9/11 Scholars Forum

Exposing Falsehoods and Revealing Truths

"Have any 9/11 Truth groups remained true to their 9/11 Truth Mandate?" (from v911t@google.com)

--- On Sat, 10/17/09, ruxpert wrote:

From: ruxpert
Subject: [v911t] Know of any True 911Truth groups please?
To: v911t@yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 6:16 AM

Please does anyone know of any 911Truth groups that remain true to their 911Truth
Thank you

--- In v911t@yahoogroups. com, Thomas Gerard wrote:

Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Pentacon.com are
threee good ones that come to mind. BTW the new season of "Rescue Me" with Dennis Leary
and Daniel Sunjata is heavy on the 9/11 Truth issue. Leary plays a party line NYFD fire
fighter but if you listen closely he desribes "bombs going off and buildings collapsing"
in his description of his experience on 9/11. Thomas

Posted by: jfetzer@d.umn.edu
Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:32 am (PDT)
Subject: [v911t] Re: Know of any True 911Truth groups please?
To: v911t@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:39 AM


If I may be so bold, Scholars for 9/11 Truth has never wavered from its
commitment to expose falsehoods and reveal truths about 9/11, arguably
to an even greater degree than Architects and Engineers, who have shown
a decided aversion to discussing who may have been responsible and why.
I cannot imagine how we can affect the public and arouse its concern if
we are unwilling to address the evidence of complicity by high ranking
members of the Bush/Cheney administration and friends of theirs in the
Israeli government. In fact, I am a huge fan of Pilots for 9/11 Truth,
but they won't go there, either. Take a look at two of Scholars recent
press releases, "Is 9/11 research 'anti-Semitic' ?" and "9/11 and the Neo-
Con Agenda", which are accessible on google or from its site by going to
911scholars. org and clicking on "Press Releases". Then visit its forum
at 911scholars. ning.com. I think too many 9/11 truthers have written us
off because we are willing to go where others are unwilling to go about
the controversial aspects of 9/11 research, including what happened at
the Pentagon (see my "What Didn't Happen at the Pentagon", for example)
and video fakery (see "New Proof of Video Fakery on 9/11", for example,
and blogs from John Lear, one of our nation's most distinguished pilots,
which can be found at the forum. I have no doubt that Scholars will be
and is being vindicated, up to and including that thermite/thermate/ or
nano-thermite alone is almost certainly incapable of turning 500,000
ton buildings into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust. Take a
look at "On the Manipulation of the 9/11 Research Community", which is
archived at http://drjudywood. com/articles/ a/manipulation. html, if you
want to better understand the issues involved here, which drove Steven
Jones and me apart. I think that anyone who is basing their views on
the history of our differences as opposed to their impressions based
upon rumor and speculation will come down on the side of Scholars, not
the misnamed "Truth and Justice". For the latest on 9/11, check out my
Powerpoint presentation from Buenos Aires, which is now archived here:
www.religionandmora lity.net/ multimedia/ Buenos-Aires/ Buenos-Aires. html
For more, try http://www.voltaire net.org/article1 62474.html. Scholars
Scholars has remained true to its founding principles, even under the
most unjust attacks, even while various supporters have come and gone.
We would welcome the involvement of more members of the 9/11 community.


Posted by: "Thomas Gerard" tactical111@yahoo.com tactical111
Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:57 pm (PDT)

Good points, Jim. I think many of these so called "Truth" groups concentrate on their
areas of expertise ( Pilots/aircraft; Architects/explosives; etc.) and don't want to get
bogged down in the "who dunnit" quagmire. It could very well be they are trying to pry
the door open a little at a time and then a natural progression would lead to the actual
perps; dual citizen Israelis and Zionist moles in the U.S. Gov. and business (
Silverstein, Mucasey, Rumsfeld, etc.) as well as Mossad foreign agents who did the
actual logistical work. It is also very likely that they are unaware of the Israeli
connection or are afraid of total censure or even attack from American Jewish Interests
that are very powerful in media, industry, Gov, and banking. I have been a student of
9/11 Truth for years now and only got onto the Mossad connection myself recently. Daniel
Hopsicker has done some excellent work in this area too. Thomas

Re: Know of any True 911Truth groups please?
Posted by: "Shield of Peace" randgrithr@gmail.com eileen_tronolone
Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:54 pm (PDT)

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Thomas Gerard wrote:

Good points, Jim. I think many of these so called "Truth" groups concentrate
on their areas of expertise ( Pilots/aircraft; Architects/explosives; etc.)
and don't want to get bogged down in the "who dunnit" quagmire.
Concentrating on facts, deeds and actions rather than who people are
(or who other people say they are) gets us closer to the truth and
gains us more credibility in the eyes of the world.

Dual Israeli/American citizenship and/or membership in Mossad should
not be automatic means for suspicion - if this is the case, racism is
in play, and nobody who is really looking for the truth needs that BS
to get in the way. Israel and/or complicit members of AIPAC should
have no special exemption from scrutiny but running madly about
screaming "this one's a Jew, that one's a Jew" as if that is somehow
significant all by itself is a massive waste of everyone's time. I
think it's clear to anyone by now that there were (at least)
Americans, Israelis and Arabs involved in what happened that day.
Focusing on a single group is a waste of time and is just chaff on the



Anyone who fails to see the historical parallels between Blackwater
and the Nazi SS, or the Department of Homeland Security and the
Gestapo, needs a serious reality check.

Re: Know of any True 911Truth groups please?
Posted by: "Thomas Gerard" tactical111@yahoo.com tactical111
Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:30 pm (PDT)

Good point, Eileen, but when you really look into it it shocking how many Zionists or
dual Israeli/U.S. citizens there are in the PNAC and high positions of Gov. critical in
the planning and execution of 9/11. It's not racist it's fact. I'm Italian and I don't
get offended when someone calls the Mafia a bunch of dago criminals because it's true.
"The truth is seldom kind and never welcome." As far as 9/11 goes Israeli finger prints
are all OVER it I'm afraid. If these facts somehow intimidate or offend you just keep
ignoring them as I'm sure the Neocon Criminal Network would like you to do. Thomas

Two documents are central to understanding the planning for 9/11. "A Clean Break: a New
Strategy for Securing the Realm" (or the "ABC doc") was created in Israel by the IASPS
(Israeli Agency for Strategic and Political Studies). The "ACB" document lays out a
systematic plan for Israel to conquer the Middle East. The same Jewish authors of the
"ACB doc" wrote the neo-conservative, Republican think tank´s Project for a New American
Century´s position paper, "Rebuilding America´s Defenses." This PNAC document calls for a
"catalyzing event such as a new Pearl Harbor" to help mobilize Americans to accept war
abroad and the imposition of a police state at home. By engineering a flawless image of
Israel and promoting Israel as a great ally of the U.S., the authors intended that the
U.S. should carry out Israel´s foreign policy objectives.

Thus, PNAC is essentially a Jewish think tank that serves the interests of the
"Jewish criminal network" and the state of Israel. The term "neo-con" is just one more
label, along with New World Order, Republican, Communist, Socialist, Democrat, Zionist,
Illuminati, etc. that acts like a smokescreen to hide this "Jewish criminal network."
This crime network existed long before Zionism was ever codified. Some of the Jewish
members of PNAC are Elliot Abrams, John Bolton, Paula Dobrianski, William Kristol, Robert
Kagan, Richard Perle, William Schneider Jr., Peter Rodman, and Paul Wolfowitz. PNAC´s
primary objective was to foment and control the social and economic chaos following 9/11
to serve the benefit of this racist-supremacist Jewish power elite. Again, the 9/11
operation, like many others, would have been aided and abetted by many everyday Jews
throughout many countries ("sayanim"), enlisted to serve this

The three inter-locking arms of the 9/11/PNAC strategy include:

1) Defense policy engineers, including Paul Wolfowitz. Richard Perle, Douglas Feith,
Elliot Abrams, David Wurmser, whose goals were to:

a) Craft an American policy of pre-emptive action toward the Middle East in order to
remake it in their ("the Jewish criminal network´s") vision.
b) Substantially increase foreign aid to Israel.
c) Encourage joint Israeli-American-British weapons development.
d) Open up doors to increase Homeland Security business opportunities.
e) Legitimize the genocidal takeover of Palestine.

Their methods are to insert themselves and their cohorts into think tanks, defense
policy boards, DOD contractors, talk shows, and investment banks.

2) Pro-Israel press agents, including David Brooks, Lawrence Kaplan, William Kristol,
Norman Podhoretz, whose goal is to:

a) Promote the idea that Islam and Islamic countries are dangerous.
b) Try to render all Arab governments illegitimate in the public mind. c) Promote the
idea that "land for peace" initiatives are illegitimate.
d) Promote the idea that the primary American objective is to defend Israel and its

These goals were achieved by numerous think tanks and foundations such as the
American Enterprise Institute, The Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs
(JINSA), the American Jewish Committee (AJA), as well as Heritage Foundation reports, the
Weekly Standard, the New Republic, Commentary Magazine, etc.

) Columnists and commentators, including Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer, William
Safire, and Max Boot, sway public opinion, painting Palestinians as terrorists and anyone
critical of Israel as an "anti-Semitic." {"Anti-Semitic" is a misnomer since it is the
Arabs who are Semitic, rather than the Ashkenzai Jews, who are descended from eastern
Europe rather than the Middle East- ETK}. These commentators promote the idea that
Israelis are the heroes. They are aided by other media, including movies like: "You
Don´t Mess with the Zohan," "Black Boot," and countless others that misrepresent history
in such a way that Israeli/Jewish interests are advanced.

{Note: This segment of the movie is a little confusing and misleading. Here, the second
and third arms (2 and 3) of this strategy are basically the same thing. More essential
"arms" of this strategy, not named at this point in the DVD but identified throughout the
movie, are the many agents in 4) government, 5) corporations/business, 6) intelligence,
and 7) the judiciary.- ETK}

Amdocs: An NSA (National Security Administration) report focused on Amdocs Ltd.,
an Israeli--based private intelligence agency that does the billing for the 25 largest
telephone companies in the USA. Amdocs has a record of all phone calls. 60 Israeli
suspects who worked here were detained and questioned in regard to 9/11 because a record
of all calls in America ends up in Israel. Through Amdocs, then, it would be possible to
keep ahead of investigators by knowing who the investigators are calling.

Christopher Bollyn (9/12/2001) reported in the Jerusalem Post that: "The
Israeli foreign ministry has collected the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been
in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack."
However, only one Israeli was killed at the WTC. Two more were reportedly killed on the
supposedly hijacked planes. Various speechwriters for President Bush later inflated the
figure to 130.

Five "dancing Israelis," later found to be Mossad operatives, were seen dancing with
joy immediately after the 9/11 attacks. Fox News reported (from the New York Times):
"A group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the
attack on Tuesday and were seen congratulating one another afterward."

The Role of Israeli/American Appointees in Government

The extraordinary influence of the Israeli lobby on U.S. foreign policy is documented
in Harvard professor Stephen Walt and University of Chicago professor John Mersheime´s
study, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy." In particular, this study documents
the influence of AIPAC (American Israel public Affairs Committee) on American policies-
policies which often are in direct opposition to American security.

The study also shows the great influence of political appointees in government who
have dual American-Israeli citizenship. One example is American-Israeli citizen,
Jonathan J. Pollard, a U.S. Navy counter-intelligence specialist who stole more military
secrets than any other spy in American history. Like Pollard, tens of thousands of
Israelis with American passports admit they their primary allegiance is to Israel. Many
of these individuals are actively involved in the Israeli political system, the Israeli
military, and/or the on-going confiscation of Palestinian land.

Rabbi Myer Kahen, for example, founded the militant Jewish Defense League in the
1960´s, then emigrated to Israel where he was elected to the Knesset (Israeli
parliament). He then shuttled between New York and Tel Aviv. Another Jew, James Mahon,
from Alexandria, Virginia, had a secret mission to kill Yasser Arafat but was killed
himself. Another, Alan Goodman, left the U.S. to serve in the Israeli army, thhen,
armed, gunned down two unarmed Palestinians and wounded two others at a holy shrine.

U.S. law once required that a U.S. citizen owed first allegiance to the U.S. and
could not serve in a foreign army, vote in a foreign election, or hold office in a
foreign country. Section 401 (E) of the 1940 Nationality Act mandated that U.S. citizens
who voted in another country would lose their citizenship. But in 1967, the supreme
court granted an exemption to American Jew, Beys Afroyim, and this exemption became a
precedent that has subsequently been applied to Jews and Jews alone. So today, the U.S.
allows Israelis, and only Israelis, to hold dual-citizenship and to hold government
positions in the U.S. The following are extremely well-placed dual-citizens who "serve"
in the U.S. government. But "whose interests do they serve?"

Dual Israeli-American Citizens in U.S. Government

1) Michael Mukasey, recently appointed U.S. Attorney General, was previously the judge in
the legal case in which World Trade Center lease holder (and Zionist Jew) Larry
Silverstein was awarded over $4 billion in insurance claims after the 9/11 attacks.
{According Henry Makow Ph.D., Mukasey is an Orthodox Jew who "might be part of the Chabad
Lubavitcher sect that wants to hasten Armageddon to facilitate the intervention of the
Messiah," http://www.henrymakow.com/historian_demands_action_on_do.html}

2) Michael Chertoff, now head of the Department of Homeland Security and former Assistant
Attorney general for the Criminal Division of the Justice Department until July of 9/11.

Chertoff is the man behind the (non) investigation of 9/11. He was also previously
the U.S. Prosecuting Attorney for New Jersey, and as such, he controlled the evidence and
prosecution of the first bombing of the WTC. His father, Gerson Barusch Chertoff, is a
Talmudic Rabbi. His uncle, Mordukai, is also a rabbi. His grandfather was a teacher of
the Talmud. His sister was head of Hadassa, the women´s branch of the Zionist
Organization of America. The Chertoff family was one of the families that founded the
state of Israel.

As current Head of the Department of Homeland Security, Chertoff is head of TSA
(Transportation Security Administration), U.S. Customs and Border Control, U.S.
Immigration, the U.S. Secret Service, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency- and its
detention camps), the U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, The
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, and the National Cyber Security Center.

Chertoff was the author of the Patriot Act, which effectively nullifies the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He also has direct access to every local police
department, because every department has liaisons to Homeland Security. If martial law
is ever declared, Chertoff will be in direct control of Americans. {Henry Makow´s
article "Historian Demands Action on Powerful Doomsday Cults," indicates that Chertoff
may also be a member of the radical Jewish Chabad Lubavitch sect.

3) Richard Perle, a Bush foreign policy advisor, is Chairman of the Pentagon´s Defense
Policy Board. A likely Israeli agent, Perle was expelled from Sen. Henry Jackson´s
office in the 1970´s after the NSA caught him passing classified and sensitive national
security documents to Israel. He previously worked for an Israeli weapons firm and in a
pro-Israel think tank, the AEI. Perle is one of the Israeli fanatics leading to today´s
war on Iraq.

4) Paul Wolfowitz was former Deputy Defense Secretary under Donald Rumsfeld, and now is a
member of Perle´s Defense Policy Board. He has close ties with the Israeli military and
his sister lives in Israel. He comes from the Jewish think tank, JINSA. He has been the
number two leader in the Bush II administration behind the Iraq war policy. He was
appointed head of World Bank but resigned after a scandal exposed his misuse of power.
{Wolfowitz is a member of the radical Jewish group, Chabad Lubavitch, that advocates
hastening nuclear holocaust to fulfill Biblical prophecy.}

5) Larry Franklin, Israeli spy and former defense intelligence agency analyst with
expertise on Iranian policy. Franklin worked for Under Secretary of Defense for Policy,
Douglas Feith, and reported to Feith´s deputy, William Lutti. He was sentenced to more
than 12 years in prison for giving classified intelligence to an Israel diplomat and to
members of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). Yet he is free today and his
prison time could be reduced for helping prosecute other former AIPAC spies, including
Steven J. Rosen and Keith Wiseman. But the trial has been postponed indefinitely.

6) Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense and special council to Richard Perle, Feith
is closely associated with the Zionist Organization of America. He runs a small law
firm, with its one office in Israel, that exclusively represents Israeli arms
manufacturers. He is associated with JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security
Administration). As such he is lobbying hard for the continuation of the Israeli proxy
wars against Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.

Recenttly, Feith was investigated by FBI for leaking classified documents to Israel.
For that, he was forced to leave National Security Council. He was also investigated by
Senate Intelligence committee for "sexing up" intelligence that lead up to justify
invasion of Iraq.

7) Edward Luttwack, is an Israeli citizen living in Israel who is a member of National
Security Study Group at the Pentagon, writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli journals. Of
course, he promotes war.

Henry Kissinger sits today on the Pentagon´s Defense Policy Board under Richard Perle.
For details about Kissinger´s past war crimes, read Seymour Hersh´s The Price of Power:
Kissinger in the Nixon White House and Christopher Hitchen´s The Trials of Henry
Kissinger. Kissinger had a part in Watergate, SE Asia mass-murders in Vietnam, Cambodia
and Laos, installing Chile´s mass-murder Pinochet, overseeing Operation Condor´s mass
killings in South America, and was Milosovich´s advisor. He is the "Ariel Sharon" of the
U.S. Bush appointed Kissinger to head the 9/11 investigation but he resigned when it was
fiercely protested.

9) Dov Zakheim is a co-author of PNAC´s "Rebuilding America´s Defenses" (which advocates
the necessity for a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America into war with Israel´s
enemies) and is considered by some to be the master mind behind 9/11. Zakheim is an
ordained orthodox rabbi who was ordained in 1973. He was attended Jews college in
London. He was adjunct professor at New York Jewish University. He is a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and remains close to the Israeli lobby.

Zakheim was appointed by Bush as Pentagon Comptroller, where he served from May 4,
2001 to March 10, 2004. When he stepped down, he couldn´t explain disappearance of $1
trillion. Earlier, on Sept. 10, 2001, he couldn´t account for $2.3 trillion missing from
the Pentagon books. So at least $3.3 trillion disappeared from the Pentagon during his
watch. On May 6, 2004, took a lucrative position with Booze Allen, which works closely
with Darpa, a research arm of Pentagon. He has been influencing US policy since Reagan
administration. He has aided steering most of Israel´s military arms. Zakheim is also
thought to be a member of the Chabad Lubavitch fundamentalist Orthodox Jewish sect.

10) Kenneth Adelman is a Pentagon advisor who sits on the Defense Policy Board. He is a
Fox News TV commentator and vocal supporter of the Iraq war.

11) Lewis "Scooter" Libby was Vice President Cheney´s ex-Chief of Staff and is a longtime
associate with Wolfowitz. He was a lawyer for the convicted Israeli spy Mark Rich, who
was later pardoned by Clinton. Libby was found guilty of lying to federal investigators
regarding his outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame.

12) Robert Satloff, a NSA council advisor, Satloff was Executive Director for Israeli
lobby think tank (Washington Institute for Near East Policy).

13) Elliot Abrams, former NSA advisor, Abrams was Assistant Secretary of State under
Reagan, where he we was criminally involved in the Iran Contra scandal. He was convicted
of criminal war profiteering and lied to Congress on numerous occasions. He pleaded
guilty and faced felony charges, but was later given a full pardon by Bush I. He is a
hawkish, pro-Israel Jew.

14) Mark Grossman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, was Director General
of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State under

15) Richard Haass is Director of Policy Planning at the State Dept, Ambassador at Large,
Director of National Security Programs, and a Senior Fellow at the CFR. He sat on NSC
and consistently advocated going to war against Iraq. He is also a member of the Defense
Department´s National Security Study Group.

16) Robert Zoellick is a U.S. trade representative, a cabinet level position. He
consistently advocates for the Iraq war. {Today, Zoellick is head of the World Bank.}

17) Ari Fleischer is ex-Press Secretary for Bush II. He is closely associated with the
extremist Jewish group, Chabad Lubavitch hasidics, which follows the Kabbalah and wants
to instigate nuclear holocaust to facilitate the intervention of the Messiah.

18) James Schlessinger sits on the Defense Policy Board under Pearl and has supported the
Iraq war. He is a commssioner of the National Security Study Group at Pentagon. He
wrote the book, "Clash of Civilizations" in the early 1980´s that outlines the present
turmoil in the Middle East.

19) David Fromm is an ex-speech writer for Bush II who came up with the "axis of evil"

20) Joshua Bolton is White House Deputy Chief of Staff, a former banker, and former
legislative aid.

21) John Bolton is a former UN representative and Under Secretary of State for Arms
Control and International Security. He is a senior advisor to Pres. Bush. Previously,
he was a senior VP of the Israeli think tank AEI. In 2002, he accused Syria of having a
nuclear program, not mentioning that Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons at least.

22) David Wurmser is Special Assist to John Bolton, Undersecretary for Arms Control and
International Security. He worked at the AEI with Perle and Bolton. His wife co-founded
the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

23) Eliot Cohen is a memory of the Pentagon´s Defense Policy Board under Perle. He is a
newspaper columnist and TV commentator who rails against Muslim.

24) Mel Semlber is President of Export-Import Bank of the United States and former
finance chairman of Republican National Committee.

25) Steve Goldsmith is senior presidential advisor and Bush II´s Jewish domestic policy
advisor. He served as liason in White House policy office on faith-based community
initiatives. He is former mayor of Indianapolis and friend with Jerusalem mayor, Yihoud
Omer. He often visits Israel to coach mayors in privatization initiatives.

26) Adam Goldman is White House´s Special Liason to the Jewish Community.

27) Joseph Guildenhorn was the Bush II´s campaign´s Special Liason to the Jewish
Community. He was also Washington DC finance chairman for Bush and campaign coordinator
and is a former ambassador to Switzerland.

28) Christopher Gersten is Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Administration for Children
and Families at HHS. He is former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition
and is husband of the Labor Secretary.

29) Mark Weinberger is Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public

30) Samuel Bodman is Deputy Secretary of Commerce and was chairman and CEO of Cabot
Corporation in Boston, MA.

31) Bonnie Cohen is Under Secretary of State for Management.

32) Ruth Davis is Director of Foreign Service Institute where she trains all Department
of State staff, including ambassadors.

33) Daniel Kurtzer is Ambassador to Israel.

34) Cliff Sobel is Ambassador to the Netherlands

35) Stuart Bernstein is Ambassador to Denmark.

36) Nancy Brinker is Ambassador to Hungary.

37) Frank Lavin is Ambassador to Singapore.

38) Ron Weiser is Ambassador to Slovakia.

39) Mel Sembler is Ambassador to Italy.

40) Martin Silverstein is Ambassador to Uruguay.

41) Lincoln Bloomfiel is Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs.

42) Jay Lefkowitz is Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic
Policy Council.

43) Ken Melman is White House Political Director.

44) Brad Blakeman is White House Director of Scheduling.

{Note: The list of Zionists and dual citizens here includes many of the names in the
article:"103 People Who are Likely or Suspected as 9-11 Criminal Co-Conspirators" -
http://www.whodidit.org/. This article finds that 26.2% of the 103 are Israelis and
Zionists, including people with dual citizenship. The other main factions are current
and former corporate executives (34%), current or former U.S. government officials (34%),
and current or former U.S. military commanders (11.7%).}

No Justice: The 9/11 Damage-Control Infra-structure

Appointed federal judges, Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael Mukasey and former Assistant
Attorney General Michael Chertoff, have worked for almost seven years to block critical
evidence concerning 9/11. During this time, the key 9/11 players have built up their
damage control infra-structure. The Feinberg Group, LLP, is an Israel-based Zionist
group that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine.
Kenneth Feinberg was appointed Special Master by then-Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Feinberg set up the Victim´s Compensation Fund, which raised some $7 billion in taxpayer
money to be paid out to victim´s of the 911 attack. 97% of eligible victim´s families
took this payout, usually involving sums between $500,000 and a million, thereby waiving
their rights to trial against the 9/11 criminals. This prevented any discoveries that
could have been made in the courts.

Judge Alvin Hellerstein also has long been associated with the Jewish criminal
network and has close family ties to Isreal. He is a member of the Jewish Center of New
York and former president of Jewish Education of New York. His wife is officer with AMIT
(Americans for Israel and Torah). Hellerstein, who was chosen to preside over all 9/11
victim´s lawsuits, stated: "There´s an extraordinary public benefit in having these cases
resolved and not allowing through them the wounds of 9/11 suffered by our entire society
to keep festering." Hellerstein´s mission, then, was to quickly resolve the cases. To
this day, not been a single court case on 9/11 has gone forward and not a single victim
has had a single day or hour in court to resolve their grievances. Hellerstein´s
"Special Mediator," Sheila Birnbahm, another Jew, deals with the potential plantiffs.
She is partner in the Skadden law firm, which has close ties
with Israel.

In addition, at least 200 Israeli suspects have been arrested in association with
9/11. All of these are suspects and defendants. But the Jewish protection machine has
managed to keep them all out of the media and out of court.

Silverstein, Lowy, Eisenberg, and "Jewish Lightning"

The key individuals who arranged the privatization of and then acquired the10.6
million square-foot WTC complex are Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy (former Israeli
commando and Australian shopping mall magnate), and Port Authority chairman, Lewis
Eisenberg, who authorized the transfer of the leases. Each of these individuals holds
senior positions in the ADL (Jewish Anti-Defamation League), the United Jewish Appeal
(UJA), and/or the New York Museum of Jewish Heritage. Silverstein is a former chairman
of UJA, which raises hundreds of millions each year for agencies in the U.S. and Israel.
Eisenberg is also on planning board of UJA. It was Eisenberg who negotiated the 99-year
leases on the WTC for Silverstein and Lowy´s Westfield America, one of the largest
operators of shopping malls in the world. Silverstein and Lowy were the low bidders.
Six weeks before 9/11, the Port Authority granted the WTC leases to developer
Silverstein, and the
underground retail space to Lowy´s Westfield America. Silverstein was already leasing
WTC Building 7.

{Reports indicate Silverstein only paid $15 million of his own money to obtain the WTC
leases. He then insured both the WTC Towers 1 and 2 in case of terrorist attacks.
Silverstein, who has already received a reported $4.7 billion in insurance payouts, is
now reportedly suing to increase this sum to $8 billion, arguing that the attacks on WTC
1 and 2 were separate terrorist attacks. Gee, you can sure make a lot money in this
"Jewish criminal network"!

In correspondence to me, William Fox (http://www.amfirstbooks.com/) stated:
Jewish lightning" is a slang term for a scam where a Jewish owner of a failing business
deliberately burns it down to collect the insurance. According to Michael Collins Piper,
the term originated in the late 1800´s, about the same time that Jews arrived en masse in
New York City. 9-11 was simply more "Jewish lightning," on a bigger scale, after Zionist
landlord Larry Silverstein loaded the boat with insurance policies. A caller to Piper´s
Republic Braodcasting Network pprogram recommended that we start calling Silverstein "The
God of Jewish Lightning." Indeed, on a 2002 PBS television special titled "America
Rebuilds," Silverstein admitted that he and the NYC Fire Department "made the decision to
`pull´" Building 7, i.e., to bring it down by controlled demolition.}

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Comment by James H. Fetzer on October 20, 2009 at 12:33am
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 20:45:06 -0500 [10/19/2009 08:45:06 PM CDT]
From: jfetzer@d.umn.edu
To: ruxpert , jfetzer@d.umn.edu
Cc: v911t@yahoogroups.com, kbarrett@merr.com, hardevidence@gmail.com, rgage@ae911truth.org
Subject: Re: Mr. Fetzer, what is your position regarding this position please?


I don't understand why you did not include my response to your question,
even if you thought it was off the mark. Our evidence in the case of
scientific investigations is invariably incomplete, which means that
our conclusions are always tentative--subject to revision with access
to new evidence and new hypotheses--and fallible--we can never be sure
that our conclusions are true. Science comes with no truth guarantees!

We must draw appropriate conclusions based upon partial and incomplete
evidence, but only with the understanding that they are tentative and
fallible. There is more than enough evidence to arrive at inferences
about who was responsible, as I indicated in the original post toward
which your question was posed. You seem to think that is not the case.
We can't both be right, but there is no good reason to think I'm wrong.

If you want to argue the case, I would observe that I spent 35 years
teaching courses in logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning.
Questions like this are central to my areas of specialization. If you
want dispute my credentials, I have multiple books and many articles in
which I discuss these issues. Try the first sections of "Thinking about
'Conspiracy Theories': 9/11 and JFK" (available on google) for openers.


Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 18:54:00 -0500 [10/18/2009 06:54:00 PM CDT]
From: jfetzer@d.umn.edu
To: ruxpert , jfetzer@d.umn.edu
Cc: v911t@yahoogroups.com, rgage@ae911truth.org, hardevidence@gmail.com,
Subject: Re: Mr. Fetzer, what is your position regarding this position please?

If I understand the question as directed toward the release of more data:

Research on 9/11, no more than research on JFK, cannot be suspended until
more evidence has been revealed on multiple grounds: (1) all scientific
theories are tentative and fallible and subject to revision with access
to new evidence and new hypotheses; (2) the study of what is available to
us now sensitizes us to what difference new evidence and new hypotheses
might make; and (3) it may merely be a stalling tactic to keep us from
conducting any research while waiting for new evidence that might never
come. So there is no reason to hold off on research merely because some
new evidence may become available at some point in the future; quite the
contrary. And, indeed, we have been petitioning from the release of more
data about 9/11 from the beginning. Here's an early petition we submitted:
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/929981172?ltl=1141667399 If we
can secure more data, fine! But we must do what we can with what we have.


Quoting ruxpert :

Dear Mr. Fetzer,

As you stated, perhaps you did not understsnd the question

Rather than clarifying, you misdirected.

It is not a question about the release of more data.
S.Ritter is not suggesting limiting/suspending any data:

We Frankly Don't Know! Beause the body
of data is incomplete, so let's find the body of data, and let's not rush to
judgement. That would be my advice to 9/11 Truth. Because the second you
rush to judgement you lose alot of the people you need to rally to your

It is a question about Accountability / Due Process

Please Mr. Fetzer,
rather than be misdirected,
can we work together to be clear focused United,
regarding Our most salient stalwart 911Truth Accountability position:
Who Did 9/11? We Need To Know!
(rather than be misdirected/marginalized/divided/depowered from such)

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