9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths


Internationalist banksters are causing one unjust war after another and it is these same banksters who are engineering the destruction of the USA. 


An "Occupy" Moment - Rumsfeld Confronted at Nashville Stop on His B...

I call upon you to surrender yourself as a war criminal.” 

Well, that didn't work but it was a good thought Thanks to an anonymous donor, four folks from Occupy Nashville paid for the $125 a pop tickets and got to dress up and dine with Donald Rumsfeld on a stop on his blood tour to promote his revisionist history book and to raise money for 'conservative' groups  

All four got to say a few words of wisdom towards Rumsfeld but were quickly removed. No arrests were made.

Despite some of our concerns on how the "Occupy" movement is being co-opted, this was a step in the right direction. Getting out their tents and moving away from the 'designated' protest areas to confront individuals who are at the root of our problems and who dare to show their faces in public should be done at every opportunity. The press will eat it up and as the old saying goes "There's no such thing as bad publicity."

It would have been even better had there been a mention or two of Rumsfeld's role in 9/11 but maybe next time.

My comment left here ....
 Bravo to the "Occupiers." Striking back at the war machine and the trillions spent on the lies of the 'War on Terror' has to be a major point in the discussion of taking our country back from the criminals on both sides of the political aisle.

Anyone remember the news conference Rumsfeld held on Sept. 10, 2001 where he announced that $2.3 trillion was missing from the Pentagon? What happened to the investigation of the 'lost' money he mandated? Oh yeah, the accounting side of the Pentagon was 'hit' the next day, destroying evidence and killing more than a few of the accountants who came in to work that day to start the investigation. How convenient.

Rumsfeld was eyeball deep in the false flag of 9/11 and the cover up. Traitor is too nice a word for him.

The blood money tour and those who pay good money to dine with psychopaths speaks volumes on how deceived certain segments of the population truly are.







Occupy Nashville discusses barging in on dinner and calling Donald Rumsfeld a "war criminal."


This dinner was live streamed on the web.  There is a great video on those Occupy Nashville people who barged in on the fund raiser dinner for conservatives. http://www.nashvillescene.com/pitw/archives/2011/11/18/occupy-nashv...


Be sure to watch the video at that link..



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IT is hard to believe that Rumsfeld and Rice and Cheney and Bush are still crawling out of their holes or dens quite frequently to promote ever more neocon murdering lying filth of every kind.


All of those perps of 9-11 need to just go away, nasty away, and STFU !


I get really frustrated because the Occupy folk, almost but not all of them, do not seem to understand that it is the banksters really who did 9-11.  We no longer have the rule of law in this country.  We can't count on the Just-Us Department to put any of the top banksters in jail for life and that is truly where they need to be for all to see and heed.

All of the banking regulartory agencies. SEC, Fed, FDIC and CME, rigged the system in favor of the banksters.  The Congress and Executive and Judcial are all totally bought off.  It is no use even hoping for the money system to be cleaned up.  It has been a total scam from the get-go about a century ago in this country.

All we have left is a bunch of vicious cretin cops in black ninja suits and with tazer guns and clubs.

We just need to keep exposing the truth as clearly and as surely as we can.  Also we need to spend our dolars and our time and our energy as wisely as we can.  Withdraw from the system.



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