Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths
Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election. Here are ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived hoax….
1) Before last Sunday’s raid, every intelligence analyst, geopolitical commentator or head of sta... as stating that Osama Bin Laden was already dead, and that he probably died many years ago, from veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, to former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to former FBI head of counterterrorism Dale Watson. In addition, back in 2002 Alex Jones was told directly by two separate high level sources that Bin Laden was already dead and that his death would be announced at the most politically opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under five different Presidents, serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under the Nixon, Ford and Carter, told the Alex Jones Show last week that Bin Laden died of marfan sy... shortly after he was visited by CIA physicians at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001.
2) The official narrative of how the raid unfolded completely collapsed within days of its announcement. First there had been a 40 minute shootout, then there was no shootout and just one man was armed, first Bin Laden was armed then he was not, first Bin Laden used his wife as a human shield and then he did not. First the compound was described as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it turned out to be a rubbish-strewn dilapidated compound that was worth less than a quarter of that. Almost every single aspect of the official narrative has changed since Obama first described the raid last Sunday as the White House struggles to keep its story straight.
3) The alleged body of Bin Laden was hastily dumped in the sea to prevent any proper procedure of identification. The White House claimed this was in accordance with normal Islamic burial rituals, however numerous Muslim scholars all over the globe disputed this c..., pointing out that Muslims can only be buried at sea if they die at sea. While the White House claimed that Bin Laden’s death on May 1st was proven by DNA and facial recognition evidence, such proof was never released for public scrutiny and the Obama administration refused to release photos of Bin Laden’s dead body, suggesting a cover-up.
4) Despite the fact that the White House released “situation room” photos which purported to show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s security staff watching the raid which killed Bin Laden live, it was later admitted by CIA director Leon Panetta that Obama could not have seen the raid because the live feed was cut off before the Navy SEALS entered the compound. The photos were described by many as having “historical significance,” forming a “captivating” record of Obama’s greatest success and being the “defining moment” of his Presidency. One image showed Hillary Clinton with her hand over her mouth as if witnessing an anxious or crucial moment in the raid. Media reports at the time claimed that the photos represented the moment when “The leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.” However, the photos were staged as a PR stunt for public consumption, nobody in the photos ever saw Bin Laden killed live, nor did they see the Navy SEALS even enter the compound.
5) As even mainstream journalists began to cast suspicion on the official narrative behind the raid, the media reported that Al-Qaeda itself had confirmed every detail of Obama’s address the the nation. However, the conduit for such a claim was in fact an organization called SITE, which is a notorious Pentagon propaganda front run by the daughter of an Israe... at the most politically expedient times for both the Bush and Obama administrations. The SITE organization is nothing more than a contractor for the U.S. government, receiving some $500,000 a year annually from Uncle Sam, and yet the corporate media instantly swallowed and regurgitated the claim that “Al-Qaeda” had confirmed the official story after SITE directed them to an anonymous posting on an Islamic website.
6) Almost every single neighbor that lived near the alleged Bin Laden compound in Abbottabad that was interviewed by news reporters said with absolute certainty that they had never seen Bin Laden and that they knew of no evidence whatsoever to suggest he lived there. Since the town is a staging ground for the Pakistani military, which has a training facility situated virtually a stone’s throw away from the alleged Bin Laden compound, residents were required to show ID when they moved into the area. Pakistani troops and anti-terror police in the town refused to confirm that Bin Laden had lived in the house. Barack Obama himself admitted to 60 Minutes that the White House was only 55/45 sure that Osama lived there before the raid and this uncertainty prompted concerns that the US Navy SEALS sent in could have targeted a “prince from Dubai” or some other individual that was not Bin Laden.
7) The videos released by the White House this past weekend which purport to show Osama Bin Laden making Al-Qaeda tapes in October-November 2010 are almost identical to footage first released by Pentagon front group .... Remember, a May 2010 Washington Post story reported how the CIA had admitted .... Despite the White House’s insistence that the footage of Bin Laden is recent, he looks younger and healthier than tapes released almost a decade ago, having apparently dyed his beard black. A separate video that purports to show Bin Laden in his compound flicking through satellite TV channels depicts a much older looking man with a gray beard. Analysts have pointed out that the man has different shaped ears to real Osama pictures from back in 2001. A doctor has also pointed out the fact that the man in the tapes released Saturday has no problem moving his left arm, whereas video from 2001 clearly illustrates how Bin Laden was unable to move his left upper extremity because of a permanent injury probably related to damage to the peripheral nerves. Why the cameraman would film the back of Bin Laden’s head as he watches television is also dubious. Residents in the town of Abbottabad claim the man in the “television” video is not Osama, with one individual claiming that the man labeled by the White House as being Bin Laden is actually his neighbor, a man named Akhbar Han.
(8) Despite the fact that numerous neo-cons came out on the days after the alleged raid to erroneously assert that torturing terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay led to the discovery of Bin Laden, Osama himself, the supposed world’s most wanted terrorist and a treasure trove of ..., despite the fact that he was unarmed, was not taken in for questioning, he was instantly shot in the head according to the official narrative.
9) The US government has been caught on several occasions within the past decade staging military operations for the purposes of generating contrived, pro-war sentiment amongst the American public. Both the “rescue” of Jessica Lynch and the death of Pat Tillman wer..., scripted and staged at complete odds with the truth and unleashed on Americans as part of a psychological warfare offensive to elicit support for the war on terror, almost identical to what we’re seeing now with the Bin Laden sideshow. Given the fact that the US government has been caught red-handed scripting tales of pure fiction in order to justify the war on terror, notably in the cases of Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman, why on earth should we believe them now?
10) Despite the fact that Obama announced last Sunday on live television that the world was now “safer” because Bin Laden was dead, his administration, with the aid of the fearmongering mass media, instantly seized upon the situation to terrify Americans into being..., later claiming that Bin Laden had formulated an “aspirational rather than operational” plan to derail US trains that travel over 500mph, although no trains in the US can actually travel at such speeds. This led “terror experts” to salivate over how TSA agents were now needed in shopping malls to stick their hands down Americans’ pants, while New York Senator Chuckie Schumer called for the no fly list to be expanded to trains and subways. Obama hurried to ground zero for a photo op as he desperately tried to use the Bin Laden hoax to whip up phony patriotism as a means of boosting his flagging poll numbers. Others, like Democrat Bill Richardson, exploited the situation to try and push through policies that had no connection to Bin Laden or terrorism at all, like cap and trade. The haste with which the whole Bin Laden fable was exploited for political points scoring and as a psychological ploy to return Americans to a post-9/11 state of intellectual castration was painfully transparent, clearly suggesting that the entire farce was planned well in advance to achieve precisely those goals in the run up to 2012.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
Views: 241
Are we not comprised of a spiritual self? I think that all living things have a spirit or soul which passes on to another life at the end of this one.
Lucifer/Satan and his followers are powerful beings. Do you know what ALCHEMY is?
These are David Icke videos with former Illuminati goddess, Jennifer Greene. Don't call this hogwash until you read Genesis in the Bible (where demons mated with human women to procreate a species) and make correlations with all the fantasy that you have seen in films and comic books. Think of characters from Lucas films, The Lord of the Rings, Startrek, Japanese horror films, not to mention the fake tsunami. there was a earthquake but there was no tsunami, the video and photos were Japanese Hollywood. Japan;s Wacko tower on the #11 illuminati card game card.
In this video Arizona talks of a blood ritual attended by the Queen Mother, what she looks like when she shape shifts. Diana's brother attended blood rituals and his bizarre reason for putting Diana's body on an island with 4 black swans. More Merovingian correlations.
Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 12/17
Merovingian Dynasty (Also 175 reference to a plane on 911) are the what these blood ritual members have in common.
Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 15/17
Diana's ritual sacrifice 13th Column in Pont de l'alma
Pont de l'alma is
hi jane doe, what's your real live name?
(we're all about Truth here, and we're the not the baddies)..
i was interested in what you said about obombya and his creepy
ways, 'cause i read enough about george vomitrocious w back in the
day and tend to believe the stuff about bohemian grove, where sickoes
do/did infest on a regular basis, etc. (lotas stuff online, at least a while back)
this line of yours interested me..:Crowley liked to be referenced as "666," the beast, baphomet, the most evil man in the world, kicked out of both Sicily/Italy and France for his demonic practices.
because some years back, i dug into various weird stuff, and remember
when scummy was reading with the kiddies on 9/11, or so we were told,,
(i for one have a hard time believing ANYTHING they say).... the story
was ":the pet goat, or 'my pet goat'. anyway, i believe i came across
stuff saying that baphomet, or whomever was an goat relative. and
then there was stuff about reading to children in a 'programming' way, etc.
(as i recall sometimes with the book upside down, as seen in one of
photographs of georgie dubya with the kids on 9/11, i try to send next..)
in other words, the goat was a meaningful part of the horrors of 9/11.
i'm not even too far gone to think they did/ do actual sacrifices, as
opposed to the 'MOCK" sacrifices that apparently went on at boho grovoh.
but may i please say, Shallel is one of our best participants and
Shallel bees one of us. that is friend, not foe. hi Shallel, whut up.
Obama used the End of the WEEKEND of BELTANE to try to fake the public with the death of a 9 yr old dead Bin Laden's death
Beltane satanic/wiccan sabbat weekend April 29 to May 1. Obama used the culmination of a weekend of rituals to try to swindle Americans again by announcing Bin Laden's fake death. Obama is an occultist. No way is he or any of those lying politiciansis Christian, Unless they are using to word to signify their Lord LUCIFER. Just like George Bush, grandson of 666, the beast, Aleister Crowley, Obama is a luciferian.
There are 8 druidic, wiccan. occultist sabbats each year when demonic rituals are performed for witch power. Beltane is May 1.
Whatever you believe, you must know that at least 20% of the world population practice witchcraft and black magic. For those of you who do not know who Aleister Crowley is, this is a good time to learn about him, his family and followers. Crowley liked to be referenced as "666," the beast, baphomet, the most evil man in the world, kicked out of both Sicily/Italy and France for his demonic practices.
Barbara Bush and Ann Cappelletti are Crowley's still living daughters. One son, Aleister Attaturk MacAlpine [Patricia "Deirdre" MacAlpine approached Crowley on the day of the verdict and offered to bear him a child, whom he named Aleister Atatürk. She sought no mystical or religious role in Crowley's life and rarely saw him after the birth, "an arrangement that suited them both."]
Please notice the salutation is 93 (after ~from: Bill Hendrick). As I noted in another post, The 4 hoax flight numbers on 911 were 11, 77, 93. 175, all occult/Crowley references. 93 is how witches & followers of Crowley greet each other. 93 is the numerical value for Thelema and gematria (mason's G).
2 rituals went on Beltane weekend. The ritualistic wedding of William & Kate and the Beatification of John Paul II. It usually takes YEARs to be beatified. There was a reason to beatify JPII only 6 years after his death, the masonic/satanic knights of malta wanted to use the day for a satanic ritual. When crowds gather, demons are attracted to feed off their energy. These events were planned for this ritual of feeding demons. Crowds cheering, fighting and mass death is want satanists/occultists/kabbalists/witches use to gather demonic power from their rituals.
Kate like Diana will be the next royal sacrifice. She was prepared for the sacrifice. Kate wore a tiara from QEII (a gift from the Queen Mother), Diana's engagement ring and Grace Kelly's wedding dress. Both Kate & Grace died in ritualistic car crashes.
21 May 2011
David Icke was in Rome on May 1 on tour for his presentation in Rome. He videotaped the weekend and posted it in his newsletter. Now, as all the things David has been talking about for years come to fruition people are paying attention.
CIA met with Bin Laden in July 01 at a hospital in Beirut where he was undergoing dialysis. Bin Laden's body was shutting down from Marfan's syndrome.
Once you realize that the leaders of this country and the world are luciferians, satanists and attend blood rituals, you will better understand what they are planning for the rest of us. Listen to the videos David Icke made with Arizona Wilder, former Goddess of the Illuminati. THIS IS FOR REAL.
The death of Bin Laden and other lies -- Connecting the Dots
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/62C3lYSiHvw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 12/17
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iWF3Ile53zY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Please watch all the Revelations of a Mother Goddess: Arizona Wilder 17 videos. She names names. She describes what Reptilians are. (I think they are demons who take the shape of Reptilians, I read once that demons appear to humans in forms which humans can understand.) In one video Arizona tells of a child sacrifice of Camilla and Charles at a royal blood ritual. You will also be interested to know that Mohammed Al Fayed is a member of this blood ritual group, no doubt was involved in the death of his own son.
ok, thanks for posting, Jim, yeah, this makes it a bit clearer.
lies lies lies and that is all they know. weakling numbskulls.
they're getting a little lazy with their stories, eh?
and hilary was probably just yawning.
yep, bunch of liars and murderers. and i have a wee feeling
that they think we are more convinced than we actually are, and
that not many of us believe a dang word they say.
but hey, the more lies they tell, the more we can prove that
they are lies, and um, the more of a case we have against them.
...that is, if we had anyone of stature to do a damn thing about it.
"dear ICC, it has been a while since my last letter to you......."
any crumb of hope that we had left for ollbombya, even tho
it was probably crushed into the ground long ago, is gone with
the wind. in my book at now he is no better than bash or chains.
whoops, my rage is showing. i better tuck in in.
Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election. Here are ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived hoax….
1) Before last Sunday’s raid, every intelligence analyst, geopolitical commentator or head of sta... as stating that Osama Bin Laden was already dead, and that he probably died many years ago, from veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, to former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to former FBI head of counterterrorism Dale Watson. In addition, back in 2002 Alex Jones was told directly by two separate high level sources that Bin Laden was already dead and that his death would be announced at the most politically opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under five different Presidents, serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under the Nixon, Ford and Carter, told the Alex Jones Show last week that Bin Laden died of marfan sy... shortly after he was visited by CIA physicians at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001.
2) The official narrative of how the raid unfolded completely collapsed within days of its announcement. First there had been a 40 minute shootout, then there was no shootout and just one man was armed, first Bin Laden was armed then he was not, first Bin Laden used his wife as a human shield and then he did not. First the compound was described as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it turned out to be a rubbish-strewn dilapidated compound that was worth less than a quarter of that. Almost every single aspect of the official narrative has changed since Obama first described the raid last Sunday as the White House struggles to keep its story straight.
3) The alleged body of Bin Laden was hastily dumped in the sea to prevent any proper procedure of identification. The White House claimed this was in accordance with normal Islamic burial rituals,however numerous Muslim scholars all over the globe disputed this c..., pointing out that Muslims can only be buried at sea if they die at sea. While the White House claimed that Bin Laden’s death on May 1st was proven by DNA and facial recognition evidence, such proof was never released for public scrutiny and the Obama administration refused to release photos of Bin Laden’s dead body, suggesting a cover-up.
4) Despite the fact that the White House released “situation room” photos which purported to show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s security staff watching the raid which killed Bin Laden live, it was later admitted by CIA director Leon Panetta that Obama could not have seen the raid because the live feed was cut off before the Navy SEALS entered the compound. The photos were described by many as having “historical significance,” forming a “captivating” record of Obama’s greatest success and being the “defining moment” of his Presidency. One image showed Hillary Clinton with her hand over her mouth as if witnessing an anxious or crucial moment in the raid. Media reports at the time claimed that the photos represented the moment when “The leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.” However, the photos were staged as a PR stunt for public consumption, nobody in the photos ever saw Bin Laden killed live, nor did they see the Navy SEALS even enter the compound.
5) As even mainstream journalists began to cast suspicion on the official narrative behind the raid, the media reported that Al-Qaeda itself had confirmed every detail of Obama’s address the the nation. However, the conduit for such a claim was in fact an organization called SITE, which is anotorious Pentagon propaganda front run by the daughter of an Israe... at the most politically expedient times for both the Bush and Obama administrations. The SITE organization is nothing more than a contractor for the U.S. government, receiving some $500,000 a year annually from Uncle Sam, and yet the corporate media instantly swallowed and regurgitated the claim that “Al-Qaeda” had confirmed the official story after SITE directed them to an anonymous posting on an Islamic website.
6) Almost every single neighbor that lived near the alleged Bin Laden compound in Abbottabad that was interviewed by news reporters said with absolute certainty that they had never seen Bin Laden and that they knew of no evidence whatsoever to suggest he lived there. Since the town is a staging ground for the Pakistani military, which has a training facility situated virtually a stone’s throw away from the alleged Bin Laden compound, residents were required to show ID when they moved into the area. Pakistani troops and anti-terror police in the town refused to confirm that Bin Laden had lived in the house. Barack Obama himself admitted to 60 Minutes that the White House was only 55/45 sure that Osama lived there before the raid and this uncertainty prompted concerns that the US Navy SEALS sent in could have targeted a “prince from Dubai” or some other individual that was not Bin Laden.
7) The videos released by the White House this past weekend which purport to show Osama Bin Laden making Al-Qaeda tapes in October-November 2010 are almost identical to footage first released by Pentagon front group .... Remember, a May 2010 Washington Post story reported how the CIA had admitted .... Despite the White House’s insistence that the footage of Bin Laden is recent, he looks younger and healthier than tapes released almost a decade ago, having apparently dyed his beard black. A separate video that purports to show Bin Laden in his compound flicking through satellite TV channels depicts a much older looking man with a gray beard. Analysts have pointed out that the man has different shaped ears to real Osama pictures from back in 2001. A doctor has also pointed out the fact that the man in the tapes released Saturday has no problem moving his left arm, whereas video from 2001 clearly illustrates how Bin Laden was unable to move his left upper extremity because of a permanent injury probably related to damage to the peripheral nerves. Why the cameraman would film the back of Bin Laden’s head as he watches television is also dubious. Residents in the town of Abbottabad claim the man in the “television” video is not Osama, with one individual claiming that the man labeled by the White House as being Bin Laden is actually his neighbor, a man named Akhbar Han.
(8) Despite the fact that numerous neo-cons came out on the days after the alleged raid toerroneously assert that torturing terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay led to the discovery of Bin Laden, Osama himself, the supposed world’s most wanted terrorist and a treasure trove of ..., despite the fact that he was unarmed, was not taken in for questioning, he was instantly shot in the head according to the official narrative.
9) The US government has been caught on several occasions within the past decade staging military operations for the purposes of generating contrived, pro-war sentiment amongst the American public.Both the “rescue” of Jessica Lynch and the death of Pat Tillman wer..., scripted and staged at complete odds with the truth and unleashed on Americans as part of a psychological warfare offensive to elicit support for the war on terror, almost identical to what we’re seeing now with the Bin Laden sideshow. Given the fact that the US government has been caught red-handed scripting tales of pure fiction in order to justify the war on terror, notably in the cases of Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman, why on earth should we believe them now?
10) Despite the fact that Obama announced last Sunday on live television that the world was now “safer” because Bin Laden was dead, his administration, with the aid of the fearmongering mass media, instantly seized upon the situation to terrify Americans into being..., later claiming that Bin Laden had formulated an “aspirational rather than operational” plan to derail US trains that travel over 500mph, although no trains in the US can actually travel at such speeds. This led “terror experts” to salivate over how TSA agents were now needed in shopping malls to stick their hands down Americans’ pants, while New York Senator Chuckie Schumer called for the no fly list to be expanded to trains and subways. Obama hurried to ground zero for a photo op as he desperately tried to use the Bin Laden hoax to whip up phony patriotism as a means of boosting his flagging poll numbers. Others, like Democrat Bill Richardson, exploited the situation to try and push through policies that had no connection to Bin Laden or terrorism at all, like cap and trade. The haste with which the whole Bin Laden fable was exploited for political points scoring and as a psychological ploy to return Americans to a post-9/11 state of intellectual castration was painfully transparent, clearly suggesting that the entire farce was planned well in advance to achieve precisely those goals in the run up to 2012.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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