9/11 Scholars Forum

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People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center

People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center


People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing

Washington’s Blog
May 24, 2011


Preface: This essay does not argue that bombs brought down the Twin Towers or World Trade Building 7. It simply addresses the often-made argument that no one could have planted explosives without people noticing.

Tightrope walker Philippe Petit snuck into the World Trade Center with a friend in 1974 with massive amounts of equipment, smuggled the equipment to the top floor and rigged up a highwire for his tightrope walking stunt without being detected.

In 1978, the 59-story story Citicorp building was secretly retrofitted at night over the course of several months without the knowledge of tenants, the general public, or the media:

In 2009, Raw Story noted:

A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggled live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detected, a leaked tape revealed Wednesday.

In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every single federal building they probed without any difficulty — 10 in all.

And see this.

In fact, there is additional evidence that bombs could have been planted in the World Trade Center without anyone knowing:

  • A tenant of the World Trade Center hired a “sprinkler repairman” shortly before 9/11, and gave him access to 6 underground levels at World Trade Center building 1

The chief electrical engineer who wired the World Trade Centers (Richard Humenn) says that people working on the elevators could have planted explosives:

Mechanical engineer Gordon Ross, in his talk on the destruction of the Twin Towers, pointed out that:

“Those [core] columns which were situated adjacent to and accessible from inside the elevator shafts failed at an early stage of the collapse.

Those columns which were remote from the elevator shafts, and not accessible from the elevator shafts, survived the early stages of the collapse.”*

Indeed, a top demolition expert says that with access to the elevator shaft, a team of loading experts would have access to the columns and beams:

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Preface: This essay does not argue that bombs brought down the Twin Towers or World Trade Building 7. It simply addresses the often-made argument that no one could have planted explosives without people noticing. "


Of course "someone" could have "planted explosives" without people noticing.  But that is not really Washington's purpose in writing this piece.


Aside from my opinion of Washington's Blog, I think we need to consider the possibility that Washington wants to open up.


The idea is that there could have been a traditional "controlled demolition" of

WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7  all preplanted with known kinds of "explosives"  in very precise ways throughout all  these three huge buildings.  This would have meant a huge amount in mass and weight of explosives and materials to install them and it would have taken several weeks if not a few months and would have involved several workers and temporary shut-downs of large parts of each buildings.   This would be the supposed quite possible "someones" "planting explosives" but it just could not have happened.


Washington is totally devoted to Dr. Steven Jones and Richard Gage and their ideas so it is quite natural for Washington to keep pushing the "traditional controlled demolition" using known "explosive" substances.  (Dr. Jones has morphed his definition of "thermite" into an what is now an "explosive" substance.)




Here is a good overview of "thermite"



Posted on May 15, 2011 12:28:44 PM PDT

jazzbanjo says:

I'd like to add. that there is "Thermite" (FeO3+Al)
Also there is "Thermate" which is thermite with additives (sulfur is one of them) which increase its reaction temperature. These two are not explosives.

However, there is NANO-thermite (or thermate) which has micron size particles, has a much lower ignition temp (400C). It is extremely reactive when ignited, to the extent, that it's an EXPLOSIVE as well, with a higher explosive yield than TNT!

Nano-thermate is a weaponized form of thermate; can be produced only in sophisticated weapon laboratories.

Dogs cannot sniff out this stuff (iron oxide+aluminum), it doesn't have any of the ingredients of conventional explosives.

Yes Jeannon I had the same reaction to the odd way in which Washington's Blog worded the disclaimer in each piece.

BTW, I am not at all fond of anonymous web writers like WB. It seems to me that given the seriousness of the topic, anyone who wished to be taken seriously must be willing to disclose an actual identity.

Having said that, I am going to post some pieces from the "Anonymous Physicist" that review the various options that purportedly exist for mini-nukes having been planted in the Twin Towers. Other than the Finish military person and William Tahil I have found it difficult to locate so-called experts who contend that nukes were involved in some way.

I would be interested in any other comments you have on WB. Do you suspect a disinformation agent with ties to the FG?

It seems at one time in my early days of "truthing" that I knew the real name of this blogger.  I seem to associate the name Jon Gold (911truth.org) with this blog but of course cannot say they are the same person or even if "Jon Gold" is not a pseudonym.



You can look at that link and see the general philosophy of Washington's Blog.  The planes are what destroyed the buildings.  Later when that idea was becoming just too weak to defend, they quietly moved on to Dr. Steven Jones' thermite ideas, ideas which of course quietly held on to the ideas of humans (like "Islamic extremists") planting exposives.  Dr. Fetzer would probably know the real name behind Washington's Blog as he was one of their favorite targets.


911truth.org was one of the earliest disinformation/misinformation infiltrated 9-11 "truth" sites.  It was a large successful effort that derailed the truth "movement" early on.  I suppose I should not make this observation but I think there is quite a bit of evidence that people of the "Jewish revolutionary spirit" are the people that headed up the major derailment efforts of 9-11 truth.

Dr. J. P. Hubert said:

Yes Jeannon I had the same reaction to the odd way in which Washington's Blog worded the disclaimer in each piece.

BTW, I am not at all fond of anonymous web writers like WB. It seems to me that given the seriousness of the topic, anyone who wished to be taken seriously must be willing to disclose an actual identity.

Having said that, I am going to post some pieces from the "Anonymous Physicist" that review the various options that purportedly exist for mini-nukes having been planted in the Twin Towers. Other than the Finish military person and William Tahil I have found it difficult to locate so-called experts who contend that nukes were involved in some way.

I would be interested in any other comments you have on WB. Do you suspect a disinformation agent with ties to the FG?

Oh yes, E. Michael Jones thesis. Very interesting book.


Maybe Jim would reply and let us know whether he is aware of who Washington's Blog really is.


BTW, did the name get changed from GeorgeWashington'sblog to Washington'sblog at some point?

I do not know if Washingtonsblog.com is related at all to georgewashington.blogspot.com.  Probably someone on this forum could shed some light on that.  I do know that Georgewashington.blogspot.com and 911truth.org and 911blogger.com are ALL closely associated and you will also see "Jon Gold" posting on these forums and blogs and they all appear to be in the Steven Jones camp.


I searched around and finally found the real name of "George Washington" that I knew about several years ago.  The name is Alex Floum.  Alex Floum was associated early with Dr. Fetzers Scholars group.  He is an attorney.  It seems that this attorney sort of sabotaged Dr. Fetzer's group's domain name and defected to Dr. Steven Jones, some saying Mr. Floum was or is Steven Jones' attorney.  On Dr. Fetzer's current scholars site you can search for name Alex Floum and find narratives of what exactly transpired to cause the splitting into two of the scholars for 9-11 truth.


Here are a couple of interesting posts...




Show "911blogger.com/"GeorgeWashing" by Anonymous (not verified)


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911blogger.com/"GeorgeWashington" outed as a front for Professor Steven E. Jones
November 22, 2006
By ewing2001

picked up at:
911blogger.com/"GeorgeWashington" outed as a front for Professor Steven E. Jones
by ewing2001
November 22, 2006

Things do continue heating up within the 9/11 Scholars.

While 911bloglines.blogspot tried to figure out the real identity of "GeorgeWashington", one of the 4 moderators of 911blogger.com, coincidentally his background confirmed also a further close association to Professor Steven E. Jones.

In the past, "GeorgeWashington" posted very often articles or blogs filled with direct or even personal information of Steven E. Jones.

Here are just some examples:


Live Webcast of Steven Jones' UC Berkeley Conference

Denver Post gave a fair shake to Steve Jones' recent talk

Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Fri, 09/08/2006:
http://www.911blogger.com/node/2657 "...I spoke with a Salt Lake City resident close to Professor Jones, who said that we should NOT write heated or nasty letters to BYU right now. He is helping to organize a campaign to help Professor Jones that will be more effective..."

(see also http://911blogger.com/blog/4 )

At one point GeorgeWashington also posted once an "updated" analysis of Professor Jones at 911blogger.com, immediately after some research revealed his past with Los Alamos. In this analysis Jones declared 9/11 TV Fakery as unacceptable, allegedly decided by the majority of forum members of st911, which turned out to be as a lie.

The posting of this blog provoked some outrage of Prof. Jim Fetzer. The blog at 911blogger.com was removed for some hours, but later added again.

It turns out now, that "GeorgeWashington" who also runs georgewashington.blogspot.com and calling himself "Patriot and leader", is actually Alex Floum aka attorney@email.com, who also organized the early press releases of st911.org, as seen here:


Alex Floum was also former member of "9/11 Science and Justice Alliance" (2002-2006).

Their members established the early and traditional evidence on Controlled Demolition, which was blocked for years from 911truth.org and other well known authors of the 9/11 Truth Movement, often also self appointed leaders of this very same movement.

Floum aka GeorgeWash was also well aware of the early so called "no-planes" research, which investigated on the forensic evidence against a Boeing crash into the South Tower. He also knew the argument about "9/11 TV Fakery", which is an expanded video research. see http://www.911tvfakery.net

Nevertheless Floum aka "GeorgeWashington" argued against it on 911blogger.com, similar like Professor Jones...


The connection of Floum aka GeorgeWashington with prominent 9/11 Truth VIPs is furthermore interesting as since Floum once also tried to broker some legal issues between the Loose Change team and other 9/11 resesarchers, who are also members of st911.

More stunning is that Floum's law company has also clients *directly* linked to the U.s. Department of Energy.


The Schinner Law Group works with Fuelsell Technologies. This is one of many companies, who are dealing directly with the U.S. Department of Energy as seen here: ...

more at http://911closeup.com/nico/911blogger_jones.html

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 2:21pm.

Show "GeorgeWashington aka Floum," by Anonymous (not verified)


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GeorgeWashington aka Floum,

GeorgeWashington aka Floum, obviously very close to Jones, furthermore once even declared the "no-planes" research as "dead", when he mirrored his article " No Planes Theory: R.I.P." (September 12, 2006) on 911blogger.com as a start page blog. http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2006/09/no-planes-theory-rip.html

During the same time, attacks against 9/11 TV fakery had been also orchestrated by Nafeez Ahmed and Paul Joseph Watson (Prisonplanet), both from England.

Since then, the popularity of this oppressed research (declared by Washington Post as an unpopular "stringe theory") shared also the alleged controversy of the "directed energy weapon" research, which is extensively described at wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_energy_weapons

Directed Energy Weapons is part of a well-known U.S. Government program, linked to Raytheon or Ionatron (Maker of directed-energy weapons), but also U.S. Department of Energy, also called "The E-Bomb".

J. Douglas Beason, author of the book: "The E-Bomb: How America’s New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Wars Will Be Fought in the Future" (Da Capo Press, October 2005) describes this research:

The United States is involved in a new generation of weapons that discharge beams of energy, such as the Airborne Laser, the Active Denial System, as well as the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL).

Beason is also Director of Threat Reduction at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/060111_e-weapons.html"The good news is that directed-energy exists. Directed-energy is being tested and within a few years directed-energy is going to be deployed upon the battlefield," Beason reported.

The U.S. Army’s Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) was also tested in White Sands, New Mexico and linked to the so called "Star Wars Program". http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/higher_ground_04...

The program itself was also linked to "Project Trailblazer", a mapping and zoning surveillance program, contracted by NRO and NSA during 1998/99 to several companies, among them BoozAllen Hamilton and BTG Inc., which were working on it in the Pentagon, while attacked on the morning of 9/11.

5 Employees got killed. Other companies like Veridian (Neil Armstrong, ex NASA) received other contracts.

Armstrong's sister June is married to the uncle of 9/11 researcher Jim Hoffman (who once was removed as a member of "9/11 Science + Justice Alliance", after he plagiarized and misconstrcuted some research from this group)

The connection of Floum aka GeorgeWashington with prominent 9/11 Truth VIPs is furthermore interesting as since Floum once also tried to broker some legal issues between the Loose Change team and other 9/11 resesarchers, who are also members of st911.

More stunning is that Floum's law company has also clients *directly* linked to the U.s. Department of Energy.


The Schinner Law Group works with Fuelsell Technologies. This is one of many companies, who are dealing directly with the U.S. Department of Energy as seen here:


Scott Redmond, Founder developed this product for F500 & U.S. Govt. agencies. Dr. Nick Tran works for a Naval Research Lab.

Redmond works directly with Carole Read and Paul Bakke (both DOE). http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/progress05/vi_g_4_redmond.pdf

Paul Bakke furthermore was Peer Review Panel member at the FY 2005 DOE Hydrogen Program Annual Merit Review, held on May 23-26, 2005, at the Gateway Crystal Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. This meeting was also attended with Rod Borup, Cathy Padro and Ken Stroh, all three further members of Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Professor Steven E. Jones, who constantly refused to analyse further input of "exotic weaponry" regarding the collapse and pulverisation of the Twin Towers, used to work on such exotic weaponry while researching for Los Alamos departments on "Sonoluminescence".

Los Alamos scientists first began to work with reactor fuel specifically, uranium and plutonium during the Manhattan Project because these elements also fuel nuclear weapons.

More on the Department of Energy's Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative also here:
"...The Department of Energy's Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative calls for building a nuclear reactor to demonstrate the feasibility of generating hydrogen economically by 2015. Los Alamos simulation codes will likely be used to design such a reactor and to show that it is safe...."

The Sonolumiscence- Nuclear Hydrogen Connection:

"...In the 1930's, they already found out that such cavitation-bubbles in fluids can also be generated by sound (sonolumiscence), and that they are emitting tiny UV-light flashes when they collapse. Scientists don't know why, yet. Many of them also the Indian physicist Prof. Rusi Taleyarkhan, who does his research in the United States ? think that for a split second, temperatures of one million degrees are reached under extremely high pressure from the energy-rich light flashes occurring during the bubble's collapse. They assume that for a split second there exists a molecular plasma, similar to the one inside our sun.

Under such conditions nuclear fusion is possible without leaving radioactive waste behind in contrast to nuclear fission..."

See also
Steven Jones, David Kubiak- The Los Alamos Connections
Between 1990 to 1993, Jones researched also fusion in condensed matter and deuterium, for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Jones also knows about the nuclear reactions of hydrogen. Furthermore he worked for TRIUMF (Vancouver, British Columbia), The National High Energy Laboratory, KEK (Tsukuba, Japan), and the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory at Oxford University.
In this context it sounds more than absurde not to open up on that field of research.

In how far the "conflict of interest" of Alex Floum aka attorney@email.com regarding his clients and his close association with Professor Jones plays into all this, couldn't be determined yet.

Fact is, that Floum seems now more to be just a press person for st911.org.

Fact is also, that it was Floum who had had a big input into setting up 9/11 Blogger.com.

As one 9/11 Scholar confidentially pointed out, "I think he attracted the others because of it having copies of all the latest media relating to the Scholars' activity..."

If Floum also works as a *direct attorney* of Steven E Jones, which was floating around as a rumour in some email lists, couldn't be confirmed yet, though some 9/11 Scholars seems to imply this. Among them also Judy Wood who just recently pointed out, that "he doesn't take the time to get his facts correct".

The conflict on whether Professor Jones might take over both Journal of Studies and st911.org is furthermore interesting, since Floum aka "GeorgeWashington" was also actively involved in the funding of it.

Floum registered st911.org on behalf of Schlund + Partners, which is a registrant company associated with SAIC's VeriSign.

If Floum will give this domain to Professor Jim Fetzer or Steven E. Jones, isn't clear yet. Fetzer was the founder of the 9/11 Scholars Society.

The majority of active posters at 911blogger.com already decided against Fetzer. Some anonymous bloggers even described Fetzer as a "criminal". Others demand he should give the 9/11 Scholars project immediately to Jones and resign.
The hostility against 9/11 TV Fakery research also didn't stop. Members of 911blogger.com suggested that these researchers allegedly all work for U.S. Intelligence or Robert Gates, who is currently George W. Bush's nominee to be the next United States Secretary of Defense.

This seems to be also orchestrated under the influence of the moderators of 911blogger.com

911blogger.com was created by Roger Peters aka dz aka dazinith, originally from 'Marietta, GA'.

Peters recently started to censor particular blogs on 9/11 TV fakery and banned some members, while allowing some trolls to rant against it.

He furthermore delayed the approval of some blogs related to the direct energy beam weapon research.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 2:32pm.


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George Washington, Since You Cannot Tell a Lie...

George Washington, since you cannot tell a lie, are you REALLY Steven Jones' attorney?

Is this why you have tacitly and otherwise encouraged personal attacks on all of those who don't agree with what Steven Jones and you would like 911 Blogger readers to know about 9/11? Unless disclosed, isn't your failure to disclose that you are Steven Jones' attorney kind of like a conf lict of interest with 911 Blogger readers, who may want to know the loyalties of their 911 Blogger moderators (even if they are good)?

The above comment says that you "registered st911.org on behalf of Schlund + Partners [A.G.], which is a registrant company associated with [mega-defense contractor] SAIC's VeriSign." Is this true?

What or who is "Schlund + Partners A.G.? Where are they primarily registered to do business? Isn't "A.G." one designation for a corporation registered in Germany?

If you own or control the www.ST911.org and the Journal of 9/11 Studies websites, then don't you control a large amount of Scholars for 9/11 Truth? These websites are ST911's primary information portals to the world, and 9/11 truth and information are ST911's most important products. Are you the power behind the thrown at ST911? WHEN will you assign all of your rights in these websites to Scholars for 9/11 Truth?

Is ST911 a partnership between Jones and Fetzer? Or is it a membership association? Regardless, where is ST911 registered to do business?

What do Steven Jones and you know about beam weapons or directed energy weapons? Since we all know that directed energy weapons or beam weapons are REAL, despite what your attack poodles may say, how advanced are directed energy weapons? Were they researched and developed at Los Alamos National Laboratories? Did Steven Jones do any research at LANL related to directed energy weaponry?

Did you come up with the ridicule name of "Space Beams" to cover the reality of directed energy weaponry? Or do we have someone higher up in the food chain to thank for this?

Inquiring 911 Blogger readers and ST911 members want to know. And since George Washington cannot tell a lie, please tell us...

Submitted by Just Curious (not verified) on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 6:39pm


Dr. J. P. Hubert said:


Oh yes, E. Michael Jones thesis. Very interesting book.


Maybe Jim would reply and let us know whether he is aware of who Washington's Blog really is.


BTW, did the name get changed from GeorgeWashington'sblog to Washington'sblog at some point?

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