term Military Industrial Complex, you're not just talking about the contractors, you're talking ISRAEL/ROTHSCHILDS/CARLYLE GROUP et-al here.
Sabrosky didn't spill any unusual beans about who knew what about 9/11. A high level clandestine meeting took place in Alexandria, VA not long after 9/11 took place, and in that meeting, many flag ranked officers as well as recently retired, no longer on active duty servicemen with flag rank on their shoulderboards, showed up to discuss who did this to us.
They all knew it was fully conducted with the PENTAGON's JCS approval, via Richard C. Myers., signed off on by Richard B. Cheney, then V.P.U.S., at the time.
once again, if you have not read PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION and not seen this entire thing in there, then you're purposely missing the goddamned boat. I don't want to rub all of your noses in it, but if you don't know what the hell your're dealing with, read the goddamned document, please! It's not that hard to find, it's too long for me to post in here or I would put it here but it's lengthy and the blog won't let me post it in it's entirety or I WOULD HAVE BY NOW.
read it. that's the road map.
they want WW-III to ensue. the Rothschilds will bankrol ALL OF THE sides and make a huge amount of dosh in a massive global war.
just like the Octopus squirts INK to allow it's getaway and escape, the ROTHSCHILDS use WAR to keep people from going after their necks with nooses.
please, read the protocols. do it today. they are very relevant. it's an imperative to know who and what you're dealing with here. please read them.
Thanks, Danny, for the video links. I have seen only one with him so far on RT. Dr. Sabrosky seems like a very good and honorable person to me. but I just do not feel Dr. Sabrosky is telling all. I have an uneasy feeling about him. His writings about 9-11 are somehow just not real earth shattering. He is just a new impressive person with stellar credentials stating some tired ols 9-11 facts.
Danny Juwenko had not been mentioned in the 9-11 truth "movement" for at least 4 years before Dr. Sabrosky started talking. Dr. Sabrosky brings up his name a few times and "coincidentally" we get the news that Danny Juwenko ran his car into a tree and died instantly. As they say in Brooklyn, "he died funny." Maybe I just am getting way too suspicious or paranoid and there is absolutely no connection. I just don't believe much in coincidences anymore.
Every group that starts out well meaning and that is effective will very soon have infiltrators. The more effective the entity is showing itself to be, the more convincingly deceptive the infiltation tactics are. I am not smart enough to see through a lot of this and have from time to time been taken in temporarily by some who I thought were truth seekers.
Dennis, I have read the Protocols at least three times. I know that there are wicked people with a Plan and the Protocols spell out how that plan will come to fruition. But even before I read the Protocols I saw evidence of an orchestrated Plan playing out. Sometimes the usage of Zionism and "it's the Jews" is just another ploy vis a vis The Protocols.
I just was looking for any anecdotes, such as the one you gave about that post 9-11 meeting, that would indicate there are some people at the Pentagon who understand who did 9-11 and were against that evil. It is a small glimmer of hope for me to know that there are some people in top Pentagon positions, albeit people who do not possess the real power, who may not have been in on it.
Somewhere I heard, and I will have to look it up, that there have been an inordinate number of top brass who have retired or taken early retirement or who have simply quit and that to me would also be a sign that the wickedness of those in control is just no longer tolerable. I just am seeking any positive information I can about those who work in the top levels of our government. (I have zero hope in ANYONE who says he or she was formerly associated with the CIA. That deal is for life.)
As far as "the Jews", I believe a large number of those carrying out the Plan and the Protocols are self proclaimed Jews, but to me their allegiance is not to the nation of Israel, the people of Israel, or the religion of Judaism and they will use the same methods of the Protocols on those entities without a bit of concern. So, like the video (below) says, these guys don't care about Zion or the Jews are anybody but their megalomaniacal Plan.
Zionism Defined by "Morris"
sure the Pentagon knew Israel did it. the Pentagon was consentual with it, it wasn't like the MOSSAD acted in a wholly rogue fashion and didn't have total PENTAGON go ahead to conduct the operation. It just required a great deal of secrecy in that very few could know the plot on the inside of the various branches of the military, but the PENTAGON, as well as the DEPT OF JUST US (FBI) is wholly a MOSSAD organization, as is the SPLC and the ADL. Virtually all of the U.S. federal apparatus is hijacked in it's entirety by these guys in the MOSSAD. when you use the term Military Industrial Complex, you're not just talking about the contractors, you're talking ISRAEL/ROTHSCHILDS/CARLYLE GROUP et-al here.
Sabrosky didn't spill any unusual beans about who knew what about 9/11. A high level clandestine meeting took place in Alexandria, VA not long after 9/11 took place, and in that meeting, many flag ranked officers as well as recently retired, no longer on active duty servicemen with flag rank on their shoulderboards, showed up to discuss who did this to us.
They all knew it was fully conducted with the PENTAGON's JCS approval, via Richard C. Myers., signed off on by Richard B. Cheney, then V.P.U.S., at the time.
once again, if you have not read PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION and not seen this entire thing in there, then you're purposely missing the goddamned boat. I don't want to rub all of your noses in it, but if you don't know what the hell your're dealing with, read the goddamned document, please! It's not that hard to find, it's too long for me to post in here or I would put it here but it's lengthy and the blog won't let me post it in it's entirety or I WOULD HAVE BY NOW.
read it. that's the road map.
they want WW-III to ensue. the Rothschilds will bankrol ALL OF THE sides and make a huge amount of dosh in a massive global war.
just like the Octopus squirts INK to allow it's getaway and escape, the ROTHSCHILDS use WAR to keep people from going after their necks with nooses.
please, read the protocols. do it today. they are very relevant. it's an imperative to know who and what you're dealing with here. please read them.
The protocols of the elders of zion is a plagiarized, known to be fraudulent, book. Relying on it is akin to relying on bible for an account of Jesus' life.
Dennis Cimino said:
sure the Pentagon knew Israel did it. the Pentagon was consentual with it, it wasn't like the MOSSAD acted in a wholly rogue fashion and didn't have total PENTAGON go ahead to conduct the operation. It just required a great deal of secrecy in that very few could know the plot on the inside of the various branches of the military, but the PENTAGON, as well as the DEPT OF JUST US (FBI) is wholly a MOSSAD organization, as is the SPLC and the ADL. Virtually all of the U.S. federal apparatus is hijacked in it's entirety by these guys in the MOSSAD. when you use the term Military Industrial Complex, you're not just talking about the contractors, you're talking ISRAEL/ROTHSCHILDS/CARLYLE GROUP et-al here.
Sabrosky didn't spill any unusual beans about who knew what about 9/11. A high level clandestine meeting took place in Alexandria, VA not long after 9/11 took place, and in that meeting, many flag ranked officers as well as recently retired, no longer on active duty servicemen with flag rank on their shoulderboards, showed up to discuss who did this to us.
They all knew it was fully conducted with the PENTAGON's JCS approval, via Richard C. Myers., signed off on by Richard B. Cheney, then V.P.U.S., at the time.
once again, if you have not read PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION and not seen this entire thing in there, then you're purposely missing the goddamned boat. I don't want to rub all of your noses in it, but if you don't know what the hell your're dealing with, read the goddamned document, please! It's not that hard to find, it's too long for me to post in here or I would put it here but it's lengthy and the blog won't let me post it in it's entirety or I WOULD HAVE BY NOW.
read it. that's the road map.
they want WW-III to ensue. the Rothschilds will bankrol ALL OF THE sides and make a huge amount of dosh in a massive global war.
just like the Octopus squirts INK to allow it's getaway and escape, the ROTHSCHILDS use WAR to keep people from going after their necks with nooses.
please, read the protocols. do it today. they are very relevant. it's an imperative to know who and what you're dealing with here. please read them.
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