9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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I myself have come around also for a visceral hatred for Obama, to be honest about it. You have him pegged correctly.
I think W was a dumb idiot/coward, but Obama is just a plain coward.

These are the least of Americans ruling the place, not the best of us, that is for sure. The last president I really really respected was JFK, because that guy really wanted to help the american people. He gave his life for his principles, and I think he knew he was going to get shot, because they were attacking him in meetings and undercutting his authority left and right. And I think Bobby also was going to get elected and expose this whole can of worms, which is obviously why the same cabal, maybe some of the same people, took him out.
Jesse Ventura hits his stride:

this week Jesse is really doing investigative journalism the way it should be done: his show on "Wall Street Conspiracy" is a must watch for all people on this blog. It shows the cozy relationship between Paulson and Goldman Sachs, and the depths of the corruption of the American govt. Watch for Ron Paul's tremendous statement featured on this episode.
Beyond the Pale? Sarah Palin next reality TV star?

I thought I had seen it all since JFK , but politicians morphing into reality TV stars? How deep is this pathology. Of course, I am referring to a new reality TV series "Sarah Palin's Alaska" which I see advertised on TLC network upcoming, where Sarah is a down-home Alaska citizen/mother. What is next, A spin-off with Bristol in the starring role ????? (supply your own punch line).
A sobering quote to commemorate the dark JFK day:

"THIS IS bleepING IMPOSSIBLE" (Trutv bleeped out the true word on air)-

-quote by Jesse Ventura from his mock firing nest. In a test in collaboration with Jim F. and Jesse (Jesse was a Navy seal and expert marksman), he tried to duplicate Oswald's purported 3 shots, and in frustration uttered the above JFK quote of the year.
Thanks, Thoth. I don't have a TV and appreciate the info. I'd watch Ventura online, but it seems to be only available with iTunes and that's more hassle than it's worth, in my experience. Once you download iTunes, you can never get rid of it.
to JFK truth people, sounds like Uncle Don (Adams) is going to make our
local summit county ohio (fox 8) news tonight.....have to figure out if anything of it
is new, or the same stuff over again. thunderstorm moving in, over and out!
(will probly be back to comment after seeing)
yeah, so Mr. Adams was on the local 10:00 nooze last night, i just checked and
they have it up at fox8.com, and there was some new stuff in this interview. at
least he seems to be able to prove that it was/is covered up.
hey, at the beginning of the news blurb about it they said that interest in
Don Adams' work on this has gone world wide.
now if they'd just do a series of reports on fake planes on 9/11, right?
Hey Sandy,

Maybe Jesse Ventura will take the planes on!


sandy rose said:
yeah, so Mr. Adams was on the local 10:00 nooze last night, i just checked and
they have it up at fox8.com, and there was some new stuff in this interview. at
least he seems to be able to prove that it was/is covered up.
hey, at the beginning of the news blurb about it they said that interest in
Don Adams' work on this has gone world wide.
now if they'd just do a series of reports on fake planes on 9/11, right?
fortunately a lot of us are already stupified enough. thanks, anyway.
so how much money have you made off of 9/11 so far?
hi Dean, yeah, i think Jesse is a rather large asset. i don't think
it would be too much of a stretch for him to consider plane stories
fake. i saw him put the air quotes around the "plane" at the pantygone.
i keep thinking back to, gee, it would be a mite awkward for our
wondrous tee vee nooze top dawgs if it were to come out (all the way) that fake
video was aired. a wee bit hard to explain how osommy bin whommy
did that from a cave in Afghanistan.
it's sort of easy for us to keep working toward the truth being all
the way out, but kinda hard to imagine all that would happen were
it to come out. no wonder everybody keeps just covering it up.
the nooze top dogs on 9/11 would be extra crispy toast.

good to hear at chu, Dean, good to have you amongst us.


    hi Jim, friend,   (hey, i tried to send this to your page and it said it sent but then

disappeared it seems.  hmmm, that's weird.  so i sticking it here instead.)


    i'm somewhat concerned that mehmet sounds to be threatening you in some

form or other.  not sure if he's just spewing, his motives don't add up ta me, cause

i mean what does he think he's gonna accomplish in this community?   i really

don't like the way he's talking at all, and wonder if we should maybe be alerting

any authorities about his spews?

      Jim, you have been utterly amazing thru all of these years after 9/11, you've

been willing to make a public stand against the hideous machine, you've put your

reputation on the line in spite of all the guff you got for that, you put up with loons

who are scared of your knowing the truth, you are awesome.


       yeah, i don't like the way that person is talking to you, it's not just offensive,

it's threatening, even as he sits there saying he's not threatening you.  reminds

me of things our asshole gummint says even as they go directly against what

they're saying.  like on that repulsive video someone (Chuck?) sent out where

they're all gathered together, kawngriss, was it, or some similar pack of fools,

and ohbombya said "we do not torture", and they all like stood up and applauded.

i wanted to barf just then.

       i am suspicious of this person, and am not only bothered by his down talking

to great members of this group, but now he sounds threatening to you personally,

he suppposedly lives in belgium, but we can't be sure of who or what or where

he says he is.....course the law can easily track where his computer is spewing

its crap from, so he would be easy to locate, by honest law i mean, not agents

of the pigs, in case he attempts anything against you.  he creeps me out.


       anyway, we all hafta have each others' backs here, stay safe, love ya!

corporations: surrogate parents


The thothman has been kicking around a thesis in his cabasa recently that goes something like as follows:  We have done extensive political commentary on this forum using the rules of scientific reasoning (for the most part) and thus I think we have a pulse on "truth" in this world, and that is hard to get these days with all the paid disinfo. agents.  We must overcome our cognitive dissonance and go ruthlessless toward truth, thus we shortcircuit the efforts of these monsters who get up every morning with the intention of subverting countries and history for common folk.  But these agents are just that, PAID by a client , who are the elite , rich of this world.  


The corporations started their pogrom in the 1950s in earnest using the CIA to rape and pillage 3rd world country resources to recycle into their products and dump onto their consumers, which were largely Americans.  But that was only just getting this cycle going.


Aided by the political assassinations which cut the heart out of robust liberal politics in the 1960s, these corporations decade after decade have been following out their program.  And the effect is a full couple of generations that have been raised more by corporations than by anybody.  I say this because a healthy democracy has robust vibrant politics to keep excessives from happening and the govt. functioning more or less for the public good.  But when the progressive side of this equation was neutralized in the 1960s, this could no longer happen .  (and no surprise these political assassinations are happening perhaps today and certainly as recently as 2002 when Wellstone was assassinated).  


Now with the political field clear , the corporations could use their handles to carry out their programs in earnest in the 1970s through today, especially taking off under Reagan/Bush and W.  A vibrant democracy would be functioning properly, but this one is not.  One characteristic of a well functioning democracy would be that decisions would be made by the public for the public good.  But in this post JFK /911 regime, the corporations are calling all the shots.  They decide what products will be dumped on the public, whether they are good or not for the public, and they have all the common stuff like ad agencies working in their favor. These products are everything from military/industrial ware to pharmaceuticals to the ugly baggie pants the kids wear today.  Who are making these decisions.  This is worse now than ever.  This is no longer mere humorous consumerism, it has become the stuff of this country.


And the effect on the people has been profound.  No longer are people controlling their own destinies and decisions , but are dancing to the tune of corporate america.  They are no longer vibrant voters but rather dependent consumers.  How long can a society like this last, until the resources run out, the soul of people is crushed, and the earth is polluted .  The people are like the surrogate children of the corporate ladder.  

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