9/11 Scholars Forum

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Zelikow's Downing Street Memo 9-11 Commission Game Plan

Hello from Jeannon Kralj.  This is my first posting.  Just had to express my feeling about this.  Was not sure I would be allowed to join since I am not a scholar.  Thanks for letting me on.


Similar to the "'9/11 panel was warned not to probe too deeply' thread, I offer the story below about Zelikow defining the 9-11 Commission outcome in advance.


The 9-11 Commission had "Downing Street Memo" type plan set in place from the beginning by Mr. Zelikow so that the Commission's findings could be fixed around the plan.


Max Cleland stepped down from the Commission in December of 2003, a true patriot in my opinion.


All the other commissioners including Lee Hamilton and Tom Kean kept talking the "party line" but much later almost all the commissioners came out with statements that they were not allowed to do a full investigation.  (Some links at bottom of this post in that theme.)


Tom Kean came to my area and gave some really weak answers to questions posed him by a local person.  So pathetic.






Now Richard Gage and Steven Jones and that whole gang think that somehow now our government is going to be able to conduct an honest independent and thorough new 9-11 investigation.  The only reason, apparently, that they think now our government might possibly be able to provide us a true independent and honest investigation is that now we have Dr. Steven Jones' "peer reviewed scientific study" regarding "explosives" at Ground Zero.


I have noticed that Mark Crispin Miller and Jesse Ventura and many many others are strongly supportive of Architects and Enginners for 9-11 Truth's (Richard Gage) campaign calling for a new 9-11 investigation.  (Mr. Gage will be in my town this weekend at a big hotel room.  What's left of the 9-11 truth effort here I guess will be in attendance.)   But these supporters seem to have demands in advance of a possible new investigation, similar to Mr. Zelikow's.  They seem to say that the main focus of the new investigation ought to be ...


Building 7


molten metal


thermite and its variants, including the new "nano-thermite"  which somehow is no longer simply a "cutter charge" or an "incendiary" but has become an "explosive"


NIST and its performance so far




to be strictly avoided in this new investigation on order are


Muslim terrorists




video fakery



I think this current "9-11 Truth Orthodoxy"  is killer to what is left of the 9-11 truth effort.  I have stopped my subscriptions to any and all Internet entities that are pushing the Jones / Gage campaign for a new investigation by our U.S. government.  I guess I am saying that this current ressussitation of "9-11 truth movement" will tear assunder all of us who have been questioing everything our government has told us all our lives.  This will be a ruination or final entombment rather than a new step toward 9-11 truth.  Just my gut feeling.


I love this quote by Dr. Morgan Reynolds and think it gives the real reason for this new campaign.


"I am widely accused of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement but it is Gage/Jones/and the rest of their gang that does so. There is no substantive case for thermite or its variants playing a significant role in turning the WTC (mostly) to fine dust. Theirs is a distraction, a limited hangout, a fall back story for the perps who, once the 9/11official version I fairy tale lies in ruins, trot out version II: muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC—ridiculous version II.  "






March 2003: Zelikow and 9/11 Commission Consultant Complete Outline of Final Report before Staff Start Writing It

9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, a long-time associate of Zelikow and consultant to the commission, complete an outline of the commission’s final report, although the commission has barely began its work and will not report for another 16 months. The outline is detailed and contains chapter headings, subheadings, and sub-subheadings. The outline anticipates a 16-chapter report (note: the final report only has 13) that starts with a history of al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden’s 1998 fatwa against the US. There will then be chapters on US counterterrorism policy, threat reporting leading up to 9/11, and the attacks themselves will be in chapter seven (in the final report, the day of 9/11 chapter is moved to the start).
"Blinding Effects of Hindsight" - Zelikow and May even have a chapter ten entitled “Problems of Foresight—And Hindsight,” with a sub-chapter on “the blinding effects of hindsight,” (actually chapter 11 in the final report, slightly renamed “Foresight—And Hindsight;” the “blinding effects” sub-heading does not appear in the final version, but the chapter starts with a meditation on the value of hindsight).
Kept Secret - Zelikow shows the report to Commission Chairman Tom Kean and Vice-chairman Lee Hamilton and they like it, but think it could be seen as evidence that they have pre-determined the outcome. Therefore, they all decide it should be kept secret from the commission’s staff. According to May it is “treated as if it were the most classified document the commission possessed.” Zelikow comes up with his own internal classification system, labeling it “Commission Sensitive,” a phrase that appears on the top and bottom of each page.
Staff Alarmed - When the staff find out about it and are given copies over a year later, they are alarmed. They realize that the sections of the report about the Bush administration’s failings will be in the middle of the report, and the reader will have to wade past chapters on al-Qaeda’s history to get to them. Author Philip Shenon will comment: “Many assumed the worst when they saw that Zelikow had proposed a portion of the report entitled ‘The Blinding Effects of Hindsight.’ What ‘blinding hindsight’? They assumed Zelikow was trying to dismiss the value of hindsight regarding the Bush administration’s pre-9/11 performance.” In addition, some staffers begin circulating a parody entitled “The Warren Commission Report—Preemptive Outline.” One of the parody’s chapter headings is “Single Bullet: We Haven’t Seen the Evidence Yet. But Really. We’re Sure.”





Here are various articles about the commissioners coming out against what they did in the way of their investigation and report.  (Thanks to Reddit of the PrisonPlant forum for this compilation)


(Can't seem to get this list of links to post.)





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Jay Esbe said:
""I am widely accused of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement but it is Gage/Jones/and the rest of their gang that does so. There is no substantive case for thermite or its variants playing a significant role in turning the WTC (mostly) to fine dust. Theirs is a distraction, a limited hangout, a fall back story for the perps who, once the 9/11official version I fairy tale lies in ruins, trot out version II: muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC—ridiculous version II. ""

This kind of internecine dispute is the problem, not the disparity of two particular views.
Jones put his career on the line. I see no reason whatsoever to suspect the man of disinformation. Could he be wrong? Sure. But that only would make him wrong, not some kind of nefarious individual.

I'm not familiar with Reynolds, but I find the above statement attributed to him, to be absurd on it's face, and if he really said this, I'd have to question his judgment. That'd be like the government admitting there were three gun-men shooting at Kennedy, but still denying the connections to a conspiracy connected to people attached to this government. No one would believe it for a minute, and no one who thought it through, would think the government could ever switch it's story to include controlled demolition, while still denying it to be an inside job. Sorry, but it's just too ridicules a piece of speculation.

I'm not here to pick a fight with anyone, just to learn. But the paranoia within the movement itself is disturbing. Known disinformationists haven't been very difficult to spot when one is able to engage them. I think there are plenty of sincere people of different ideological persuasions within the movement, who become too quick to suspect others of nefarious motives. For example, I don't agree with Alex Jones on many issues, but that doesn't mean I think he's some kind of government disinformationist. David Icke, now there is a disinformationist, and he has millions of brain-dead adherents to his lunacy.

I don't believe the controlled demolition of the WTC hangs exclusively on thermite, and in fact, although it'd be a nice bit of additional evidence, I think the clear violation of Newton's third law in the case of the twin towers, and clear video of a succession of explosive impulses running up building 7, are more than enough probable cause to justify an investigation wherein witnesses formerly afraid to speak out, perhaps finally could feel safe in doing so. I'm sure there are rather a lot of people who saw "strange" goings on.

I guess what I'm trying to say here, is one shouldn't question the motives of another person unless they are very, very certain it's justified.
I guess if you have been studying all the different "9-11 truth seekers" and theories for as long as I have, you would better understand Dr. Reynolds' comment. There is nothing at all absurd or ridiculous about Dr. Reynolds' statment. Suggest you visit his website nomoregames.net. Killtown used to have a wonderful forum and there was extensive information about Dr. Steven Jones' background and past and present endeavors. Unfortunately all of that information is lost now and there was no comparable forum on the web that inquired into 9-11 from that particular perspective.

You could also study Dr. Steven Jones site and notice what he and his associates always have studiously avoided mentioning. The record certainly appears to show that they are going to hold on to Big Boeings and Islamic terrorist hyjackers no matter what. It also appears that they are going to hold on to human beings meticulously planning and preplacing large quatitives of "explosives" in WTC buildings 1, 2, & 7, and I bet those human beings would be purported to be somehow connected to the "Islamic terrorists." THAT is what sounds absurd and ridiculous to me, but that would be exactly the kind of "theory" we could logically expect from Dr. Jones and Mr. Gage.

I remember Dr. Fetzer used to explain the basic nature of a truly scientific inquiry into a matter. He said something to the effect that "all available alternatives" need to be explored. Dr. Fetzer's record for the most part in regard to 9-11 does show that he is trying to apply his scientific reasoning expertise to all 9-11 truth discussions. I do not know if he has done that lately as most of the 9-11 truth efforts of various people and groups seems to have disappeared. All that is left standing apparently now is the Dr. Steven Jones / Richard Gage and company "9-11 truth new official story." So we can be sure now that "all alternative hypotheses are not being discussed and explored at this time.

I do not believe we will ever arrive at the truth as to exactly how the events at the four sites were done by various truth seekers studying the matters and having the fullest access to whatever verified data is still available. That is not going to happen.

I had at least held a glimmer of hope that somehow we could file a law suit against NIST as well as the 9-11 Commission for conducting their work dishonestly. Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Wood and attorney Jerry Leaphart did file some lawsuits against NIST and of course justice has not been served. However they did expose the manner in which NIST operates as far as transparency and accountability. Dr. Jones and Mr. Gage are Johnny Come Latelys in regard to monitorying NIST and filing timely lawsuits.

I do not believe another "9-11 Commission", either one of the United States or an international commission, will ever happen either. Corrupt human beings and corrupt political machinations rule over all at this time.

This forum as well as a very few other websites are the only places where the results of objective and fair truth seeking efforts can possible be found at this time.

I do not believe 9-11 "truth and justice" is a possibility at all in the public arena.

Jeannon Kralj said:
Jay Esbe said:
""I am widely accused of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement but it is Gage/Jones/and the rest of their gang that does so. There is no substantive case for thermite or its variants playing a significant role in turning the WTC (mostly) to fine dust. Theirs is a distraction, a limited hangout, a fall back story for the perps who, once the 9/11official version I fairy tale lies in ruins, trot out version II: muslim terrorists used internally-placed explosives to bring down the WTC—ridiculous version II. ""

This kind of internecine dispute is the problem, not the disparity of two particular views.
Jones put his career on the line. I see no reason whatsoever to suspect the man of disinformation. Could he be wrong? Sure. But that only would make him wrong, not some kind of nefarious individual.

I'm not familiar with Reynolds, but I find the above statement attributed to him, to be absurd on it's face, and if he really said this, I'd have to question his judgment. That'd be like the government admitting there were three gun-men shooting at Kennedy, but still denying the connections to a conspiracy connected to people attached to this government. No one would believe it for a minute, and no one who thought it through, would think the government could ever switch it's story to include controlled demolition, while still denying it to be an inside job. Sorry, but it's just too ridicules a piece of speculation.

I'm not here to pick a fight with anyone, just to learn. But the paranoia within the movement itself is disturbing. Known disinformationists haven't been very difficult to spot when one is able to engage them. I think there are plenty of sincere people of different ideological persuasions within the movement, who become too quick to suspect others of nefarious motives. For example, I don't agree with Alex Jones on many issues, but that doesn't mean I think he's some kind of government disinformationist. David Icke, now there is a disinformationist, and he has millions of brain-dead adherents to his lunacy.

I don't believe the controlled demolition of the WTC hangs exclusively on thermite, and in fact, although it'd be a nice bit of additional evidence, I think the clear violation of Newton's third law in the case of the twin towers, and clear video of a succession of explosive impulses running up building 7, are more than enough probable cause to justify an investigation wherein witnesses formerly afraid to speak out, perhaps finally could feel safe in doing so. I'm sure there are rather a lot of people who saw "strange" goings on.

I guess what I'm trying to say here, is one shouldn't question the motives of another person unless they are very, very certain it's justified.

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