9/11 Truth Smoking Guns – From the author of “Poems by Kolki – Absolutely Humane” and “Real Path To 9/11”
9/11 Was A Well-Scripted Military Coup Hijacking Airliners Remotely Coordinating Neoconians At All Levels of Government and Key Private Investors and Decision Makers With Strong Ties To Military, Oil & Defence Industry, who have been vouching and waiting for the “New Pearl Harbour” as depicted in the Neoconian dossier “The Project of the New American Century (PNAC) for US/NATO evangelic world supremacy in peace time.
Excerpts from the book “Real Path To 9/11”, ISBN: 978-1-4251-5167-6, being Published from Trafford Publishing:
“Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force - the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a New Pearl Harbour”.
Signatories – [Donald Rumsfeld, Vin Weber, George Weigel, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Gary Bauer, William J. Bennett, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Eliot A. Cohen, Midge Decter, Paula Dobriansky, Steve Forbes, Aaron Friedberg, Francis Fukuyama, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle, Donald Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, I. Lewis Libby, Norman Podhoretz, Dan Quayle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen, Henry S. Rowen ]
Here is how they implemented “New Pearl Harbour” blaming Virtual Bin Laden with concerted media voice:
• Why NORAD hijacking protocol was changed before 9/11 especially
sending the new responsible coordinator Mike Canavan to Puerto Rico
without back up? [
The most important Government Action which led to the success of the
9/11 destruction inside USA was the change in NORAD hijacking protocol
before 9/11: Per 1st Air Force's own book about 9/11, the “sector
commander [at NEADS] would have authority to scramble the
airplanes.”). But,
Protocols in place on 9/11 stated that if the FAA needed the military
to go after an airplane, “the escort service will be requested by the
FAA hijack coordinator by direct contact with the National Military
Command Center (NMCC).” But the FAA hijack coordinator, Mike
Canavan, was silent in Puerto Rico without backup. [Smoking Gun]
• Why US military and NORAD preponed scheduled yearly Military
Exercises (Practice Armageddon, Global Guardian, Vigilant Warrior,
Amalgam Warrior and Vigilant Guardian – running war games including
airliner crashing) from October 22-31, 2001, to the week of September 11,
2001? [Smoking Gun]
• Why Vice President Dick Cheney would order Flight 77 to hit
Pentagon as per then Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s
testimony: "during the time that the airplane was coming into the
Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and said to the
Vice President, 'the plane is 50 miles out, the plane is 30 miles out.'
And when it got to 'the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said
to the Vice President, 'Do the orders still stand?' And the Vice
President...said, 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard
anything to the contrary?"? [Smoking Gun]
Standard order was to shoot down any non-military aircraft entering the
“Prohibited” airspace over Washington, in which “Civilian flying is
prohibited at all times” (“Pilots Notified of Restricted Airspace;
Violators Face Military Action,” FAA Press Release, September 28, 2001).
(Note. Yet no military action was taken to evacuate and save Pentagon!)
• Why Vice President Dick Cheney warned President Bush that hijackers
had access to the transponder of Air Force One suggesting hijackers were
capable of remote hijacking even Air Force One?
• Why then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld would say in Iraq “…the
people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the
plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon….”?
• Why 9/11 Commission Report would stress Flight 93 crashed when
Donald Rumsfeld, President and Vice President stated clearly that it
was shot down?
"Well, I discussed it with the president. Are we prepared to order our
aircraft to shoot down these airliners that have been hijacked? He said
yes... I--it was my advice. It was his decision."(Vice President Dick
Cheney, September 11, 2001, source CBS News Archives)
"That's a sobering moment, to order your own combat aircraft to shoot
down your own civilian aircraft. But it was an easy decision to make,
given the--given the fact that we had learned that a commercial aircraft
was being used as a weapon. I say easy decision. It was--I didn't hesitate;
let me put it to you that way. I knew what had to be done."(President
George W. Bush, September 11, 2001, source CBS News Archives)
• How and why Cessna trained box cutter armed hijackers would hit
Pentagon precisely destroying the newly refurbished Navy Command
Center (NCC) capable of intelligence gathering similar to NSA, the
Army Budget Office having books of $2.3 trillion missing from
Pentagon and US Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel?
• Why FBI higher ups tried so desperately before 9/11 to stop fellow FBI
Agents from searching suspected Al-Qaeda Zakarias Moussaoui’s laptop, yet
charged him for masterminding 9/11 afterwards? (Note. A simple pre 9/11
search would have exposed the covert spectacular implementation
planed by people from inside!) [Smoking Gun]
Dave Frasca of the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit (RFU) denied a request
from the Minneapolis FBI field office to seek a criminal warrant to search the
belongings of Zacarias Moussaoui, who was arrested on August 15 as part of an
intelligence investigation. [US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia,
Alexandria Division, 3/9/2006]. A criminal warrant to search Moussaoui’s belongings
would be granted only after the 9/11 attacks (September 11, 2001).
• Why alleged mastermind Zakarias Moussaoui’s diary had US private
Mercenary company Blackwater’s telephone number?
• Why Pakistan’s ISI Director Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed who
allegedly transferred 100,000+ to alleged 9/11 mastermind Atta’s
Florida Account was entertained by the higher ups in Bush
Administration, Pentagon, and Key congressional members including
Christopher Cox and Joe Biden, before, on, and after 9/11?
[Smoking Gun]
• Why on August 31, 2001, Transportation Department Held Plane
Hijacking Exercise similar to 9/11 including cell phone calls?
According to Ellen Engleman, the administrator of the DOT’s Research and
Special Programs Administration, “This was actually much more than a
tabletop exercise, during that exercise, part of the scenario, interestingly
enough, involved a potentially hijacked plane and someone calling on a cell
phone, among other aspects of the scenario that were very strange when 12
days later, as you know, we had the actual event [of 9/11].”
[Mineta Transportation Institute, 10/30/2001, pp. 108]
[Note. Rehearsals like this as well in Pentagon directly contradicted
then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s statement that no one
could ever envision planes would be used as missiles?]
• World Trade Center Demolition?
On September 11th 2001, BBC World reported at 4:57pm Eastern Time
that the Salomon Brothers Building (more commonly known as WTC7 or
World Trade Building 7) had collapsed. This even made the 5pm EST
Headlines! But what was bizarre was that the building did not
actually collapse until 5:20pm EST suggesting strongly BBC was also part
of the New Pearl Harbour implementation script. [Smoking Gun]
WTC complex owner Larry Silverstein rushed immediately calling his
people over cell phone to pull it down, which he admitted on a
September 2002 PBS documentary, 'America Rebuilds' that he and the
NYFD decided to 'pull' WTC 7 on the day of the attack. The word 'pull' is
industry jargon for taking a building down with explosives.
Official explanations for the dramatic free fall of Twin Towers and WTC7
had been very consistent, twin towers fell from the heat of the burning
fuel causing also the fall of WTC7 in a similar fashion.
But 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry directly contradicted the official story about WTC7 when questioned by members of ‘Austin 9/11 Truth Now’: “I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion."
Pulling down WTC7 is another smoking gun because wiring a massive 47 storied building like WTC7 would require weeks of expert preparations suggesting all three buildings were wired for controlled
demolitions synchronizing with the remotely hijacked GPS controlled precisely programmed crash of Flight 11 and Flight 175 (Boeing 767).
Rest is detail in the book, part of which can be viewed as:
Now we know why President Bush and Vice President Cheney vehemently opposed any congressional or public inquiry resulting in the frustrations of Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator, "If they were to do real investigations we would see several significant high level criminal prosecutions in this country. And that is something that they are not going to let out. And, believe me; they will do everything to cover this up."
Author: Deepak Sarkar, 844 Royal Oak Ave, Victoria, BC V8X3T2, Canada; Tel/Fax: 250-412-2897; E-mail: Deepak.Sarkar@ieee.org ; Poetry & Peace Web Site:
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