9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Sandy has suggested that we have a space for open discussion of topics that may be off-topic. That's fine with me. Let's see if the "Discussion" option will serve that purpose. Please give it a shot. Jim

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got this from Clare on other list.  thanks, Clare. 


Message body

US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran

Posted by: "Paul Joseph Watson" watson-paul3@sky.com   onedeaddj

Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:04 am (PDT)

US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran
Battle-ready troops on standby as tensions rise following dubious assassination plot

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, October 17, 2011

The United States will this week commence huge military maneuvers aimed at Iran, with a massive air fleet patrolling middle eastern skies ready to land at any time, in response to Iran's involvement in an alleged assassination plot that experts have labeled dubious, amidst fears that US and Israeli targets could be hit by attacks.

http://www.prisonpl anet.com/ us-begins- huge-military- maneuvers- aimed-at- iran.html

Yes, the "dubious assassination plot" is apparently going to be used for more unjust war, senseless mass murder and violence for the "brotherhood of darkness" marches on.  These perpetrators of "the Unspeakable", that is, EVIL from the pit of hell, are the same people who perpetrated 9-11, and the same international banksters  that the "occupy" folks  are occupying against, regardless of whether they know it.


Non violent protests, taking many many forms, is what we each are called to this day.  No more murder and mayhem and chaos for the ruling oligarchs.  No more slaughter of the innocents.  We each are called to account before our God.  Will we continue to let ourselves be deceived and slaved and used as cannon fodder to do Satanic evil?


The military industrial complex always creates and loves wars and creates and sells all the killing machines to both sides.  The military industrical complex must be exposed in every way and not supported by any of us.


The USA needs a whole new system, but I think this current evil system must collapse first.  Let us each refuse to participate in every way we can right now.


God bless us each and every one.






theme for the world:  I heard on the radio someone say "when the facts are clear, the choices are obvious".


That is I think the heart of the problem.  The monstrous oligarchs and their intel whores are muddying up the truth, planting false stories; so the world doesn't have the tools to make the correct choices for the benefit of the future of mankind.  That is what is so sick about this world, in a time where all the resources and inventions are available to benefit mankind.

How much is it worth to you to finally learn the truth?


9/11 - The Great American Psy-Opera

thanks, Jeannon, your words ring true and we are faced with possibly

the worst, ....or at least some of the worst....crap that any people have

been up against.  and yeah, the warmongers and the greedy corporate pigs,

all part of the same cesspool.  let them rot themselves to death.

     i always appreciate hearing from you and thanks for your input.  well said.

we are up against a pile of warmongering, blood-thirsty heartless bastards from hell.

                                                                                          love, sandy.

Jeannon Kralj said:

Yes, the "dubious assassination plot" is apparently going to be used for more unjust war, senseless mass murder and violence for the "brotherhood of darkness" marches on.  These perpetrators of "the Unspeakable", that is, EVIL from the pit of hell, are the same people who perpetrated 9-11, and the same international banksters  that the "occupy" folks  are occupying against, regardless of whether they know it.


Non violent protests, taking many many forms, is what we each are called to this day.  No more murder and mayhem and chaos for the ruling oligarchs.  No more slaughter of the innocents.  We each are called to account before our God.  Will we continue to let ourselves be deceived and slaved and used as cannon fodder to do Satanic evil?


The military industrial complex always creates and loves wars and creates and sells all the killing machines to both sides.  The military industrical complex must be exposed in every way and not supported by any of us.


The USA needs a whole new system, but I think this current evil system must collapse first.  Let us each refuse to participate in every way we can right now.


God bless us each and every one.






Unbelievable.  The corporate pigs that make money from war really don't know when to quit, do they? 

This needs to be shared by everyone, EVERYWHERE.  The only effective way to fight them and their agenda is through information.   At least, that seems like the only way outside of violence. 

the dark side disinfo. media op relents on and on:


as I've watched Brad Meltzers Decoded for 2 seasons now, I am getting more and more creeped out, realizing that right before me I am seeing another history.com channel disinfo. op al la Gary Mack's productions; just with a new young cast headed by Meltzer.  It's like they saw Jesse Ventura's program getting popular and they had to counter that.  Just like Mack, Meltzer's show uses the same techniques: kicking up so much dust it obscures, rather than reveals the truth.  At the program's end, they cleverly use soothing "closure music" as they give an implicit nod to the official lies.  They regularly use the slur "conspiracy theorists" just as the dark side always has, implying the tin foil hat kook idea.  Just to see the enthusiasm and energy these young disinfo. artists are using creeps me out more than Mack does.  



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


Hi everyone.  A friend from Stumble Upon told me about this forum.  "Birddrop" had good things to say about the 9/11 Scholars Forum.  So, I decided to join.  I came from another forum, where I ended up not seeing eye to eye with its administrator, some of it having to do with the forum topics and some of it was more personal. 


I'm glad to be here.  I've been researching September 11, since early 2002.  So I hope to find more here from other serious researchers and I hope I have somethings to offer. 


Thanks I didn't see an introduction or new members area, so I thought I'd just put this here. Hope its okay.

My most recent presentation on JFK, "The Assassination

of JFK--and why it matters today" can be found on my blog

at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2009/12/httpdotsub.html

Thoth II said:



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


Welcome Gina, glad to have you aboard.  If you dig around in some of the past post over the last couple of years you will find some really interesting discussions regarding 9-11.


Also visit Dr. Fetzer blog, JamesFetzer.blogspot.com

and the audio archives his radio show at radiofetzer.blogspot.com that is originally aired on RevereRadio.net.


Also the 9-11 scholars orginal website

Gina Judd said:

Hi everyone.  A friend from Stumble Upon told me about this forum.  "Birddrop" had good things to say about the 9/11 Scholars Forum.  So, I decided to join.  I came from another forum, where I ended up not seeing eye to eye with its administrator, some of it having to do with the forum topics and some of it was more personal. 


I'm glad to be here.  I've been researching September 11, since early 2002.  So I hope to find more here from other serious researchers and I hope I have somethings to offer. 


Thanks I didn't see an introduction or new members area, so I thought I'd just put this here. Hope its okay.

Some recent articles about JFK and RFK may be found here:


"Framing the Patsy: The Case of Lee Harvey Oswald" (with Jim Marrs)

"JFK and RFK: In the Shadow of Dallas and LA"


"RFK: Outing the CIA at the Ambassador"


"US Government Official:  JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication" (with Doug Horne)


"Who's telling the truth:  Clint Hill or the Zapruder Film?"
James H. Fetzer said:

My most recent presentation on JFK, "The Assassination

of JFK--and why it matters today" can be found on my blog

at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2009/12/httpdotsub.html

Thoth II said:



It's already happening.  I just heard a renowned scholar on Lincoln's Assasination James Swanson announce that he has been contracted by a major publisher to do a book about JFK's assasination.  Watch, he'll be on the national mall bookfair venue podium along with Vince Bugliosi in Nov. 2013 doing a big event proving that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.


American people, this is 50 year on.  Please take the time to learn a course on critical thinking, logic, and scientific reasoning, and don't let these monstrous liars from the status quo take you for a ride. Ha, I hope these guys get BOOED off the stage!


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