9/11 Scholars Forum

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Alex Lloyd: The Strange Case of Lloyde England

Alex Lloyd:

I don't know how many of you have seen this video, but it is quite amazing in its implications about what happened at the Pentagon:

I wrote up a synopsis here:

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Strange Case of Lloyde England

I watched this latest video by CIT on Pentagon taxi-cab light-pole ..., and it is pretty mind-boggling
in its implications.

Now the video is pretty long-- over 90 minutes*-- but it has some amazing stuff.

All right, so the first thing is that England's official story of the light-pole (knocked over
by flight 77 flying overhead) into his cab just doesn't make sense--
there's no way the huge pole went into his car and got pulled out
without the hood being scratched or dented.

But the really wild part of this video is when Craig Ranke shows England photos from 9/11,
showing where his cab was when it was struck, and England says the
pictures weren't where it happened. It is truly bizarre.

1) he is lying
2) he is extremely confused (hard to believe he was this confused unless he was on serious psychotropic drugs, and he
doesn't seem to be drugged)
3) the photos were manipulated
4) his cab was moved from where his accident was and the photos were staged
with an actor to fit the official flight path

#1, 3 and 4 are possible, and I personally suspect some combination of these three.

Where he SAYS he was actually supports the northerly flight approach, and it
seems like the light pole-cab incident could have been set-up to support
the official flight path story.

There are a number of very odd things about England.

-- reads David Icke, took some conspiracy course (not clear where)
-- makes a number of cryptic statements that could have deeper meaning
-- his wife apparently supports the flyover theory
-- in a conversation with Jeff Hill, says he is poor, but he has a nice house, with fancy artwork, has his own property in the
-- has two life-size Egyptian mummy cases (sarcophagi) in his living room
-- his cab # is 677 (the 77 is meaningful for flight 77 and is an Illuminati number of significance)

So he is a suspicious character, to be sure-- and he pretty much destroys the
official story of the Pentagon.

*frankly I skipped through parts of it to save time since much of the material is recapped throughout and
some of the stuff I already knew.

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