9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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To: Kevin Barrett <kbarrett@merr.com>

Subject: It's JFK Day - let's Occupy Truth!

Date: Nov 22, 2011 10:14 AM


Today is the 48th anniversary of the LBJ-approved, CIA-executed murder of President Kennedy. It's time for us to Occupy Truth.

You don't need to buy a ticket to Dallas and occupy Dealy Plaza - though that's not a bad idea. The nice thing about truth is, it's wherever you are! You can "Occupy Truth" by educating yourself, and your family, friends and neighbors.

Let's celebrate JFK's radical "turn towards peace" that cost him his life, but still inspires us. Please come out this evening for Jim Fetzer's talk "Who Killed JFK?" at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3650 Humanities, 7 p.m.  FREE! http://www.UWsw.blogspot.com

And don't miss my radio interviews on this critically important topic.

Last Friday's interview with Saint John Hunt has gone viral around the world:
Also, from 11 to noon Central today, you can listen to my interviews with James Douglass, author of JFK and the Unspeakable, and Saint John Hunt, custodian of the confession of his father, CIA agent E. Howard Hunt: http://www.NoLiesRadio.org

If you can't catch them then, you can listen at your leisure:

Thanks - see you tonight in 3650 Humanities!

Kevin Barrett

Author, Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters: http://www.questioningthewaronterror.com

PS - Truth Jihad Radio has a new time slot - it's now 3 to 5 pm Central on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Don't miss tomorrow's (Wednesday's) special on the Occupy movement and more, with internationally-famous pundit Allen Roland, ex-UW Madison metallurgical engineering professor Joel Hirschhorn, and "Dr. Peace" a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein of http://www.RealEconomy.com
Also, if you missed any of my recent shows, which have featured such luminaries as Professor Griff of Public Enemy, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Pat Buchanan, and many more, you can listen via the archives at:

In Meltzer's latest show, I believe is doing a not so subtle dig at Jim Marrs good work on the 4th Reich infiltrating the american govt. after operation paper clip.  Meltzer is doing his usual service for the dark side, now implying that the 4th Reich is really neo-Nazi skinhead type groups.  This is obvious misdirection.

I really believe that the Decoded series was made as an anti-Jesse Ventura series.  I hope Jesse comes back into the media and knocks this disinfo. artist out of the water.  What disturbs me the most about Meltzer is how subtle his propoganda is, at first I didn't notice it, but with each succeeding show it is becoming much more obvious, obviously by design to get people on the hook.  


The propoganda engine is getting more slick and relentless on all fronts, and will not let Jesse Ventura go unanswered.  First they had to get him out of politics, now they want him and his memory to disappear totally.

Thoth II said:

This will be a very disturbing two years up to the 50 years after JFK.  I've heard Stephen King talking with Chris Matthews last night about his novel 11-22-63, another novel predicated on the lie.  Chris Matthews stated Lee Oswald killed Kennedy without even the slighest hesitation.  This is going to be a very painful process to hear the MSM over the next two years building up and promoting this lie.  This is just terrible how they are already getting well known authors on board .


And Chris Matthews, you say you see the JFK eternal flame burning each night as you drive home across the Potomac bridge.  Don't you owe him better than this pablum you're spewing out to the public.  You MSM people have totally lost yourselfs.

Thoth II said:



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


I am hunting down an audio or video of


Jim Fetzer's talk "Who Killed JFK?" at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3650 Humanities, 7 p.m.  FREE! http://www.UWsw.blogspot.com


Maybe Dr. Fetzer will catch this post and help us find this.  We need to hear that speech.


Happy Thanksgiving to all


ammo the dachshund with pumpkins

nice picture!   jeannon,





a rant against survellaince:  today I have been upset by an incident that occurred over the weekend, it might seem small but the more I think, the more troubled I am.  I have been using google maps, satellite maps recently, and quite by serendipity came across a map of my relatives house that they built in about 1900 and no longer live there.  But I was expecting just a sattellite view, to my surprise, I found an actual closeup photo of that house and adjoining house, which I remember well growing up with.  What bothers me is, why the heck do they need closeup photos of all these old family homes, with all their nice memories?  I am suspicious these are not innocuous, I mean  , why all the expense and salaries for people to do this survellaince work?  Only if the intel agencies want a full dossier on all houses at least in America, so they can route any trouble makers out and can get the swat team immediately there if needed.  Maybe my imagination is running wild, but I just can't see why they need all this detailed info.  

Yes, they have every inch of land and every structure on every bit of land totally photographed and mapped.  I tried about a year ago using google maps  to get a look at a big house on Long Island and all I could get was an arial view of the roof and the pool.  Seems the front of the house was lined with a big fence and hedge so in the case of those huge mansions on long island, there apparently is no close up pic of the front of the house.


Up until about 25 years ago, there were areas in states that were not mapped nor in any county's property tax records, so people lived in the back woods for years in their homes and never paid a dime of property tax.  But that is no more, we are all under total surveillance.  Read book Spychips by Katherine Albreacht.  There is a plan and a goal and an agenda and it ain't pretty.

Jeannon, thank you and I'll try to read that book.  I have heard her talk on Noory's show and she is a good reporter.



and it is good that something in this FU life still makes us smile.


    don't never think that you hain't appreciated, Jeannon,...   ok?


    things are tough all over.  good to smile now and again. 



got this from clg!   sigh....wish we could all pitch in on this one!!!

(sorry for the gaggy picture....blech...)


  • Former US president George W. Bush speaks at a summit in Washington in September 2011. Bush received a warm welcome in Tanzania Thursday on the first stop on an African philanthropic tour, despite a rights group's call for the former US president's arrest on torture charges. (AFP Photo/Brendan Hoffman)

    Former US president George W. Bush speaks at a summit in Washington in September …

Amnesty Internationalon Thursday urged Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to arrest former US president George W. Bush for violating international torture laws, during his African tour this week.

Bush is touring the countries through to Monday to promote efforts to fight cervical and breast cancers, and Amnesty said the three nations have an obligation to arrest him under international law.

"All countries to which George W. Bush travels have an obligation to bring him to justice for his role in torture," said Amnesty's senior legal adviser Matt Pollard.

"International law requires that there be no safe haven for those responsible for torture; Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia must seize this opportunity to fulfil their obligations and end the impunity George W. Bush has so far enjoyed."

"Amnesty International recognizes the value of raising awareness about cervical and breast cancer in Africa, the stated aim of the visit, but this cannot lessen the damage to the fight against torture caused by allowing someone who has admitted to authorising water-boarding to travel without facing the consequences prescribed by law," the group said in a statement.

Amnesty made a similar appeal to Canada in October when Bush visited British Columbia for an economic summit.

The group claimed Bush authorised the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" and "waterboarding" on detainees held in secret by the Central Intelligence Agency between 2002 and 2009.

Amnesty's case relies on the public record, US documents obtained through access to information requests, Bush's own memoir and a Red Cross report critical of the US's war on terror policies.

Amnesty cites several instances of alleged torture of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval facility, in Afghanistan and in Iraq, by the US military.

The cases include that of Zayn al Abidin Muhammed Husayn (known as Abu Zubaydah) and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, both arrested in Pakistan. The two men were waterboarded a total of 266 times from 2002 to 2003, according to the CIA inspector general, cited


(sandy notes, ..ironic about the "9/11 mastermind" part, eh?  ugg.

not that bash could have ever masterminded anything....)



""International law requires that there be no safe haven for those responsible for torture; Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia must seize this opportunity to fulfil their obligations "


Why do we the people of the USA give W. safe haven in the USA?  He ought to be in prison for life, not taking trouble making trips.


I am afraid we will watch the leaders of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia give a warm public welcome to this cretin.  The evil that W. represents I fear has taken over the entire continent of Africa.

Bush does not travel to Canada because they may arrest him.  Kissinger knows better than to travel to certain countries.  Bush has purchased much land in South America and even in the Middle East, so I wonder if those nations and continents are giving safe harbor to the Bush family to possibly live there some day.


WHAT A BIG SURPRISE.  got this from clg.

     yeah, JUST IN CASE a military crisis erupts.   uggg, they are so

predictable it's nauseating.    i need to order that Northern Sun t-shirt

that says "i'm already against the next war!" 


U.S. troops quietly surge into Middle East

www.sfgate.com/MAI/ca20120113MNR11MOPB2.DTL/E/Prod" width="1" height="1"/>

More News

Washington --

The Pentagon has quietly shifted combat troops and warships to the Middle East after the top American commander in the region warned that he needed additional forces to deal with Iran and other potential threats, U.S. officials said.

Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, who heads U.S. Central Command, won White House approval for the deployments late last year after talks with the government in Baghdad broke down over keeping U.S. troops in Iraq, but the extent of the Pentagon moves is only now becoming clear.

Officials said the deployments are not meant to suggest a buildup to war, but rather are intended as a quick-reaction and contingency force in case a military crisis erupts in the standoff with Tehran over its suspected nuclear weapons program.

The Pentagon has stationed nearly 15,000 troops in Kuwait, adding to a small contingent already there. The new units include two Army infantry brigades and a helicopter unit - a substantial increase in combat power after nearly a decade in which Kuwait chiefly served as a staging area for supplies and personnel heading to Iraq.

The Pentagon also has decided to keep two aircraft carriers and their strike groups in the region.

Earlier this week, the American carrier Carl Vinson joined the carrier Stennis in the Arabian Sea, giving commanders major naval and air assets in case Iran carries out its recent threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic chokepoint in the Persian Gulf, where one-fifth of the world's oil shipments passes.

This article appeared on page A - 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/12/MNR11MO...

There is no such thing as a peace vote. Delegating war powers to a capitalist imperialist government, no matter how persuasive the peace candidate may be, is a vote for war. War is the US economy. It's the only economy the US has. The way that 5% of the world's population (the US) enjoys 30% of the world's resources is by using the US military to deny people all over the planet the right to their own resources. Any threat by any country to nationalize their own resources is seen as a threat to US (actually private multinational corporate) interests.

If you are really opposed to war, don't vote.

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