Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
I found the article by Steve Fahrney on Dr. Fetzer's blog ( http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2011/08/confessions-of-911-truth-ac... )
and the interview of Mr. Farney on Dr. Fetzer's The Real Deal radio show (http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ )
to be very interesting.
There has been quite a dispute apparently among 9-11 truth activists / seekers regarding Richard Gage's refusal to allow inquiry into the events at the Pentagon on 9-11. Steve Fahrney, though not an architect or engineer but a student, was allowed membership in that group by the direct permission of Richard Gage, and Steve volunteered and helped at A&E9/11Truth for a few years but recently gave up his membership. Steve had concerns about some of the policies of A&E9/11Truth and now does his 9-11 truth work with San Diego for 9-11 Truth group.
Steve referred to an article by Sheila Casey wherein Casey found considerable evidence to support the thesis that no plane crashed into the Pentagon. Steve said this article had a profound affect on his thinking about the Pentagon event and, eventually, about his remaining a member of A&E9/11Truth.
I have posted the link and article of April 2009 by Sheila Casey who is a jounalist for the Rock Creek Free Press, referred to by Steve Fahrney in his recent interview on Dr. Fetzer's radio show.
I also will post the link to the documentary about the Pentagon done by "CIT" referred to in the article...
This might be "the straw that broke the camel's back" area of information and inquiry in to what Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is really all about.
The video by CitizensInvestigativeTeam.org (CIT)
Titled “National Security Alert”
May be viewed for free at this address…
“Be forewarned: Our findings are extraordinarily shocking and frightening. They are also deadly serious, and deserving of your immediate attention. This is not about a conspiracy theory or any theory at all. This is about independent, verifiable evidence which unfortunately happens to conclusively establish as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a false flag "black operation" involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception.”
April 2009 Edition of Rock Creek Free Press
Eyewitnesses Contradict Pentagon 9/11 Story
Two California men who call themselves
the Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) have
compiled impressive video evidence that the
plane seen flying towards the Pentagon on the
morning of September 11, 2001 could not have
caused the death and damage at the Pentagon,
nor the damage to five light poles outside the
Frustrated with the inability of 9/11
researchers to do anything other than speculate
about what really happened that day, Craig
Ranke and Aldo Marquis decided to take matters
into their own hands. They have repeatedly
flown in from southern California, canvassed
the area near the Pentagon on foot to find people
who saw a plane just prior to the fireball, and
then quizzed these eyewitnesses extensively oncamera
to establish exactly what they saw, when
they saw itand where they saw it from.
Their research is summarized at their
website: thepentacon.com, as well as in four
DVDs containing interviews with 13 witnesses
who attest that they saw a plane fly to the north
of the Citgo gas station on Pentagon property,
not south of the Citgo station as required by the
official story.
CIT had each witness draw the flight path he
witnessed on a map; the compilation from all
the witnesses is shown below (see page 7). The
curved lines clustered together toward the top
of the map are from the witnesses; the single
straight line angling up from the bottom edge of
the map is the official flight path of the plane, as
described by the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB).
Taken together, the 13 witnesses deliver
a devastating blow to the official story about
the Pentagon attack. Five 40-foot, 247-pound
light poles were knocked down that day. If the
plane flew north of the Citgo station, it could not
have knocked down those poles. The west side
of the Pentagon was damaged as if it werehit
by a plane heading north, with the zone of
destruction angling north. If the plane flew to
the north of the Citgo station before hitting the
Pentagon, it would not have caused this kind of
CIT’s evidence is compelling for a number of
reasons. Three of their witnesses are Pentagon
police officers who were on duty at the time of
the attack. Most of the others were government
employees at their jobs, and their presence at
that place and time can be verified. This stands
in sharp contrast to the witnesses who claim
they saw the attack from their cars, as their
presence on the road cannot be confirmed.
CIT’s witnesses are quite sure about what
they saw. Sergeant William Lagasse, an officer
with what is now known as the Pentagon Force
Protection Agency, was fueling his patrol car at
the Citgo station when the jet flew past him. He
has stated that he is “100% sure” that the plane
flew to the north of the gas station, that he would
“bet his life on it.”
There is a remarkable degree of congruence
in the witnesses’ accounts. They are not 9/11
researchers and none of them seemed to be
aware that they were describing a flight path
at odds with the official story, thus they had no
reason to be less than forthcoming. Each was
interviewed separately, yet their stories are quite
CIT includes each interview in its entirety,
without editing. Although this makes for a
long video, it preempts any accusations of
misinterpreting or leading the witnesses. We
have the advantage of seeing the witnesses’
body language and hearing their tone of voice.
We get a glimpse into their personalities and
character, and are given the maximum amount
of information possible with which to assess
if they are telling the truth. We found the
witnesses credible and convincing.
After thousands of hours of painstaking
investigation and analysis, Ranke and Marquis
have concluded that the plane seen by so many
people did not hit the Pentagon, but flew over
the building at the same time that pre-planted
explosives caused a huge fireball and thick,
black smoke, obscuring the fact that the plane
was still in the air and flying away.
Several of CIT’s witnesses mentioned a
second plane that came along about 30 seconds
later, but media reports immediately after 9/11
talked about a second plane “shadowing” the
attack plane. The belief that there were two
planes in very close proximity serves as a useful
fiction to confuse anyone who saw the plane
fly over the Pentagon as the fireball exploded.
Rather than concluding that the plane never
actually hit the building, observers would
almost certainly conclude that they had seen the
“shadowing” second plane.
All of CIT’s witnesses also believe that the
plane they saw hit the Pentagon, although this
cannot be possible. This fact has been used to
dismiss CIT’s work as irrelevant, but it’s not a
compelling argument.
Less than an hour earlier, America had seen
the south tower of the World Trade Center being
hit by a plane and exploding into a huge fireball.
Most people were aware that an attack was
underway. If they saw a jet heading directly
towards the Pentagon, and next saw a massive
fireball, it is doubtful that one person in a
thousand would question whether the plane had
crashed and caused the fireball. To conclude
that the fireball was caused by explosives preplanted
in one of the most heavily guarded
buildings on the planet, in an intentional
false flag attack to justify war, would require
observers to have a degree of perspicacity that
was extremely rare in the pre-9/11 world, and
only slightly less rare now.
The most riveting segment in the CIT footage
is of the interview with Lloyde England, a taxi
cab driver who was photographed numerous
times just after the attack. In all the photos,
England and his cab are on Route 27, on the
bridge going over Columbia Pike. The front
windshield of his cab has a big hole in it and
the cab is at a stop and straddling the lanes. A
broken light pole lies nearby.
England’s story is that he was going 40 mph
when he felt the jet go over head, and then the
light pole came smashing through his front
windshield. He says he then skidded sideways
to a stop, and that a stranger stopped and helped
him remove the light pole from the windshield,
and then left without ever giving his name or
even speaking a word.
England’s story is suspect because photos
show the hood of his sedan untouched and
gleaming like a mirror, although his front
windshield was destroyed. England is quite
clear that it was not the smaller section at the top
of the light pole that impaled his windshield, but
the big, 40 foot, 247 pound pole. He contends
that after it pierced his windshield, with perhaps
five feet of the top end of the pole inside the cab,
that the other 35 feet stuck straight out into the
air, not touching the hood of the cab.
The question is, with the windshield
destroyed, what held the pole up the in air?
CIT drove with England to his property in the
country to inspect the cab. They hypothesized
that perhaps the narrow end of the pole had
pierced the back seat or floorboards of the cab,
holding it in place and not allowing it to touch
the hood of the cab. But their inspection showed
that there was only an insignificant rip in the
rear seat, and no damage to the floorboards.
Although the dashboard was damaged, no
part of the hood, including the edge near the
windshield, showed any damage.
What makes the story even more incredible
is that England claims that as he was removing
the pole from the windshield, he fell down, but
managed, even as he was on the ground, to keep
holding the pole in the air. Remember that the
pole is 40 feet long and weighs 247 pounds,
while England appears to be about 65 years
Pressed to explain how it can be that the
pole never touched the hood of the sedan,
England said only “The car speaks for itself.”
Unfortunately for England, the car seems to be
saying that his account cannot possibly be true.
In addition, with 13 eyewitnesses saying that
the plane went nowhere near those light poles,
it seems clear that something else caused the
damage to England’s windshield.
The video with England validates CIT’s
practice of keeping the camera rolling as much
as possible, even during casual conversation,
as the most damning statements from both
England and his wife came out spontaneously
and unexpectedly. While Ranke and England’s
wife were chatting at the Englands’ home,
Ranke told her that they had determined that the
jet never hit the Pentagon, but kept on going,
and, amazingly, she agreed! The audio is hard
to hear and she then refused to say more, but her
meaning was clear. Mrs. England, who works
for the FBI, also said that she knows why her
husband’s car was not impounded as evidence,
but wasn’t going to tell.
England spontaneously offered this damning
statement: “You gotta understand something.
When people do things and get away with it,
you…eventually it’s gonna come to me, and
when it comes to me, it’s gonna be so big, I
can’t do nothing about it.”
CIT also kept the camera running during
the 90-minute drive to see England’s car, and
captured a few very interesting statements on
tape. Although England speaks generally and
indirectly, in the context of a conversation about
the attack at the Pentagon, his meaning is clear.
England: I wasn’t supposed to be involved
with this, this is too big for me, man, this is a big
thing. This is a world thing happening, I’m a
small man…I’m not supposed to be involved in
this. This is for other people, people who have
money and all this kind of stuff.
Ranke: Your point that these people who
have all the money…
England: This is their thing.
Ranke: This is their event.
England: This is for them.
Ranke: Meaning they’re doing it for their
own reasons…
England: (with conviction) That’s right.
I’m not supposed to be in it.
Ranke: They must have planned it.
England: It was planned.
England: You know what history is? It’s not
the truth. It’s “his story.” Has nothing to do
with the truth.
As someone who has been researching the
9/11 story for two years, and has experienced
mockery, abuse and denials from the government
and media, I was a thrilled to hear someone who
was directly involved in the cover-up admit
on tape that it was a big event, a world event,
planned by rich people for their own reasons.
Incredibly, once Ranke explained that 13
witnesses had all placed the jet at the north side
of the Citgo station on a trajectory that could
not have knocked down the five light poles,
England changed his story and declared that he
was not where all the photographs show him to
be, but actually well north of Columbia Pike.
Ranke showed England numerous photos of
himself, his damaged cab and the downed light
pole on the bridge over Columbia Pike. Even
faced with incontrovertible evidence of his
exact location, England resolutely maintained
that pictures don’t always tell the truth and that
the accident with the light pole had taken place
much further north.
The 90-minute video of the interview
with Lloyde England, completely discredits
England. Ranke points out that England may
well be a victim himself, in that he may have
been forced to tell the story of the pole impaling
his windshield. But his story is so incredible,
and his protestations that he was not in the
location where multiple photos and videos
place him on that day are so absurd, that Lloyde
England’s account now stands as perhaps the
most vulnerable point in the edifice of lies that
constitute the official story of the attack on the
The entire body of work from CIT is a
testament to the tremendous power of dedicated
citizen journalists to uncover the truth behind
a government story. Using thousands of
dollars of their own money and thousands of
hours of unpaid time, Craig Ranke and Aldo
Marquis have performed a significant public
service. They have created a body of work that
definitively shows the government story about
the Pentagon to be a lie.
CIT’s next move is to consolidate their
research into a more concise format that edits
all the lengthy interviews into a single 60
minute video called “National Security Alert.”
The video will have no music or other artistic
flourishes, which will make it suitable for
informing government or media figures. Within
the next 30 days, they expect to go live with a
new website at CitizenInvestigationTeam.com.
That site will have a link for free downloads of
their new video, plus detailed information on
how citizens can use the video to get action,
including a series of steps to take if the
appropriate authorities don’t respond.
Ranke and Marquis will be returning to the
DC area to present a four hour conference in
tandem with Pilots for 9/11 Truth. The free
conference will be held at the National Rural
Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
conference center in Arlington, Virginia from
12:30 pm to 5 pm on Saturday, July 11.
Sheila Casey is a DC-based journalist. Her work has
appeared in The Denver Post, Reuters, Chicago Sun-
Times, Dissident Voice and Common Dreams. She
blogs at http
Decided this letter to Mr. Gage by several well known 9-11 truth activists, as fallout from this dispute, would also be interesting to read.
Views: 234
"seekers regarding Richard Gage's refusal to allow inquiry into the events at the Pentagon on 9-11. Steve Fahrney, though nsot an architect or engineer but a student, was allowed membership in that group by the direct permission of Richard Gage, and Steve volunteered and helped at A&E9/11Truth for a few years but recently gave up his membership."
why should Mr. Gage or anyone for that matter be allowed to curtail research into anything? Do they own the scientific method, do they own truth? I just don't get it, and I guess I never will.
Thoth, I sure don't get it either, but this is a textbook case of a major 9-11 "truth" organization made up of "professionals" being totally co-opted, censored and programmed.
Even though the Pentagon is a building and therefore is within the purview of architects and engineers, somehow A&E911Truth was channeled from the very beginning to focus only on WTC 1 & 2 dust sample studies by Dr. Steven Jones and company. Any wondering off the reservation by members on subjects such as planes and no planes, energy weapons, the Pentagon, Shanksville, etc.., met with quick correction.
Rather sad that formerly highly thought of professions of architecture and engineering have been brought so low in the minds of those who see truth.
Any wondering wandering off the reservation
those who see seek truth.
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