9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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History Channel: Propaganda central

Get this lineup on last Sunday on History Channel, back to back propoganda, probably gearing up for JFK anniversary:

"Investigating History": featured the fine work of Dave Mantik but then polluted it at end with half truths of Gary Mack
"Kennedy: Curse of Power" Curse? you mean JFK and RFK weren't deliberately taken out?
"The World Trade Center" : featured misleading graphics showing the core columns as flimsy whereas they are solid steel
"Countdown to Ground Zero": the official line
"The Man Who Predicted 9/11": more of the same
"Grounded on 9/11" : story of how FAA grounded flights. Why? there were no flights that crashed into buildings on 9/11!
"The 9/11 Conspiracy": now this stuff is getting into Gary Mack misleading BS country, now applied to 911
"Hotel G.Z." I couldn't stomach any more.

With above, parading under the banner of "history channel" , I think a case could be made by a scholar that the USA in the 21st century is now mislead by the greatest acts of propaganda in human history.
The latest installment of HS that's appeared on the JFK front is from a Dartmouth computer science professor who says he's done a analysis of the Oswald backyard photo. that proves it wasn't fake. This stuff is unbelievable and reminds me of Dale Myers computer replication of the shooting in Dealey Plaza (yeah, right, a computer could simulate all those variables). I believe the HSCA photo committee (or at least people on that committee) proved 30 years ago that those backyard photos. were fakes from multiple indications.

Here is some recent track record of phony studies done by so called established academics: the old JAMA articles supporting the Warren Commission (and of course Humes and Boswell were still contending they were correct all along), the Purdue phony simulation of an airliner ploughing through the WTC, Myers and his phony recreations, Gary Mack's efforts at reproducing the SBT with dummies, and now this Dartmouth prof.

Where did academic integrity go?
Good catch! Jim Marrs and I published "The Dartmouth JFK-Photo Fiasco" at OpEdNews, which you can access via google. Plus I have a new blog at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com which includes it and other "false flag" studies. Jim

Thoth II said:
The latest installment of HS that's appeared on the JFK front is from a Dartmouth computer science professor who says he's done a analysis of the Oswald backyard photo. that proves it wasn't fake. This stuff is unbelievable and reminds me of Dale Myers computer replication of the shooting in Dealey Plaza (yeah, right, a computer could simulate all those variables). I believe the HSCA photo committee (or at least people on that committee) proved 30 years ago that those backyard photos. were fakes from multiple indications.

Here is some recent track record of phony studies done by so called established academics: the old JAMA articles supporting the Warren Commission (and of course Humes and Boswell were still contending they were correct all along), the Purdue phony simulation of an airliner ploughing through the WTC, Myers and his phony recreations, Gary Mack's efforts at reproducing the SBT with dummies, and now this Dartmouth prof.

Where did academic integrity go?
Jack D. White said:
James H. Fetzer said:
Sandy, The way the forum is set-up, the links appear but are not active. They are important, nonetheless, since each of us can copy and paste them into the address box and thereby access the items linked. Keep up with your fine efforts! Jim

Jim...actually I posted some links below THAT DID WORK...here, I will do it again:




Not sure I'm using this 'reply' feature correctly.

Just wanted to comment on the aulis site. I've visited it before in a little bit of moon hoax research and find the conclusions spot-on and self-evident. The moon photography was totally fake.

One question occurs to me that must have an obvious answer. Radiation in space would seem to be a barrier to space travel. The Apollo mission states (I believe) that they used a regular camera and film. The film would have necessarily been subjected to deadly radiation. Wouldn't that have made photography impossible to begin with? Would like a reply from an expert.
Yes, I've noticed that. I don't know why I wasn't doing it from the beginning, but most of those I post now also work.
Wanted to add something on Bugliosi. I was fascinated by the Manson case, but years before I became suspicious of the media, I read his 'Helter Skelter'. I thought it was great but it left me with a nagging feeling that something was not quite right in the case and the resulting media circus. When I heard he wrote a book nailing Oswald as the lone shooter, I wrote him completely off. There's obviously some sort of agenda there.

Anyone interested in Manson might find Mae Brussells insights interesting. I think there was more to that case than meets the eye.

Shermer appearance on coast to coast

Michael Shermer appeared last night on Geory Noory's radio show. He claims to be a "skeptic" (whatever that means). But his tone sounds more like the dark side's . For example, he supports the OBL did 911 and 7/7 official line, hook , line, and sinker. He talks about the National Geographic special as a great documentary.

He thinks there is merit to Posner's Case Closed. He actually believes Oswald did it alone, unbelievable.
For example, he says Oswald got his job at the book depository before Kennedy's trip was planned to Dallas. Huh? How could he possibly know what the intelligence people knew ahead of time?

Of course, he trumpets that "Conspiracy Theorist" tin foil hat nonsense. Does he understand the rules of logic and inference to best explanation? Some kind of "skeptic"

Michael Shermer vs. Jim Fetzer
Free Beer and Hot Wings Show
11 September 2007 (audio)
Round 1 (mp3), Round 2 (mp3)

Deutsche Welle: straight talk.

I'm switching to Deutsche Welle news on my local cable channel. Here's why, within a couple minutes of listening , I heard a reporter say the following things without any embellishment:
" euphoria (over Barack Obama) already waning in the United States. No amount of Nobel Prizes are going to distract the people from what they're looking for, which is jobs. They are skeptical about Afghanistan. A war president in Oslo. He's also going to Copenhagen (for climate change conference) with empty hands. "

now that's the type of hard commentary I'm looking for. Where the heck is that in the US media? By the way, the woman reporter for DW -TV is apparent an ex-pat American living in Germany and is now one of the biggest media figures in Germany. She has a passion for true journalism, which is maybe why she chose Europe for her beat, god knows the networks here don't want her type any more.
American healthcare: shame , shame, shame

Ok, today was the straw that broke my back at least, I was talking to a 64 year old waitress as I had my breakfast and she said she had to work one more year to get medical care, and we agreed the American people are getting the shaft. All that shameful money squandered on the defense industry, 20 years after cold war, what a stupid, stupid way to spend the money. Spend it on stuff that will give a return to the taxpayers. I realize now, that people like her, they know better, but they just can't do a damned thing about it. And then too, I'm only a decade short of her age group, and know now what is in store for my age group. I write editorials in my local paper, but most never see print, I've got maybe a handful of 1 or 2 over last 10 years and I've kept those.

I get physically sick looking at those republican senators trying to kill whatever hope the citizens of America have with their shameful fillibusters of the health care initiatives. In another era, the citizens would have stormed the halls of power and guillotined those bastards.
Thoth II, you are right-on! The only problem being that even the current version of the Senate bill provides a massive windfall to the insurance industry, even requiring those who can't afford health insurance to buy it! How dumb is that? My faith in Obama has been almost completely destroyed by this and other outrageous acts, such as increasing our troops in Afghanistan when he promised to end these illegal, immoral, and despicable wars of aggression abroad. This is tragic both for the people of Afghanistan and Iraq but of America. We have completely lost our way, alas! Completely!

Thoth II said:
American healthcare: shame , shame, shame

Ok, today was the straw that broke my back at least, I was talking to a 64 year old waitress as I had my breakfast and she said she had to work one more year to get medical care, and we agreed the American people are getting the shaft. All that shameful money squandered on the defense industry, 20 years after cold war, what a stupid, stupid way to spend the money. Spend it on stuff that will give a return to the taxpayers. I realize now, that people like her, they know better, but they just can't do a damned thing about it. And then too, I'm only a decade short of her age group, and know now what is in store for my age group. I write editorials in my local paper, but most never see print, I've got maybe a handful of 1 or 2 over last 10 years and I've kept those.

I get physically sick looking at those republican senators trying to kill whatever hope the citizens of America have with their shameful fillibusters of the health care initiatives. In another era, the citizens would have stormed the halls of power and guillotined those bastards.

you are so correct! Someone had on the nbc news last night (I of course never listen to that stuff unless I'm stuck in a room with other people watching it) and I heard the following buzzwords: Al Qaeda, Yemen, Nigeria, explosives, the shoe bomber, and Obama giving the public the reassuring speech about keeping them safe over the holidays .

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