Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Views: 3099
Thoth, Before going more indetailed discussion, please have a look to my power point http://users.swing.be/mehmeti/ , study it, and try to debunk it using your rigorous method. Then I am ready to answer your arguments.
Thoth II said: I would claim the the one and only way to "truth" is the tried and true scientific technique like inference to best explanation that I talked about. Because, if we don't have a rigorous method to establish "truth", then can we be sure we , indeed, have really established if something is "true"?? A philosophical question for you to ponder.
That explains it.
Obviously the reason that pilotsfor911truth.org dispute the planes story is because so many of them are NOT Jewish.
With a little research I could have uncovered that myself--where was my head?
And of course you can't put out a cover story that is ALL lies. There has to be SOME truth in it. Because if there wasn't some truth in it, then, uh, there wouldn't be any truth in it. So we just have to keep searching until we find something that is true, or that might be true, because there has to be some truth there. If we don't start out with the knowledge that something in the cover story must be true, then we're not equipped to scientifically investigate 9/11 because we haven't closed off any avenues of investigation.
But if investigating one thing that a Jew or several Jews claim, results in learning that what they said was false, how do you know which one of the many things that they said must therefore have to be true?
Some of the most brilliant minds in the history of humanity have been Iranians, Iraqis, Palestinians, and yes, even Afghans. You don't successfully fend off invaders for thousands of years by being stupid. There have even been a few smart Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Quakers, and members of other religions. But no group in the history of humanity has ever been dunce-proof. It's like one of those axioms or laws of nature or physics: in order for a group to be smart it has to include at least one idiot.
Would you allow me to volunteer for that indispensable position here, Jim?
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