9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Emails I have sent to Jerry Leaphart, the attorney for Judy Wood, Ph.D.

James Fetzer jfetzer@d.umn.edu
8:58 AM (1 minute ago)


Since we seem to have some profound differences about the nature of freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry, it might be a good idea to discuss them on the air.  We can address whether my use of the term "cult" to describe Judy and her gang is appropriate or not, whether the unrelenting attacks launched by her, Andrew, Potter and others are in reality alternatives to debating the truth about 9/11, and whether the attacks upon me for posting a 5-STAR REVIEW of her book make any sense at all.  We would have two hours (four 25-minute segments) to discuss these questions.


For your reference, I introduced and defined the term "cult" as it applies here in "A Photographic Portfolio of Death and Devastation", http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2010/01/911-photographic-portfolio-...  I have discussed the bizarre attacks to which I have been subjected in "Judy Wood and DEWs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", at  http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/08/20/judy-wood-and-dews-the-good...  And the discussion of my amazon.com review with 2,000+ comments is at http://www.amazon.com/review/RC0R225GYLP3J?cdPage=18


I have long admired you, which makes it all the more dumbfounding to me that you are involved in what appears to me to be an act of suppression of discussion and debate about the true causes of the destruction of the Twin Towers.  My position is that Chuck Boldwyn has violated no copyright requirements by his use of the cover of Judy's book with the addition of her image and that none of his criticisms of her work deserve this response.  I regard this as a despicable action to suppress criticism that reflects cowardice and abuse of position.  So come on the show and prove me wrong!


Since you are a busy man, I suggest we tape the show on Thursday, 15 November, for broadcast the following day. Or if you prefer, we could do it live on Wednesday, 14 November, from 5-7 PM/CT.  We need to connect via Skype, so if you are not on Skype, let me have a land-line number where I can call you five minutes before the show is scheduled to begin (which, of course, would be at 5:55 PM/ET).  As a professional philosopher and a professional attorney at law, we both believe in reason and rationality, which is all the more grounds for us to conduct this exchange.  Let me know.


With appreciation for your consideration,




James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.

McKnight Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth


P.S. May I publish our correspondence on the Scholars Forum at http://911scholars.ning.com/ as a blog?  Thank you.


On Nov 5, 2012, at 9:35 PM, James Fetzer a href="mailto:jfetzer@d.umn.edu" target="_blank">jfetzer@d.umn.edu> wrote:
Don't you have an ethical obligation to make sure that complaints like this are warranted and true?  Chuck's use of a variation of the cover of her book is surely not a violation of copyright and his discussion of her work (using examples) appears to be covered by the fair use provision.  None of Judy's photos originated with her, to the best of my belief.  I would like to know what's going on here.  This Thomas Potter character harasses anyone remotely critical of Judy.
Please tell me you are not involved in this, because it appears to be a fraudulent complaint. I am in stunned disbelief.

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