9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

Fake attack on David Ray Griffin's studies of the fake phone calls . . .



More proof that 911blogger has gone over to the dark side. Even the FBI admitted that the alleged phone calls from Barbara Olson to her husband, Ted, had not occurred, even though Ted, our former Solicitor General, had claimed she called him twice and gave three different versions of how it happened, since cell phones don't work at that speed and altitude and Boeing 757s were not equipped with air phones.  If the Solicitor General, who represents the administration before the Supreme Court, will lie about 9/11, we know that no one associated with the government can be trusted.  Nor can 911Blogger.com, alas!



Submitted by loose nuke on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 9:55pm


Beginning with his book New Pearl Harbor  (2004) David Ray Griffin  raised questions concerning the veracity of reports of phone calls from the 9/11 hijacked airliners, specifically, Ted Olson’s account. Since at least 2006, he has promoted a theory that the 9/11 plane passenger phone calls were faked, and has speculated this was done with ‘voice-morphing’ technology. He’s done this in many different articles, in books, in speaking appearances, in interviews on radio and television, and in a debate with Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone magazine. In his 1/12/10 essay, Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners: Response to Questions Evoked b..., David Ray Griffin gives the most comprehensive overview of this theory to date, as well as a response to critics, which include people who support a new 9/11 investigation. A Professor Emeritus and skilled rhetorician, Griffin makes a case that is seemingly compelling. However, as I show in this essay, there is no actual evidence the phone calls were faked, while there is a substantial body of evidence demonstrating the calls were not only possible, but did happen. There are many credible reasons to doubt the official 9/11 story and support a full investigation, but the cause of compelling a new 9/11 investigation is undermined by the promotion of theories that are flawed, and not based on hard evidence. In addition, the claim that the phone calls were faked is obviously offensive to those family members who spoke with passengers before ..., and it has the potential to drive a wedge between truth and justice activists and potential allies among the family members, many of whom support a full investigation.


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Comment by jane doe on February 13, 2011 at 6:09pm

Parts of my messages were cut off, oops.

The WTC towers were empty. Since 1997, plans were put in place for fake tenants and for the false flag implosions both as a mega RITUAL and to commit insurance FRAUD, real estate, death hoax & $100 million in art fraud.http://stevenwarran.blogspot.com/2010/12/robert-segal-masayuki-naga...

This established an important fact for public's understanding---that the Mercantile Exchange was moved to the trade center sometime in the spring of 1997, at a time when the 9/11 conspiracy was in full gear, and all such lease signings, certainly from that period onward, were strategically planned with the coming false-flag attack in mind.

http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=141341, research on Lowy, Silverstein, Eisenberg, insurance manipulation.for WTC leases.

A lot of people made a lot of money through fraud on 911 and after. I have done much research but everyday, I find something I missed before.  

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (Zionist front) had art students staying in WTC 1 & 2 from 1997-2001 primarily on Floors 91, 92 WTC 1. Gelitin built balcony erected outside 91 WTC1 ,get it 911.


Google, "is fredogfrihed dk a CIA prop?"

Have you seen The Vicsim Report? The idea was lifted from FREDOGFRIHED.DK.

Did you know that witches burn currency, gold, silver as a ritual to make more money? Towers were over mon

Comment by jane doe on February 13, 2011 at 5:31pm

175 represents the Merovingian dynasty which/maintains its legitimacy & will one day openly assert the divine right to rule world as race of demi-gods, ancestors of fallen angels.

Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, pp.175) the NEPHILIM.


"...Arcadian legacy:sea beast "Bistea Neptunis"  symbolically defined in Merovingian ancestry... worshipped as the Roman god, Neptune, Poseidon in Greek mythology. Neptune-mythological god of sea who founded Atlantis." AYK,, America=Atlantis


It is embarrassing to accept that U.S. govt is run by satanists/occultists/kabbalists, but accept that the world was PUNKED on 911. Once you get over your outrage you will be able to responsibility to reject the status quo, reject torture, reject greed and stand up to make this a better country, the country in which you thought you lived, the country your fathers and brothers fought to keep free, not the farce it has become.

FYI, Barbara Bush Aleister Crowley, Pauline Pierce, returned to U.S. Oct 1924, Barb born June 1925.:

Comment by jane doe on February 13, 2011 at 4:48pm

Oops, message was too long.

911 is the Egyptian New Year.  Masons, occultists are obsessed w symbols & numbers;

911 1941 groundbreaking of Pentagon

911 1973 Chilean coup d’etat by US, Salvador Allende assassinated

911 1990 1st NWO speech by GHWB

911 1997 Securacom goes public (marvin bush company)

911 2001 WTC implosions, usher in coming of antichrist MEGA ritual-GWB


The fake plane numbers were masonic/occultist/witch nos: 11, 77, 93, 175:


11=sun/solar cycle 11 yrs from GHWB NWO speech 911 1990 to GWB admin. 911 2001.


77=Crowley identified OZ by the word “strength,” which equates Qabalistically to a double-seven, or 77. Book 77 in Crowley’s canon is known as Book OZ, or The Thelemic Rights of Man.

77 represents Mercury, god of Trade & Commerce, Hermes, herald of the gods, god of Information, AKA, Lucifer,  bringer of Illumination


93=gematria (mason's G), numerical value for word will (thelema), Law & love-Aleister Crowley's saying 'do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, love is the law love under will' the whole of the law, love is the law love under will' being narrowed down into numbers: 93 93 93/93. That is how those who follow thelema and Crowley's work greet each other. [See, lashtal. com forums to see 93 93 93/93 reference.]


175 represents the Merovingian dynasty which/maintains its legitimacy & will one day openly assert the divin

Comment by jane doe on February 13, 2011 at 4:43pm

I was driving on Route 80 in central Pennsylvania in February 2001, when I got caught in snow storm. I couldn't make a phone call from my cell phone even going through roaming. After 3 attempts.I had to pull off the road and find a landline. My point is cell phones were not great in rural areas on terra firma PA.


911 Operation Northwoods/Mongoose recycled. This time TV was used instead of radio. If Orson Welles had not admitted to the world that War of the Worlds was fake, people would have believed it was true. 911 was a massive plan--a MEGA RITUAL--involviing as many people as needed to control the information. That means a huge amount of money was paid out, stolen from the Pentagon & collected through insurance fraud. Silverstein got the money for the downpayment on the WTC from Rumsfeld. Flight numbers of othe hoax planes were masonic numbers which represented power in the occult world which I will explain later..


No plane remains is evidence of no plane. There was no flight 93 near Shanksville, it one of the four numbers used as a masonic message in the illusions of 911 mega ritual. Everything about 911 was a ritual because all of those involved were part of the masonic/occultist/kabbalist/witch plan of 911 to destroy Soloman's Pillars, Jachin & Boaz. After all, that is why the towers were built to be brought down in a ritual.


FYI, Barbara Bush and Ann Cappelletti, 1/2 sisters conceived in 1923/24, are illegitimate daughters of Aleister Crowley conceived with sex tantra (magick) with their mothers in Paris (Pauline Pierce, 6th degree OTO, was Crowley's sex assistant) and at Abbey of Thelema, Cefalu, Sicily. Ann's mother was one of many 20 yr old Sicilian girls lured to Thelema by Crowley disciples to have sex magick w Crowley for money. It was Crowley's purpose to procreate the antichrist. Crowley describes this desire in his book Moon Child

Pregnant, Pauline returned to the U

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